The shield remained passive while Jules walked through. He did feel something in his right shoulder tingle, which trailed around to his neck and the up to the base of his skull, but it passed and he assumed that it was nothing. So he carried on with the task at hand, and made his way to the door. He tapped the control panel, and it let out a negative, access denied bleep. He sighed, and did what he normally did when that kind of thing happened. He kicked it. Not the brightest idea, since he was not wearing shoes, and his foot hurt, but on a positive note a loose panel fell off and revealed a maintenance panel. He crouched down and tinkered with the door's innards, and after shocking himself a couple of times, the door snapped open with a hiss.
"Ha!" he exclaimed triumphantly, then trotted into the building.
The door snapped shut behind him, and lights flickered on in the entryway. The illumination revealed a hallway that spanned the outer circle of this level. That odd sensation crept with him, pulling him toward the left side. He followed his gut, and found a door that led to the central chamber. That door automatically hissed open to allow him through, and he was met with a control room of some sort. Technical readouts of heat, volcanic and seismic activity, and ash downfall were displayed on ceiling-mounted screens. All of the tech was somewhat older but it was still running and doing its job. At the centre of the room was a shaft that said 'LIFT'. He approached, and found the entrance to the lift, where it was labeled up for control, management, and observation and down for shield and power generators. While he had a goal, that tugging at the edges of his consciousness urged him to go up. He followed that instinct for now, and pressed the button for the Management Office.
The lift pulled him up, then slid to a halt at the level he selected. The door slid open, and Jules was surprised to find himself facing a rather luxurious room. At the fore, an unoccupied secretary desk faced the door, and behind there was a wall with what looked like frosted glass doors. He padded his way to the desk and examined it for anomalies like a button. He found one on top of the desk next to the terminal, and touched it. The glass double-doors swung open and a pleasant chime sounded from within the other room. Crux perked up and faced the now-open doorway, then made his way around to the office. There, he saw all kinds of odds and ends, trinkets and miscellaneous objects. It was like a volcanic treasure trove for a geologist.
That tingle tickled across Jules' spine again, and he looked around the room. It was stronger now, and he felt like he needed to find the origin. Finally, Jules' eyes came to rest on a softly glowing crystalline-looking object sitting on the big desk. It was hovering and rotating gently on a little stand that held it up and shone a light into it that displayed its nature as, in fact, a crystal of some sort. He reached out gently and touched it. It felt warm, but as soon as he laid his fingers on the gem that nagging stopped and he felt back to normal. He plucked it off the stand, and the stand shut off. He turned the crystal in his hands. It looked more like a polished stone, but it looked like lava. It had hues of red, yellow, and orange. Those seemed to shift as he turned it in his hands, and the warmth never went away. It was a fascinating object, and he wanted to pocket it. Only, he had no pockets. He sighed, and decided to leave the crystal here until he had his pants again. He gently replaced the crystalline stone and then moved around the desk. There was a terminal here, and he wanted to investigate if there was any useful information on it. Hopefully it wasn't pass-coded.
A few moments passed, and Jules bonked the terminal on its top. It was indeed pass-coded, and he was no slicer. He sighed and went back to the lift, pressing the button to take it down. He rode out the descent, then stepped out of the lift once it opened. He followed a hum that resembled a ship's shield generator. Surely enough, he came up to a large machine that thrummed in pulses, with thick wires running up into the ceiling. A screen on its side showed a series of activate and deactivate buttons. He read through the screen.
Following common sense, Jules pressed to deactivate the shield that disintegrated inorganic matter. Outside, the shields would flutter and the particle-blue shield would turn into a smooth, light blue shield that only appeared brightly near heat sources.
"That should clear the path for Val..." Crux noted to himself, then made his way back to the main level to meet Valashu when he got inside.