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Faction Alliances

So this is currently being discussed in the Staff forum.

We've been throwing around a few ideas for different types of Alliances, such as Military Alliances, Defensive Pacts and Trade Alliances.

Obviously Major Factions have been the focus, but Minors aren't specifically excluded.

What would you guys like to see from these, what would make them exciting?

What bonuses would attract your faction to start up an Alliance?

What do you think should be done to form an Alliance?
Jorus Merrill said:
First thought would be like...if you have a defensive pact with another major faction, they can send an extra helper or two if you get invaded.
Exactly this. With some rules around how it can be used so that it isn't abused to no end and taken away.
Just a thought, and the exact details would need to be worked out, but for a Trade Pact because we have no real hard "Economy" to speak of would be to let one faction use/purchase another's tech at a limited rate. Say The Republic has a T1 Trade Alliance with the SIth. Because of that alliance the Republic could use Mass-Produced Sith Tech on a Semi-Unique Basis. A T2 alliance might have Minor Produced Tech on a Semi-Unique Basis. Based on the working of the treaty it could be decided by the faction that his applies to blaster or starships or armor or tanks or a combination of whatever. It could be as specific or general as the factions wanted.

A thread could be done for the trade alliance where the factions dev for a product to trade, or dev to temporarily increase production of a current product to where it's feasible to trade and keep current production for self.
[member="Raziel"] Trade Alliances also work to help bolster failing economies and can have interesting consequences when it comes into defensive alliances, and non-aggression pacts. I'd definitely like to see some sort of system here, and certainly, I'd like to see something play out for minor factions as well. I mean think of it if three minor factions allied together and how that might impact defensive alliances or even invasions, dominions or rebellions.
Trade Alliances

50% reduction in dev thread posts required for restricted mats owned by planets the faction own

50% reduction in flagship posts required for each faction

Each faction can use restricted materials in allied faction territory as if they owned it
May I suggest having embassies? Before anyone simply makes the agreements that we have embassies? So before say Faction A and Faction B can start making formal agreements, the first thing would be to agree to have embassies in each other's territories. This would allow movement for trade representatives to go and start making those trade agreements, propose defensive pacts and military alliances.


The BFG (Until Angered)
Trade Alliances could also lead to some interesting invasion-like threads. If The Republic and The Galactic Alliance had a trade alliance, then maybe the One Sith could attempt to sabotage an important trade route between them.


Purveyor of Fine Weaponry
Make it interesting. If two factions have a defensive pact, when you invade one, you get to deal with them both. If you have an alliance to provide general military support, you can attack with the full might of both.

To keep that from being abused, new alliances can't be announced after an invasion has been declared. Or they can, but they won't count towards the invasion. In order for a faction to assist an ally from the outset of an invasion, they have to have territory within X number of hexes of the target planet. For every hex beyond X, they have to wait Y number of posts or days before rendering aid.



Include minor factions in this.

A minor faction with an alliance to a Major, that isn't a subfaction, can assist in defending the major's planets without needing to be a part of the major or taking ally slots.
We have been discussing trade agreements within our faction at the moment and I think that if the board as a whole can make a system in order to make these more substantial then just the words in a role-play that would be fantastic.

Naturally I can see the challenges but I think that it could very easily be countered with smart rules.

The only thing I see is alliances with minor factions while possible should not give as great a benefit as a Major Faction.
Nawago said:
Trade Alliances could also lead to some interesting invasion-like threads. If The Republic and The Galactic Alliance had a trade alliance, then maybe the One Sith could attempt to sabotage an important trade route between them.
The notion of being able to break an Alliance is not one that had been considered, but I find very interesting.


Well-Known Member
May I suggest it has set up with WW1 in mind, just so we keep going to war.
Also joint Ventures in war, so two allied faction can use the same invasion thread. (as long as supporting rp is done)
Extra allies to each other, but not charcter not involved in other invasions. (defensive pact)
Access to mines if trade pact is agreed, though each one should have the fo blessing whose faction owns the planet.
As they may be character barred from that particular sector of space, though this would be part of trade pact negotiations.

Supporting rp to these can be joint training exercises
Joint commerce meetings, to help companies who allied to factions sell wares to other factions.

Though on flip side, if one allies is attacked you must respond and help or lose ic credibility.
Seeing trade routes are organised, between factions.
Pirate companies can be set up to raid them, and this could help a say pirate companies move up a tier.
As [member="Ria Misrani"] said embargoes of companies passing through that area of space, could be also way forward.
Well-Known Member
Interesting! I do find the idea of actual real trade routes tantalizing. Trade routes which can be broken, and damage a relationship between factions indirectly.

Each Alliance type should have its own unique benefit.

  • Trade Alliance: Gives access to each others technology in at most, a minor rating. Requires: Embassy, and a Trade Route development thread for each Hex it will travel through. (Dominions, and Skirmishes can interrupt a Trade Route, but can be repaired with a thread re-establishing it either by going around the affected area, bringing back order in the area post-skirmish, or working out a deal with the offending faction in the case of a dominion.)
  • Defensive Pact: Factions are allowed four more Ally spots from Pact Member Factions in defensive invasions. Requires: Embassy, and joint development of a(n) outpost(s) in each others regions for each Hex the larger faction takes up.
  • Military Alliance: Factions are allowed two more Ally spots from Alliance Member Factions in offensive invasions. Requires: Embassy, and a joint military excersize (skirmishes included).

Obviously in my suggestion a Trade Alliance with a faction three Hexes away with some of the route going through neutral territory would be cumbersome, but it would really stir up some unconventional activity between factions which would be really interesting to see, and would encourage them to expand their borders closer together. Perhaps an established route could even reduce the number of posts need to complete dominions on that path to make it more worth their while. Also, perhaps a major faction can contract a minor faction to protect parts of their trade routes in neutral space, by assisting in the Skirmish, and repairing damages afterwards, and as a result gain limites access to that factions technology.

Additionally, if a very large faction makes a defensive pact, I'm not sure if four more Ally spots is going to cut it, but I'm fairly certain unlimited ally spots is too much. I don't know what else could be provided. Not sure how to involve minor factions either.

Lastly, a military alliance doesn't have as much requirements as I didn't see it needing a significant buff. I see no troubles with minor factions making an Alliance of his sort with larger factions.

Hope that provides some good food for throught!

I love all of this and when I get back home I can possibly help elaborate on minor/major factions, but I definitely like the idea of trade / border lines. This could allow for free trade agreements and other such wonderful economic fun.

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