Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Eye of the Tiger


Then it was a matter of making sure she could convince Dr. Isak. The knowledge she could continue her studies would be a good leverage. A subsequent nod came then, the Lovalla teen musing.

"I would be coming in also far behind peers my age as well, so I'd be playing a heavy load of catch up right?" Zaiya asked Valery Noble Valery Noble . That would be a factor.

"Just what will I need to learn to catch up and how long might that take if I put my focus on it first?"



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring

Valery pursed her lips in thought, "You're young, so it won't be too hard to catch up. We've taken in Jedi as Padawans who were already 18 years old, some perhaps even younger. That can result in them never quite catching up, but that depends on how much effort is put into it." Valery smiled and tried her best to feel encouraging. Zaiya wasn't that far behind, and with how curious she was, it wouldn't be a problem for her to catch up.

She just needed to keep asking lots of questions.

"Most of what you missed are pure basics. We teach our Jedi basic history of the Galaxy, but also about cultures and math and science. Maybe you already know a good bit about that?" she asked with a smile. "Then we have basics in lightsaber handling, some simple Force abilities and meditation techniques."

"All of that, you can easily pick up and you'll be on the same level as your peers in no time."


Zaiya felt a little better at that. She did get basic galactic history already— but even then she didn’t know who the Jedi were or the Force was when she met Aris. It will mean a lot of studying then.

Zaiya gave a nod at Valery Noble Valery Noble , musing some more. Okay. Okay.

“OKay then. I think that answers the questions I have now. I’ll probably ask more later though,”
she admitted, as Zaiya always had so many questions.

The Lovalla teen brightened and smiled,” Alright then. I’d like to join then!”


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring

Valery smiled warmly in return, "You can always ask questions. A curious mind will make it very far within the Jedi." At the end of the day, Jedi were all students of the Force, after all. They'd learn until their last day within the Order, and the sooner they'd start preparing for such a life with important questions and a thirst for knowledge, the better.

Zaiya was on the path to becoming an excellent Jedi.

"Alright, let's get in contact with your guardian then, hm? I'll help make things official."

"Okay perfect! Well my guardian did come with me today because he had to go to a cybernetics conference nearby. I can comm him and see if he is free so he can come around and talk." Zaiya told Valery Noble Valery Noble .

If they could convince Dr. Isak, then that would be it right? No, wait.

"Okay, if he does give consent then, what would be next?"

As Zaiya indicated, she had all the questions.



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring

"Oh? That's wonderful. If he can come, ask him to meet us at the entrance of the Temple." For him to get inside would require him to get through the guards, and even if he managed, the Temple was huge. It'd be easier to meet him outside near the landing pads and go from there. Hopefully, it wouldn't be too hard to convince him. Valery wasn't familiar with the man at all, but if he cared about Zaiya and her development, she doubted that he would mind.

At most, she expected him to care about the girl's safety.

"If he gives consent, I'll handle the paperwork and you'll be prepared for your training. You'll get your own room, some Jedi clothes for training, and, of course, a Padawan braid." Valery chuckled and already began to guide Zaiya towards the entrance of the Temple.

"Then you can participate in classes, freely practice or meditate in the rooms we have for it, and so much more."


“Okay!” Zaiya exclaimed, brightening once more that her bioluminescence shone again. All things considered, things were going well. It would be good to tell her friends that she decided to join. Would they be excited too?

The day went quickly. Dr. Isak met with Valery Noble Valery Noble , and while the Cerean had his initial doubts he ultimately gave his permission with the condition that Zaiya had to still finish her studies as her parents wanted her to. The timeline would shift, but Zaiya was certain that she could study enough to make sure she did.

And with that, Zaiya Ceti became the newest initiate in the Jedi Order.

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