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Explosive Conversations[Republic Dominion of Lohopa II]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Even more healing ensued, because Boolon Murr -- the Order's most powerful healer, according to the Grandmaster -- was on a fething roll. Burns, scrapes, headaches, indigestion. He fixed it all.

Today was a beautiful day.

"Thank you, Regent," said Boolon beatifically, as enemies continued to fall asleep.

Rekali the Hutt

Ardak followed the Echani into the building and took some cover.

"Status report men." He ordered to the fighters coming to the rooftops.

Marcus Tritum

Lysander bolted up the stairs following Cai's orders. He long ago discarded his cloak during the battle and now wore his loose Jedi robes which allowed for ease of movement. Several flights of stairs later, Lysander moved carefully to the windows, he avoided skylining his image for the enemy to see and leaned in close to the windowsill, just barely peeking his head over to watch the miners below. He telepathed down to the Jedi and Ardak below.

A great many snipers have gone onto the roofs. They are beginning to make a machine gun nest to our four o'clock with an overwatch position of the building's entrance. They are sending troops around to the other side, I suspect to encircle us.
Wolan would keep toying at the bombs. He began by disarming one simply by cutting off its energy source. Fair enough hey? The other bombs were more complicated. Lots of wires, and lots of energy sources. He then grabbed a toolkit from one of the bomb squad members he killed, and then began analyzing it. Snip, snip, snip. Time was running out, but the Rattattaki warlord held true and kept snipping.

Rekali the Hutt

"One of the Jedi above says that there are snipers on the roof Echani." Ardak relayed the information, but gave no orders. Cai would know land combat better than he.
13 looked down at his master as he told him to come back and watched as he ran into a building. 13 jumped onto the mans back and used the mans jetpack and flew up to the upper stories and smashed through the window. Letting go of the man and rolled across floor. Looking at Jaxton and all he others he stood.

Marcus Tritum

Taking up a hasty fighting position by the window, Lysander deactivated his lightsaber and withdrew his DeathHammer. He had modified the oversized pistol with a scope, giving somewhat extended range. However, he was more concerned with pinning down the sniper currently trying to kill Jaxton. He squeezed the trigger rapidly, sending plasma bolts spattering about the rooftop where the sniper lay. The shards of rock flew as the rooftop edge splintered.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Boolon failed at Niman again, and a sniper shot ripped a line along his neck-hump.

"Rooftop snipers? How unharmonious."

Boolon sighed and stretched out to find the minds of the snipers, taking cover behind a good load-bearing wall.

One sniper began to gently snore like an audience to a lecture on a split infinitive.
Cai took a deep breath and focused in on the reports. Snipers on the roof, or rather what qualified on this dustbal. he pulled his pistol from his holster and returned fire on the building. "Stay here senator." an then to thirteen he said, in a firm voice, "And you. Stay by the senator. He's your mission. Protect him as if he were me."

Cai ran out of the side of the building, and head towards the snipers...
Getting a little low on time, and knowing that contacting his master wouldn't help much, he grabbed his commlink he had been giving at the beginning of the expedition. He then slapped it on, and said: "Commander Vasiniya, can you send me a bomb squad tech or at least something to give me a hand. This arms depot is going to go badaboom in about 2 minutes, and I can't disarm all bombs by this time. A little help could be very useful!"

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
"FETH." Jaxton heard a scream and some pistol fire, then surged onto the snipers location and gave him a force enhanced wallop to the face, knocking him out cold, and then began hearing the snoring from another location.

"Is someone sleeping?" He asked himself, then took cover.

Rekali the Hutt

"Senator Ardak, a Jedi is requesting a bomb squad tech." Commander Vasinaya said to the Senator.

"Tell him (@[member="Wolan Tsomcren"]) that we have a dozen soldiers, not a fething bomb squad. He'll have to make due." Ardak said to him, and Vasinaya relayed the orders.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
The sniper's mind raged against Boolon's imposed sleepiness, and another sniper sent Boolon scrambling into better cover. The sleeping sniper hiccupped and slipped out of REM.

"No, you will be losing your religion, friend," said Boolon to himself, cowering, and the sniper lapsed back into REM.
"WHAT?!", Wolan almost yelled at the commlink. Was the Republic Army this incompetent? Back on Rattattak, everything was so much simpler when he was in command. Every one knew their place, and their was something for everything. God he missed those days, battling enemy clans for a simple meal. That was real fighting, real warfare.

He then decided to do something unorthodox. Focussing on the force, he tried to influence the electrical systems in the bombs. Concentrating deeply, letting the force drown itself in him, he then overrided it's circuits, and disarmed it. Yay for the Force, nay for the Republic's military's incompetence.

"Bombs are down. Any further orders?", Wolan asked, controlling his emotions and not getting carried away.
Cai came up to the rooftop and found a sniper firing down on the building. Two soldiers accompanied him and fired on the insurgent militia. They fell from the rooftops and then the soldiers took up position. they rained fire down on alternate positions. Cai took a look out across the scene. He could see the battle unfolding with his keen echani senses. "They are moving around to the left," He said through his comlink, "It is a feign though, too little numbers for a real attack. The main attack will come from the right." To confirm he checked the other side of the building and saw the rabble massing. "Yeah, we're about to have company." A final push.

Rekali the Hutt

"The Jedi asks for further orders senator." A soldier on the comlink asked.

"Tell him to take care of a couple snipers." Ardak ordered, and the soldier relayed his order.

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
Jaxton extended his senses and focused his hearing, until he heard another shot nearby, then popped out of his cover and ran, jumping from one rooftop to a nearby one then taking cover.

"Who's there?" He heard a sniper ask, but kept his mouth shut.
"I got it!", Wolan said into his commlink. He then rushed to the right. In front of him was half a company of men, 50-60 men. He then smiled to himself, since he'd been longing for some real action. "Just like on Rattattak".

Lightsaber ignited, he approached them at a run. He then slammed the front guard with a force push, sending them flying into pillars or other hard objects and knocking them unconscious. Minimal force, right? He then began hacking and slashing, pounding them with strike after strike from his lightsaber, taking out two at a time with his long, extended saber. He then began deflecting fire, taking out more and more. Men were falling by the dozen.

Noticing that this Jedi was more than a match from them, the enemy began retreating. Every enemy actually. The show of force Wolan gave them was enough.

"Senator, the enemy is in retreat. Do you have further orders?", he said.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Boolon murmured to himself and finally put the rest of the sniper's mind to sleep.

It was time, once more, to heal. He dashed across a gap and began ascending the side of the building, his long, narrow fingers hooking into crevices.

He reached the top and found @[member="Cai Sanis"]'s troopers laying down fire against an assault.

He settled down and continued to heal, even as one took a crippling counterhit. That crippling counterhit faded away.

Boo was gooood.

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