Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Extending the Front (The Moross Crusade Dominion of Ceto)

Sam Aellin

Sam nodded at the three. Good. It would discourage this darn cat from continuing on with his quest. Demoralization was important when it came to card games, Sam had learned that from his childhood games of Pazaak and Poker with his grandfather. Now THAT man had been a true cardshark, he had made millions...then promptly lost it all. Though Sam preferred to remember the first part.

“I like berries.” Sam said with a grunt as he drew the first card from his deck.


Alright, not the best start but a start nonetheless. He frowned slightly, then decided to be more sociable, after all the cat was trying to be nice, even if he was destined to lose. “I find them to be much more tasty than many of the foods we get on these ship.”

It was true, though he didn't mention the after effects.
The opinions and fears of the government officials were likely justified when Sith were involved but Siara's experience with the Crusade so far had been nothing but positive. She didn't have any basis for comparison but she had not seen any examples of slavery amongst the Crusaders and she was certainly not a slave. Perhaps the closest the Crusade had to a slave were the most devout of their followers but that was their choice they had taken the indoctrination that all members seemed to receive and taken it to the extreme.

The Kiffar woman on the other hand was on the other end of the spectrum, the only hold the Gods had on her was financial, again her choice, if she chose to walk away from the Crusade she had little doubt as long as her interests didn't directly conflict with those of Moross she would be left to her own devices. She chose to remain quiet for now to let someone else speak up.
On board the Aurora Ashra’syle’nuruodo was still getting settled in with the Crusade, the gods had spared her life not too long ago and had given her gifts beyond her wildest imagining. She was still recovering from the injuries she had sustained when her ship had crash landed and had thus been left on board but she was present to learn from Crystal whatever she could to improve her new gifts when the time presented itself until that time she was free to wander the ship and learn as much as she could about her fellow crusaders.

Choosing to leave her quarters the Chiss woman went to the mess hall. Seeing the game of Pazaak going on she chose to sit nearby and observe, the strange little creature seemed to be losing pretty badly but Asylen didn’t know much about the game so for all she knew the odds were about to shift away from the man.

[member="Sam Aellin"] [member="Brill"]
Crystal listened to Sola. She could understand the concerns of slavery. She waited until the woman had finished speaking before responding again.

"Of course, evacuation would be the last resort. I don't believe that the Horde could penetrate your underwater cities, no. Our intentions are to secure the systems and planets between Exocron and Horde Territory. We wish to establish refueling points, and ensure the planets security as well as the space surrounding it. We are prepared to aid the population in whatever method needed, be it medical aid or technological advances or defense. We are not here to enslave your people if that is what you are afraid of. All Moross followers do so of their own free will. We do not judge beings for their previous lives and choices. We welcome all those who are open to enlightenment. We are not war mongers, but we will defend our people and take pre-emptive actions to prevent wars and battles."

[member="Judah Dashiell"] [member="Siara Vorru"] [member="Selka Ventus"] [member="Loxa Visl"]
Listening to Crystals' opinion on the security of the planet and it's underwater cities Siara couldn't help but speak up. "Sorry to interrupt but as much security as your underwater habitats provide for your citizens there are ways of getting to them from the surface and no doubt the Horde would eventually make their way into the streets and homes of your citizens. We are here to provide you with a choice, our assistance to keep that from happening or to be left to your own defenses. Your proximity to the Horde means they will come, of that I have little doubt. We are willing to keep that from being a slaughter. Not to mention that we can offer you much more than just technological advances and medical aide."

Siara paused for a moment and then continued on. "As for second rate soldiers being stationed here as a token defense I can't see the gods of Moross doing that, your proximity to the borders and capital planet of the Horde as well as your strong trading economy make your defense critical. Having seen a number of soldiers of the Crusade in action first hand I can confidently state that there are few second rate soldiers anyway. I can't say that it absolutely won't happen as it is not my place to make those decisions but as a private contractor for the Crusade I can present it as I see it to those I work for and allow them to make that decision, presented as such I am confident that they would commit a lot of resources here to keep your population safe. Of course they will want to establish a presence in terms of their religion but whether or not your people embrace it is entirely their choice, some will choose to serve the way I have, others will enlist in the Crusade's military to defend their home and we will turn them into the finest soldiers in the galaxy and still others will chose to serve the gods directly by becoming like the most devout of us and caring the word of the gods into the galaxy as a whole."

[member="Crystal"] [member="Judah Dashiell"] [member="Selka Ventus"] [member="Loxa Visl"]
On board the Aurora, Lana was hard at work in her quarters. Her daily sterilization was nearly complete, after four hours of working at it. It had been a part of her routine for longer than she could even remember at this point. And the job took longer when it wasn't a room or home that belonged to her. The Aurora wasn't her home. And the thought of walking through it made her skin crawl. Still, she was hungry and had to leave the quarters eventually.

She redressed in clean clothing and gloves. Up to her neck, her skin was covered and would not come in contact with anything. With a deep breath, she stuck her head out of her quarters. The corridors were not busy, which was good, so she stepped out. Quickly she ensured the door was secured behind her so that the room would not be contaminated.

And she made a bee line for the mess, careful not to touch anything and breathing heavily to ward off the nausea that ensued with her presence in the contaminated areas. When she entered, she gazed around briefly before the sound of her stomach reminded her of her goal.
Scruffy Lookin’ Nerfherder
A figure swathed in tattered brown robes and wearing a mask with curious markings swung his head toward [member="Lana Orion"]. He sensed... sickness. Perhaps not one that was but one that was to be. Disease and death. He sniffed the air, blue eyes like the ocean's deeps narrowing onto the female who had just entered the mess. Curious. He breathed in the scent. Too clean. Too sterile. Starships made his skin crawl. But here... here was the possibility for sickness. Yet, he did not wish to torment a loyal follower of the Aesir. No. As a follower of Liad it was his duty to ask after the sick. He was the Scourge, yes, but others could heal.

Anaudius approached the woman and attempted to speak into her mind, for he was more or less mute. "Greetings, child of the Aesir. I am Anaudius, Leper of Liad. Whom do you serve?"

Malik Rodarch

That wasn't exactly the most hard-hitting information Brill had ever received in his life time. Sam the Soldier liked berries. For a moment the Cantrosian just stopped and stared at the man, studying him through those glowing goggles. Why did the goggles glow? What use did Brill have for such luminous eye wear?

For the mystery, my friend.


Not too bad, a slow round if there ever was one but at least he couldn't go bust next draw sitting at 9.

His whiskers twitched, “Berries?” Fruit didn't appeal to Brill on a whole, well, besides the fruits of the sea of course. It used to be a delicacy when living upon Tattooine but now, now there was fish for the masses, there was so much fish.

“That's it? When you're dead and gone you'll have your tombstone and it'll say, Sam the Soldier Guy, He Liked Berries? There must be more to ya, bub!”

[member="Sam Aellin"]

Sam Aellin

“Its better than many of the others get.” Sam said almost sollemnly as he looked around the mess hall. No many of them would not be remembered fondly. Outside of the Moross Crusade itself they would be remembered as warmongers, crusdaers, religious fanatics of the worst kind. Of course within the crusade they would be looked upon more fondly...but even then it was divided by the different sects, the gods one worshiped or didn't worship.

He frowned slightly as he drew another card, placing it on the table


His frown deepened, he had 11 now.

“I'de rather have something I liked, than something important on my tombstone.” Sam said as he waved his hand and passed on his turn. He wasn't going to take a chance.
[member="Judah Dashiell"]

She pulled up to town. People were gossiping and there was an undertone of panic. But, she managed to find a good speeder-parking spot. The slightly irked, pregnant woman, made it out of the speeder and waddled toward the transit-port, shooting Judah another comm-text.

'Moross. Aren't they a bunch of religious zealots? And you're meeting with them alone?! *disapproving emoticon face* Judah Dashiell. Where are you? And nothing much happening in town yet. Folks are nervous. Most of the shops are closed up. This little visit is gonna kill our economy for a bit. Also, we're out of chocochews.'

Malik Rodarch

Captain, we've lost the main engines, we're going down! This conversation is headed for a dark place! Eject! Eject! Brill's head inched backwards at Sam's remark, it was an awkward situation to be in. Here's a tip for life, ever have to comment upon dead soldiers? Don't just run away, scream if you have to.

He drew his next card in silence.


Whisker twitch. Gosh, the pace of this game was matching the tone of the conversation as Brill ended up on 11 along with the morose Morossian.

“But berries? There must be more than berries."

[member="Sam Aellin"]

Sam Aellin

Sam didn't answer the Cantrosian for a long while, instead he focused on drawing the right card.

His eyes drifted voer towards the deck, and his hand picked up the card with a practiced smoothness. He had a bad feeling about picking it up, like it wasn't going to be anything good at all. With a practiced motion Sam flipped the card over as he was placing it on the ground, as he saw its face value he let out a small groan.


“Like I said, i'de rather the berries than anything else i've done.” Sam was a former follower of Ithari, the god of blood. He had done horrid things in his past. “And you?”

He finally asked waving his turn.

Malik Rodarch

Gosh this round had just been overtaken by a snail.

He wouldn't push the berry agenda any more, it seemed as if the soldier buried himself in tiny fruit to forget the atrocities he had committed, which all-in-all was a really strange sentence to type and a really odd concept to think about. With a quiet sigh Brill dropped it from his consciousness and drew the next card. Statistics would scream for a high number.


A slight grin flickered to life as the creature's paw shot out to the side-deck, immediately planting down one of the many +1 cards to turn his 20, into a 21.

“Me? Ya mean what am I proud of? Still having all of my fingers, of course,” he smirked as he waggled those digits. So wait! Was it a paw? Or a hand? Why not both? Why not Zoidberg?

“For clarification, I make bombs. Ya don't see many in my trade with all of their original digits, buddy!” Huh. Maybe it was the little things in life. Brill briefly steeped himself in contemplation as he waited to see if Sam could match his 21 and tie the round.

[member="Sam Aellin"]
[member="Crystal"] [member="Siara Vorru"] [member="Thessa Kai"]

"Naturally your people will want to establish your religion. Its what religions tend to do. To make it mandatory for our citizens though would not be wise. No doubt you will gain followers from our planet." Sola tented her fingers, mulling over the words by the pair. "Yes, the Horde could enter easily through one of the many transports that take our non aquatic residents to the undersea cities. All possibilities have been thought of in that regard."

"Our technology is quite comparable to what you would find in your Mid-Rim. Medicine is one of our largest exports, now set to overtake seafoods as the largest export thanks to [member="Selka Ventus"] and her company. Do not think we are merely backwater dwellers Representatives. As you have already noted, we have a thriving business on planet, both in trade and our exports. I'm sure you have researched this as well. No doubt Ceto would be paying Moross taxes once in your territory."

"If your leaders see fit to take our planet, the Royal House demands a councilship be formed. Half Cetan, Half Moross in order to make all decisions. We do not want our identity to be swept under the rug Representatives. Ceto can offer sustainable resources and a colorful tapestry to your land holdings, but only if you let us. As I have mentioned, if your intentions are merely noble as ours, then we should have no problems in a joint leadership."

As Sola finished, Judah felt the need to speak up about the trade, just as his comm was buzzing once again.

"I agree with the Royal House. We have several businesses thriving on Ceto at this moment. Now I have no objections to paying taxes. Everyone has to get paid. I do object to meddling in the affairs of private citizens and their livelihoods. I've lived on this planet for some time now. There are folks here who could be making money hand over fist elsewhere but instead wanted to settle somewhere tropical and quiet. Don't mistake those here for a tribe of natives. Now I know the Moross and the Rebel Alliance worked together. I was part of the Alliance. I'm hoping you all keep that olive branch open on this world as well."

Saying his input for now, Judah turned to the comm. He gave a small sigh and Chalu looked over his shoulder at the message, chuckling lowly.

"Tell her I said hello."

'Yes, Moross are those weird religious people. Don't know how people are impressed by Force use. I guess we've just been around Jedi bein' in the military and all. I'm on a Silk Holdings vessel, bit of a neutral zone. Talking about letting them set up a presence here so long as they don't try enslaving and brain washin' folks. I suppose I can agree to that. Better than the Horde. I do enjoy living here."

Message was sent, then he quickly typed another.

"Also, Chalu says hello. I think I got a bag of chocochews stashed in my office. If not, I'll try hitting up a shop in the underwater city before I head home. Shouldn't you be at home too? You better have Sparky with you."
[member="Judah Dashiell"]

Silk Holdings?! Her thoughts on the new owner of Jorus' company as a hussy remained to herself. The other woman spent a lot of time with her husband. Her hormones must be off the charts for feelings of unwarranted jealousy to creep in.

Sparky warbled at her side as they boarded the transit, as if reading her thoughts. "You're right. Nothing to worry about." She sent Judah back another comm-text as the shuttle began to lift off.

'No shots fired, so they can't be all bad. *thoughtful emoji face* Mister Dashiell, I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself but yes, Sparky is with me. We're on our way to see you.' She settled into a transport seat. Arms draped over the top of her baby-bump as she gave the skunk-eye to those strangers that wanted to feel her stomach for the baby. The skunk-eye went on strong for the elderly Wroonian sitting two seats down.

She was sick of strangers wanting to feel her stomach.

Sam Aellin

Sam frowned, no wait it was more of a scowl. Somehow the Cantorsian had managed to get a 21 with little to no effort. He wanted to say something for a few seconds, then thought better of it. He frowned, and drew his hard.

Before setting it down he responded to the cat.

“I see...bombs. How interesting. I expect tiny fingers help with that.” It was not meant to be insulting, but rather more of an observation. Finally he placed his card onto the table, a ten. His eyes bulged slightly, and quickly he looked down at his hand.

He had nothing to stop this, nothing to win.

Sam sat at 22.

The Crusader smashed the table in front of him with his fists in anger. Damn it all! He couldn't afford to lose this, he still owed Jamal. He eyed the Cantrosian, murder in his eyes.
Smirking ever so slight Siara responded. "We certainly don't mistake you for a backwater, but our size gives us access to materials and trade opportunities you could no doubt benefit from. As for taxes, that is one of the few certainties in life but rest assured any taxes collected by our representatives would be used to further benefit us all." She considered her next thought for a moment before continuing. "I don't see why some form of council could not be formed to see to issues related to Ceto but with the understanding that if there is an issue that presents a risk to the Crusade as a whole that must take precedence."

Looking at [member="Judah Dashiell"] she smiled ever so slightly. All this negotiating was becoming tiresome but Siara hid it as best she could. She would just spend more time in a firing range at the first opportunity to let off some steam. "If their interests and ours align I do not see why we couldn't collaborate with them but we are not prepared to negotiate such a relationship at this time. We should focus on the issues that affect Ceto and it's immediate future don't you agree?"

((Apologies posting from my phone may be an error or two in here.))
As the others began disgussing their terms and conditions for the trade and the possible ownership of the planet. I looked around, Watching all of the talking, taking all of this in. It seems that a council would be made. For the people of Ceto and the Morrosian people on either side. and it looked like the Crusade would be taking the right side. I decided to enter the conversation once again. "If you do not mind me asking, but how will these represenitives be chosen in this said council Mr. [member="Judah Dashiell"]?"

If this council was made to stop people from making the wrong decisions, then we would have to make sure that they chose the right people. Not just a random person that could ruin this collaboration between the two peoples of the Galaxy. "Sorry for interrupting you [member="Siara Vorru"], I just had to speak my mind."
Glancing over at Zoey the Kiffar woman shook her head and responded. "Quite alright, it is certainly a valid question as everyone involved would want to ensure proper representation for their issues and the wrong person in such a position would create issues just as much as no representative at all." Siara smiled and continued. "Those are the fine details however which can be negotiated after the broad strokes are decided."

[member="Zoey Marix"]
[member="Siara Vorru"]v [member="Zoey Marix"] [member="Thessa Kai"]

"I don't agree because those issues tend to be swept away. However, I really have no say in the matter at hand."

Since it wasn't Judah forming the council -- but the Royal House Representative, he stayed quiet to let Sola speak about the rest of the issues. Besides, he felt the comm buzzing in his pocket again. Frowning at the message, Judah knew Thessa couldn't stay away for long. Although Judah wasn't sure if he should feel sorry for the Moross Crusade at this point, especially if the mermaid was coming in on a warpath.

'Try not to kill anyone on the way up to visit me, will you dear? See you soon.'

"Mr. Dashiell is right. He has no say in governmental procedures, we merely offered some companies on planet to sit in and give their opinion. As for the Council, Moross would choose their own people, as would we. Naturally they would be appointed by the Royal House. We've ran our way of doing things for hundreds of years. Corruption won't be an issue, as its not an issue on Ceto. Must be a problem within your own ranks."

"An issue with the Crusade should be dealt with by your own then. Those who chose to convert to your way of life. We will not give up our liberties so you can use our backyard as a playground. I'd rather see it fall to those barbarians than let just a thing happen."

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