Seras Rose
The Heir of The Eye
That time has come. As I mentioned when I was first given the role of Faction Owner, my time doing so was going to be short before I would have to hand it off due to real life. So with that said now is the time for the nominations of the next Faction Owner of the Ancient Eye. Nominations will run for twenty four hours, then they will be voted on by the members for five days.
I am sorry I could not do more as far as getting stories going, writing with more people or starting more plots but with my time being as short here as it was going to be, I did not really have the time to start anything like that. I wish I did and when I return in five months or so, hopefully I will have the time to pick up as a regular member and write together with you all, properly this time.
As for the nominations, I would like to ask all those who nominate themselves to say something about how they would run things as a faction owner. What kind of things would you focus on, faction threads? Dominions? The Map Game? Nothing super detailed is needed but a general guidline of what your plans would be would be helpful.
I am sorry I could not do more as far as getting stories going, writing with more people or starting more plots but with my time being as short here as it was going to be, I did not really have the time to start anything like that. I wish I did and when I return in five months or so, hopefully I will have the time to pick up as a regular member and write together with you all, properly this time.
As for the nominations, I would like to ask all those who nominate themselves to say something about how they would run things as a faction owner. What kind of things would you focus on, faction threads? Dominions? The Map Game? Nothing super detailed is needed but a general guidline of what your plans would be would be helpful.
[member="Aeron Tosh"][member="Abelain Narv'uk"][member="Amaunet Asira"][member="Ankharbis the Great"][member="Anya Malvern"][member="Aspen Laval"]@Ax'no[ member="Azrik"][member="Cedric Grayson"][member="Cellebiat"][member="Darth Abyss"][member="Darth Lykos"][member="Darth Phren"][member="Darth Ren Malgus"][member="Darth Zurvan"][member="Formorta"][member="Hal'kanor"][member="Kiso"][member="Kyle Raymus"]@Neb-ka of Myth[member="Priscilla Utorna"]@Ra'a'mah[member="Rath Exigo"][member="Roella Arwyn"][member="Salij-Nekt"][member="Sena"][member="Shaun Irons"][member="Thalestris Crius"][member="The Mephirium"][member="Zet Anaa"]