Darth Vornskr the Second
[member="Dr. Vain Jar'He"] [member="Leliana"] [member="Jairus Starvald"] [member="Taeli Raaf"]
Rimcee Science Station - Creature Observation Deck
She was looking smart -Certainly different from any previous encounters or sightings of the illusive Sith Lord and alchemist. That these creatures were the spawn of such a mind did not surprise her in the least bit. Rather, it built her confidence in a prospect that was to her interesting, promising, but also wrought with potential mishaps. An army of beasts flying amidst the steel and plasma of conventional starship combat was alluring to Joycelyn, but even she, with her limited experience in sithspawning and in the strategies of the Armada, knew that there were potential pitfalls.
Would they simply be hacked to pieces? Could they be controlled? Would they be effective against enemy armour? Creature statistics answered some of these questions, and she did have faith in Darth Arcanix' work, but only field testing would truly put her mind at ease.
"Darth Arcanix." Joycelyn made a minimal bow, enough to show respect to someone of expertise in this field, and someone of a higher rank in the hierarchy of the Sith. "What I have read is promising. Though I look forward to field testing." "You never quite know how they will perform until they have been put out there." "And you of all should know the balance we have to walk between unleashing savagery and maintaining control of the situation."
Contemporary warfare had a front that was difficult to manoeuvre: The people's hearts and minds. The use of beasts was highly effective and dealt great damage to enemy morale. Sometimes, it could even boost the morale of one's own troops. However, one had to be careful how one presented it to one's own public. Control had to be visible, tangible in a sense.
At least, she had taken a particular interest in mastering the front of public perception while retaining victory in the field.