This is a record of potential or upcoming NPC villains for the faction.
The Warmind
The Warmind. A horrid creation of the extra-galactic civil war. Once a catalyst for the power of a Shaman, the Warmind was a sentient tactical computer - a fusion of all Draelvasier technologies into one horrific masterpiece that would help turn the tide of the civil war in the favour of the loyalists. It would magnify the power of Azarak Drek'ma; leader of the Shamans and creator of the Warmind, allowing him to turn the beasts and ships of the Heretics against them.
Hadad, the greatest of the Servitors had turned rabid during the civil war on Kardun. Feasting on entire armies of Heretics and Loyalists alike. Unbeknownst to both sides, it had in fact been the Warmind itself that had wrestled control away from both sides - using the great Hadad to bait Drek'ma. Tathra Khaeus was ambushed by the beast over the river Aed, forcing Azarak's hand. When he attempted to wield the Warmind.
It consumed him.
The Warmind no longer needed to hide, wielding the strength and intelligence of the Primarch - it now had no match as it tore ship and beast from both sides and unleashed hell on the Draelvasier armies. Only at the end of the civil war, when the Divine Brutality was sacrificed was the Warmind believed to have been defeated.
Warlord Sethrak
The true form of the former Chieftain. Sethrak is a known heretic, a betrayer, a usurper. But that is not his greatest burden. Sethrak died many years ago, but through the force - clung to a half state of living death. Sethrak drowned in the cosmic energies of the force, consumed by the netherworld as he unknowingly bound others to his living nightmare. Undead Draelvasier warriors pulled from their slumber, amalgamations of war and pain stuffed into suits of armour.
These eternally suffering beings remain hidden from view. As does Sethrak's true form. Now an incredibly powerful force user, Sethrak hides his undead form. Instead taking the form of his younger, living self. Stronger than ever before.
Sethrak's refusal of his own rightful end is the greatest betrayal of the Draelvasier way and a heretic he remains.
One day, these illusions will fail him.
The Warmind

The Warmind. A horrid creation of the extra-galactic civil war. Once a catalyst for the power of a Shaman, the Warmind was a sentient tactical computer - a fusion of all Draelvasier technologies into one horrific masterpiece that would help turn the tide of the civil war in the favour of the loyalists. It would magnify the power of Azarak Drek'ma; leader of the Shamans and creator of the Warmind, allowing him to turn the beasts and ships of the Heretics against them.
Hadad, the greatest of the Servitors had turned rabid during the civil war on Kardun. Feasting on entire armies of Heretics and Loyalists alike. Unbeknownst to both sides, it had in fact been the Warmind itself that had wrestled control away from both sides - using the great Hadad to bait Drek'ma. Tathra Khaeus was ambushed by the beast over the river Aed, forcing Azarak's hand. When he attempted to wield the Warmind.
It consumed him.
The Warmind no longer needed to hide, wielding the strength and intelligence of the Primarch - it now had no match as it tore ship and beast from both sides and unleashed hell on the Draelvasier armies. Only at the end of the civil war, when the Divine Brutality was sacrificed was the Warmind believed to have been defeated.
Warlord Sethrak

The true form of the former Chieftain. Sethrak is a known heretic, a betrayer, a usurper. But that is not his greatest burden. Sethrak died many years ago, but through the force - clung to a half state of living death. Sethrak drowned in the cosmic energies of the force, consumed by the netherworld as he unknowingly bound others to his living nightmare. Undead Draelvasier warriors pulled from their slumber, amalgamations of war and pain stuffed into suits of armour.
These eternally suffering beings remain hidden from view. As does Sethrak's true form. Now an incredibly powerful force user, Sethrak hides his undead form. Instead taking the form of his younger, living self. Stronger than ever before.
Sethrak's refusal of his own rightful end is the greatest betrayal of the Draelvasier way and a heretic he remains.
One day, these illusions will fail him.