Cherry Bomb
New Cov/Jedi Temple Training Grounds
Late Afternoon/Cloudy
After hours, far away from any prying eyes, Ara stood with her new lightsaber in her hands. The hilt was still uncomfortable and needed to be replaced, but she was proud of her new weapon. Her new responsibility. The only problem was her issue with the lessons to use the damn thing. Sure, master Sol'yan was patient and worked well with her to go through the forms. But just like the Force stuff, she struggled to get a hang of using the lightsaber as fluently as others.
And so she trained, far from judgement and prying eyes.
A holoprojector was on the ground next to her, taking her through the various forms step by step. She watched and followed with each step, taking care to check her form and footing. But when it came to the jumps, flips and spins, she faltered and fell almost every time. She needed to use the force for these moves, naturally, but she was lost on how to use the Force to bolster her own body. A matter that even annoyed her master, she was sure of it. After crashing into the grass once more, she got up and kicked the holoprojector off the cliff in a fit of rage. "Karking useless piece of junk!" She shouted as she threw her hilt to the ground and sat down with a huff on a nearby stone bench.
Her gaze travelled to the cliff where the projector disappeared over, regret sinking in. "Great... I hope it ain't expensive..." She grumbled. Her green eyes turned to the lightsaber hilt on the ground as she sighed. A hand rose towards it as her eyes narrowed, her focus completely on the weapon. "Come on..." She grumbled. The weapon started to shiver and roll slightly, until it finally flew towards her... then past her and towards the cliff face. "Oh kriff!" She lunged after it as it skidded along the ground, barely managing to halt it.
In mid air.
Carefully the lightsaber came back into her hand and she stepped away, the weapon clutched tightly against her chest. "That was close." She muttered, lighting up a cigarette. After her time with Kyell, she wanted to quit... but kark that, she needed one.
Valery Noble