Varik Ice
The Broken King
[member="Inyri Takan"] [member="Koda Fett"]
Inquisitorius Garrison
(Directly engaging [member="Lannis Morcus"])
Varik should have expected as such. He wasn't expecting to overwhelm an experienced swordsman like that so quickly, and now he was where he preferred; on defense. Morcus would expend more with these powerful, angled strikes, at least in theory. The force would no doubt be enhancing the older fighter's abilities, stamina and rhythm. That was what he had to offset. He considered the potential weaknesses as a fighter his opponent had, the ideas running through his shielded mind.He was no doubt a master of his craft, that much was certain. He knew it very well, perhaps too much. As he continued to block and parry, he had to constantly move and weave, his saber bouncing the Grand Inquisitor's back and repeatedly louder cracks began booming throughout the mountain, almost like the sound of thunder rumbling. As Morcus began to put down more pressure, The Sovereign seemed to falter, his defense seemed more desperate.
The Sovereign steeled himself as he continued to weave, a blow from the saber searing at the skin on his arm and just barely penetrating the Phrik armour, but hitting flesh nonetheless. The smell of burning hit the air as the younger man winced in pain, seeming to hold back a yowl. There had been a reason that Morcus was in his position, af ter all.
It was a gambit, a deception to attempt for a single strike. As the blows continued, Ice backed up just a bit more. When a strike came, Varik waited for the bounce-off, and tried to use it to his advantage. He attempted to slide his own white saber down the crimson red blade of the Baron and catch it on the crossguard, though seem as though he hadn't intended to. He was playing to the older man's ego - seeming less skilled, sloppy as he'd mentioned. They weren't large, obvious mistakes, but the ones a more experienced duelist might make.
But not an experienced killer. Should he have caught his guard on the crossguard, Varik focused the force within himself, swelling his strength and speed tremendously for a moment to shunt Morcus' blade down into the walkway below them as much as he could, though that was a large risk in of itself. If it worked, he immediately kicked out, as though trying to kick off. The kick would come with unusual speed and strength, like an incredibly powerful Phrik-armoured piston that headed straight for the Baron's sternum. He was attempting to his ribcage and lungs, ideally crack a rib.
The objective most of all however, was to offset his older opponent's breathing, and hopefully his rhythm. He was much more experienced, so he had to attempt to take him out of his comfort zone when it came to the fight. Regardless of whether or not his gamble worked, he would push back and make distance, not wanting to risk being that close with such a dangerous opponent. The Baron was highly lethal, and Ice had no interest in dying today.