Satara Hawk
Singing Mountain Ma'tra
So, before there was even a thought about a faction, the topic of Witch ranks popped in which after several different suggestions ended up mirroring those of Nightsisters are already up. The current list of ranks has:
Initiate | Nightsister | Matron Mother
Initiate | Nightbrother | Nightfather
Based on which, we suggested:
Initiate | Allyan Witch | Clan Mother
Initiate | Allyan Jai | Clan Father
Now, while I wouldn't mind these, I'm bothered by the fact that as a faction with force users we should have three ranks. Which this really isn't it. Initiate may mirror that of an Apprentice Jedi or Sith but Nightsister, Nightbrother, Allyan Witch, Allyan Jai however is a general term and would apply to both Knights and Masters (in comparison to Jedi, Sith and Neutral).
I'm not worried about the NFU ones, they have plenty of options to choose from.
But for Force Users... yeah... the Wookieepedia offers Initiate and Mentor as other ranks of the lightsiders while Nightsisters have Shaman, Beastwarden, Hunter, Warriror and Shadow Killer. Which frankly is a lot like Scout, Sentry, Rancor Tamer, Councilwoman that Singing Mountain has. Paths to follow, available to everyone part of the faction.
Now, so far, I love Initiate and I'd like to keep it. That applies to both sides. Mentor works as well. I'd say that's equal to a Knight level. But then we're missing a Master. (though Mentor could be Master level as well if you come up with a good Knight rank) There is the generic Witch Master (Allyan Master and Nightsister Master) but frankly, if we can fiind a more appropriate title, I'd rather go with that.
Ti'Cira is checking her own sources. So far she has found Force Adepts and Force Disciple from the star Wars Prestige Classes of the Core Rule Book and the Cracken's Threat Dossier speaks of only Initiate and Mentor. And since Teferi said he'd finish up the new rank submissions by Saturday, if we decided to do this, I'd really like if we can get this done quickly!
Anyone has any ideas, feel free to post them up! On SWRP, Force Users must abide by the 3-rank Structure. Also remember to remain within the Star Wars as much as possible with your suggestions.
Initiate | Nightsister | Matron Mother
Initiate | Nightbrother | Nightfather
Based on which, we suggested:
Initiate | Allyan Witch | Clan Mother
Initiate | Allyan Jai | Clan Father
Now, while I wouldn't mind these, I'm bothered by the fact that as a faction with force users we should have three ranks. Which this really isn't it. Initiate may mirror that of an Apprentice Jedi or Sith but Nightsister, Nightbrother, Allyan Witch, Allyan Jai however is a general term and would apply to both Knights and Masters (in comparison to Jedi, Sith and Neutral).
I'm not worried about the NFU ones, they have plenty of options to choose from.
But for Force Users... yeah... the Wookieepedia offers Initiate and Mentor as other ranks of the lightsiders while Nightsisters have Shaman, Beastwarden, Hunter, Warriror and Shadow Killer. Which frankly is a lot like Scout, Sentry, Rancor Tamer, Councilwoman that Singing Mountain has. Paths to follow, available to everyone part of the faction.
Now, so far, I love Initiate and I'd like to keep it. That applies to both sides. Mentor works as well. I'd say that's equal to a Knight level. But then we're missing a Master. (though Mentor could be Master level as well if you come up with a good Knight rank) There is the generic Witch Master (Allyan Master and Nightsister Master) but frankly, if we can fiind a more appropriate title, I'd rather go with that.
Ti'Cira is checking her own sources. So far she has found Force Adepts and Force Disciple from the star Wars Prestige Classes of the Core Rule Book and the Cracken's Threat Dossier speaks of only Initiate and Mentor. And since Teferi said he'd finish up the new rank submissions by Saturday, if we decided to do this, I'd really like if we can get this done quickly!
Anyone has any ideas, feel free to post them up! On SWRP, Force Users must abide by the 3-rank Structure. Also remember to remain within the Star Wars as much as possible with your suggestions.