Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Eye to Eye... oh wait...

It was quite the strange experience, Vass had to admit, coming to kashyyk and seeing the abundance of life everywhere. Most planets she went to there was steel and massive buildings, whilst here there were trees and.. trees. It was quite the change of pace, she had to admit. Stepping out onto the wooden landing platform, she glanced around to try and locate her training contact for today, as she had been conveniently invited to train with another miraluka, one named [member="Katbirye Rekr"] who claimed to have something worthwhile to provide her in training.

To that end she had arrived in her full kit, Republic trooper recon armor, her blaster pistol and rifle holstered, with the latter attached to her back, and her custom X-52 slung over her left shoulder. She had a combat knife holstered up on her collarbone for easier reaching, and a second survival knife strapped to her left thigh. The woman didn't have a helmet on, of course, so she could make full use of her natural born 'sight' without restricting it at all. And on occasion she found it hard to see past helmets.


Well-Known Member
As he walked into the building, Katbiyre saw the Miraluka who had asked to meet him. The only reason he had agreed, was because throughout his entire life he had never met another of his kind. Once he enterd a room with a wooden platform in it, he saw her, a Miraluka in plain armor with a blindfold covering her eys and no helmet. He wore his Eukar'Gam, helmet as well, and had his lightsaber in hand, "So how much do you know of the Force, and why are you with the Republic..." He asked her, groping through his mind for her name, [member="Caelag Vass"] that was it. "Caelag?"

[member="Caelag Vass"]
Vass turned, her rifles clinking together rather loudly as she made her way over a bit to stand in front of him, observing his sillouette in the firce. So much armour, she couldn't imagine how he could see out of it. Even her own armour was rather light, though that was mostly due to her specialization as a sniper requireing she lighten it. Her weapon was rather heavy after all.

"I try not to focus on the Force. I'd prefer not to make it even more of a crutch than it already is for me. However, I do know how to focus my sight in one direction to better use my rifle. As for the Republic, it is a cause my mother believed in. And one I share. I could ask you much the same regarding the Mandalorians."

[member="Katbirye Rekr"]


Well-Known Member
"The Force is a too, for those who can use it. Though if you choose not to use it, that is your decision. As for why I joined the Empire, I joined so I could learn about the Force and so that I could see the galaxy." Katbiyre calmly responded, "And as you have learned to focus your sight, I have learned to expand mine. But another question for you, what do you know of our people and their history?" He asked as he calmly pushed her back with the force. Katbiyre loved Kashyyk, here nature was king, there were no steel skyscrapers, nor was there constant sound. The world was in balance, like the force. <A shame the Republic has it instead of the Empire.> He thought.

[member="Caelag Vass"]
It caught Caelag off guard, but the push wasn't nearly enough to send her flying. As it was it only sent her back a maybe a meter, maybe only half, as she managed to get herself grounded and stay on her feet. Felt much like getting blown back by explosives without the heat or pain.

She straightened herself up, and unslung the massive sniper rifle from her shoulder, holding the behemoth weapon <compared to her form, anyways> with practiced ease. It was in a rest position, of course. "Little more than the average person. I grew up in an orphanage. I've never visited our adopted homeworld either."

[member="Katbirye Rekr"]


Well-Known Member
"Weell then," Katbiyre said, "Have you ever used the force to find your target? Or to peer into the near future to discover your opponets move?" He asked the question while inconspicously disabling the safteys on his saber.

[member="Caelag Vass"]
"Focus my sight on my target, yes. On occasion, focus through a door so we are prepared to breach it. Beyond this, no. I would rather not be valued for the Force over my skill, if at all." She couldn't be quite as inconspicuous with her weapon, as the safety was much more obvious to flick with her thumb. "If I do, then it is entirely unintentional. And perhaps that is, in itself, a beneficial system." How far was he, a few meters at most. Nowhere near a safe range for her to focus on using her rifle, but this particular building had an open and large landing platform. Perhaps she could get a shot off, and find her own way to create space. She doubted he could deflect the powerful X-52 directly at her.

[member="Katbirye Rekr"]


Well-Known Member
"I never suggesged such a thing. But, the force is like a talent, is it not?" Katbiyre asked. "After all, we were born with it. If you choose not too use it that is yoir choice. But on to the matters at hand, why did you want too meet?" He would then put his finger on the "ignite 1" button on his saber.

[member="Caelag Vass"]
"I had rather hoped to find a training partner outside my usual companions. After all, if you only spend time with a select few you are hindering your experiences. Of course, what form such training would take would have to be fitting for your taste, so given that object in your hand I would have to suggest you come up with how to practice. Fairly certain I could keep up." Probably not, even though technically a force user she opted to act like a non user, so it would cause her some difficulty if he chose to go hands on combat. Or even full lethalitycombat, though that would be a rather strange choice, she felt. After all, they weren't enemies, not by nature.

[member="Katbirye Rekr"]


Well-Known Member
Katbiyre hit the ignite button on his lightsaber and regarded Caelag, she was a strange being. If you had the force why not use it, in his opinion, it was like being stranded with a lot of food but not eating it. "So, you want to train? Fine, let's train." He released a massive force push throwing her off the platform, down onto another one just a few meters below. The fall wouldn't hurt her permenately, but it would stun her. Katbiyre then leaped off the platform hurling himself down onto the platform slicing at her. IF he hit it would only deaden her arm, as his saber was on a relatively low power setting.

[member="Caelag Vass"]
Now flying backwards, through the air, off the platform. Perfect, this would suit her just fine. As she flew back, she swiftly aimed and fired a single bolt from her X-52, the powerful shot ringing through the air like the cry of an angry rancor, or a wampa, or some other vile beast. It was absurdly loud for a stealth weapon, even if it would dissipate rather quickly. Unmistakable and almost fearsome. The powerful bolt lit the air in bright red as it streaked towards Rekr, and the recoil spun her in the air, as she made no effort to stop it. Now she faced the ground, and used her momentum to somersault forwards onto the ground.

She didn't stop moving, knees bent as she hit the ground. Parkour techniques to limit the impact, and allow her to keep going without stopping. She pushed forward, rolling and standing in a fluid motion as the roll ended, already away from the area he was going to land at. She slung the weapon over her shoulder again, locking it into place so it wouldn't jostle around, turning the safety on as she did so. Then she spun around and drew the T-600C blaster she kept from the armoury, and her combat knife in the left hand. The knife was held standard reverse grip, and her wrists were atop one another, knife hand under, as she leveled the weapon at Rekr. "I don't suppose you'd be willing to find a more private area where no one else would be in danger, would you?"

[member="Katbirye Rekr"]


Well-Known Member
"Quite the conteray, the locals have gone on a trip to the town over, in return for some supplies." Katbiyre said as he used his downward movement too reflect the blast at where Caelag was mere seconds before. <Lets see how reluctant too use the force she realy is.> Katbiyre thought as he swung foreward backhand and sidestrokes at her in a sequence of Juyo moves. He would then throw her too the other end of the platform and try to grab the blaster in her hands out off her grip and throw it onto the platform above. "So, how good are yoyu at melee combat?" Katbiyre said the words in a taunting tone, "Because that might be better at the moment." He threw his lightsaber at Caelag in order to distract her, then tapping a button hi gauntlet that would cause 8 cycolops war droids.

[member="Caelag Vass"]
She ducked under each of the swings, watching the figure's slightly telegraphed attacks, though there was no pattern to watch for. Then she was sent flying back, however she managed to hold on tightly to the blaster still, through sheer force of will of course. No force involved, just grip and will. Still, she almost let go when the lightsaber was thrown at her, and forced her to move to avoid it. She growled at the taunting, angered by his words in that particular tone. She immediately began to rush at him, moving her pistol (which she managed to hold onto) to aim at him and releasing a total of five of the clip's 17 shots before entering melee range. "It's better to shoot when a kid doesn't remember to hold onto their weapon!" She half shouted in retort, as she swung her knife from left to right, in a wild cut at his helmet's neck area. She followed it up with trying to shoot a sixth shot at his stomach from point blank.

<Feel free to avoid as you wish, I just figured it would be cool to have a fight with her still having a blaster>

[member="Katbirye Rekr"]


Well-Known Member
"I think you under estimate me. Novice." Realising a way to get under her skin, Katbiyre used the Force to recall his lightsaber, grabbing his saber deflecting all five shots into the ground at the same time before slashing down at Caeleg. "I don't that your gun will save you now." He said as he dodged out of the way of his knife and backflipped over the blaster shot. Before ashing out again. Just at that moment, Katbiyre's Cyclops War droids hit the ground. "Attention, new directive: Organic 2 is a rogue squirrel. Inniate areest protocal 3." He ordered them.

[member="Caelag Vass"]
Caelag ducked under the last slash, and holstered her two weapons. The knife slid back into its sheath and the pistol holstered easily, with 11 shots still remaining in its clip. She then drew the T-998C blaster rifle from her back, looking between the 8 droids and the 'enemy' she was sparing with. This simply was unfair. She growled and yelled over to him, "Hiding behind droids are we? Not the most courageous of Mando's are we?" Was she just angry, and taking it out on him? Or trying to trick him into getting rid of the droids? In either case, she flicked the safety off, and set the weapon to 'full automatic' firing mode. She wasn't playing around with this many targets. For all she knew, this was the indication he straight up wanted to kill her.

<Ammo count: 11 shots in T-600C, 9 shots in X-52, 35 shots in T-998C>

[member="Katbirye Rekr"]


Well-Known Member
"Not quite." Katbiyre grinned beneath his helmet, despite the situation,<Time to end this> he thought. "You see, you can either surrender now or be blown to pieces by the grenade I attached to you. Your choice. And if by some miracle the bomb doesn't kill you, my fighters will." He tapped another button his gauntlet, and 2 Echoy'"la clases dropped down, their weapons made an audible sound as they moved i nto position. Several red dots appeared on Caelag's chest.

[member="Caelag Vass"]
"Would you?" She simply asked, looking around without turning her head. High platforms, plenty of ground she could hide behind. And a standard issue medkit strapped to her hip, even if he had managed to plant a grenade on her, despite *never* having touched her or making any indication of trying to do so, she could provide herself plenty of cover to retrieve the standard bacta patch or injection in her kit. She just had to give herself room...

To that end, she smirked, and backed up to the edge of the current platform. If he wanted to play hard, then she'd play hard. Lowering her weapon, she offered a curt wave, before letting herself fall backwards off the platform, knowing it was a *straight* shot down to the shadowlands below. Except, it gave her momentary cover. With haste, she unclipped a grappling hook and threw it, attaching it to the bottom of the platform she just fell off, to one of the under supports he wouldn't be able to see. Then she swung with it, simultaneously running a hand over her armour for the irregularity, and when she found what she assumed to be it, she grabbed it and threw it down away from her. She reached and held onto the under-platform support for life, listening to hear what he did.

<<Gotta be fair mate. ^^" You know, at least making an effort to put the bomb on *before* springing a trap.>>

[member="Katbirye Rekr"]


Well-Known Member
<<Thats true, still thinking maybe he put it one her when he force threw her, he threw the bomb onto her as well.>>

"Mythosaur Squadron, locate her. Check the ground and all the other platforms." Katbiyre said into his wrist comlink, he would then turn towards the droids"The squirrel is somewhere in the forest, locate her. Do not let her reach the waystation, by any means." He said, hoping to tempt her into doing something rash. <Where did she go...> He wondered standing there, "And destroy this platform. No evidence will be left behind." He wwould then walk to his Aquila-class starfighter.

[member="Caelag Vass"]
The waystation eh? Well, don't mind if I do. But first... Gotta keep you from needless destruction. She waited until the Mando was in his fighter and heading elsewhere, to make herself known. With the explosive never touching her she didn't waste any supplies, and was able to focus on her movement. She pulled her hook free and used it to climb up to the platform again, looking over at the droids. Probably more than capable of surviving a shot or two. So, rather than waste her time, she snuck across the platform to the exit, and *then* fired a single shot from her blaster rifle at one of the droids, to lure them away from the platform. And with that she began to make her escape, running across bridges and platforms. Where was the waystation...

<Ammo count: 11 shots in T-600C, 9 shots in X-52, 34 shots in T-998C>

[member="Katbirye Rekr"]


Well-Known Member
<Hopefully this works.> Katbiyre thought as he flew towards the Rekali-cass waystation in orbit around the planet. "Mythosaur squadron, land your ship near her last known location. New Echoy'la," He addressed the station using its newly christened name, "Get out in the open. Lets see if we can lure her in."

As Mythousaur squadron touched down, Lieutenant Senn Mattix recieved word from the droids, report was that the figure had shot at them before running away. "Once we get to the platform, fan out. Teams of 5." He ordered.

[member="Caelag Vass"]

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