Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ezekiel "Zeke" Verd




  • Trained by none other than his Father, Isley Verd; Ezekial has become beyond competent in both melee and ranged combat.
  • Excels in hand-to-hand (unarmed) combat.


  • To fight rather than to take into flight, the thrill of combat is exhilarating for Ezekiel; starved of Cowardice in his blood, he seeks to fight for pride of self and the approval of his Clan.
  • Is a capable tracker and can identify signs of passing, movement or otherwise hints of his targets direction within the right environment (Outdoors/Weather dependent).


  • Born of a worthy name, reputable among Mandalorian and Sith alike, Ezekiel has been privileged to lead a life hardened by the guidance and nurturing of strength encouraged or rather enforced by Isley Verd. Due to the reputation surrounding the House Verd, such a reference is always a foot in the door when seeking to take on new bounties.


  • Ezekiel's proclivity to the Force is Obviously lacking compared to that of his Father, dwarfed in his image of power and darkness, he seeks to fight through means of strength and technological advances to overcome these boundaries and justify the name that he represents.


  • ​The Dark-side of the Force surrounds his heritage, the House Verd standing in the height of strength, embraced by the might of the Sith and Mandalorian alike; in his inability to wield the Force combined with his inherently dark nature, Ezekiel stands at a disadvantage against all other Warriors of the Force.


  • The runt of the litter so to speak; forever on his mind the power that he lacks. Born of arrogance is his will to succeed beyond all obstacles, to prove what he perceives is the disapproval of his father and clan wrong. Ezekiel will lower himself to any standard, walking over others in order to get ahead, to get the job done and to earn the prestige that his Clan demands.

Ezekiel Verd, a young hardened mercenary born from a great house of prominent power yet lacking the one thing that has made his father such the indomitable force to be reckonned with, the ability to wield the power of the Dark-side of the Force. Against this obvious disadvantage and perhaps even shameful lack of prowess, Ezekiel has used this embarrassment to drive himself harder in his training of hand to hand combat and the use of melee weapons and fire-arms.

Seeking not approval of others but rather to overcome the reputation of his peers by proving himself to be above any other known Mercenary, reputable for being able to counter the likes of Force Users and stopping at nothing in order to achieve this, he has undergone a life of extreme regimented training both guided by his father Isley Verd, yet too using his own time to push the limits of his physical, often times stressing his body and mind in his insistence to overcome every previous achievement whether they be number of reps, laps ran or bounties claimed alive.

Whatever his goals, always better than the last, always fighting for more and never afraid of stepping outside of the lines of morale virtue in order to rival his foes.

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