Seto du Couteau
Kier Grey
Objective: Assassination?
It was not often that Mercy was hired to not kill someone.
not kill someone.
But she supposed this was the way of 'politics' and intrigue. Mercy couldn't say she liked it very much. The money was good, but it made her feel somewhat... dirty. Like she was some sort of pawn in a greater game. It wasn't exactly something the young Sith enjoyed. Her target was a young noble... or maybe a merchant... someone of important to Empress Teta. Mercy only skimmed the details. Important enough they were living in a cushy palace that was decked out in security meisures.
And for all that Mercy wasn't allowed to kill him.
No, no, he had to be alive and thriving by the end of this. On top of that Mercy was supposed to leave clues of who tried to kill him. It was all very peculiar to her.
The NIO hadn't been exactly quiet about their desire to clobber the Alliance. Why Seto needed to believe it was the Imperial nation-state that was coming for his life? Mercy wasn't sure. But her employer was quite forceful about it. Otherwise he wouldn't have supplied a stealth-suit and other equipment sourced straight from the NIO barracks.
It was the only reason Mercy managed to get over the walls undetected.
She wasn't much about this 'stealth' bantha chit. But the suit reduced her to a blur and muzzled her foot steps suitably. It was quite impressive really, because Mercy was a gorram moving mountain slide.
Dis better be worth it..." Mercy hissed to herself.
A guard reared their head away from the guardpost into the general direction Mercy was crouching in.
Oh, kark. Great job Mercy. Not even a step into the palace structure and already raising suspicions.
Mercy remained frozen. It minimized the blur.
Something wrong?" His colleague didn't look away from their assignment. "
Yeah, I thought I heard something..."
The second guard laughed. "
Well, you see anything?"
Mercy's nose was starting to itch. Damn this helmet, damn this assignment.
Well, then get your eyes back on your job. No sense in chasing ghosts, when we have a wall to protect."
Once they shuffled off Mercy sighed in relief. She also promised herself to be quieter.
Not likely. And finally crept forward, aiming to enter the palace from one of the windows. Then the next order of business was to actually find this princeling or whoever Seto was supposed to be. A Senator, right? It had to be a corrupt Senator.
Considering these digs.