Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Contest Factory Lore Challenge 2021

Factory Lore Challenge 2021

Props where props are due: this contest was inspired by the original Factory Lore Challenge, made in 2016 by Jorus Merrill Jorus Merrill .

Chaos has lore.

Chaos is lore. 8 years of it. There's plenty to delve from, with approximately 15,000 submissions in the Technology forum alone. Invasions, Rebellions, and Skirmishes contain some of our most memorable moments in the Chaos Galaxy - in this challenge, we look to commemorate them and the factions that partook.

Share your bias. Expand on your favoritism. Represent your flag, and expand your lore in this month's Factory Lore Challenge.

  • Each challenge submission must have ‘Factory Lore Challenge’ in its title.
  • Each challenge submission must commemorate an Invasion, Rebellion, or Skirmish of any timeframe that took place on SWRP: Chaos.
  • A challenge entry may be submitted in the Technology, Vehicle, or Starship categories.
  • Factory submissions submitted prior to the date of this post are not valid for this challenge.
  • Submissions MAY NOT have a production level of Unique.
  • Each challenge submission should be clearly marked as usable by all members of a major faction which participated in the Invasion. If the Invasion’s relevant major faction no longer exists, the submission may A) be usable by former members of the defunct faction,or be usable by an existing major faction which has some degree of continuity with the defunct faction (ideology and/or territory and/or historical connections, etc.).
  • Maximum 3 entries per writer.
  • Entries will be accepted starting today.
  • Entries must be submitted to the Factory by no later than Sunday, March 28th.

  • LORE - How well you research and tie the Invasion, Rebellion, or Skirmish to the submission.
  • CREATIVITY - How originally you commemorate the Invasion. For example, a basic commemorative medal might not score well in this category, nor would simply naming a ship class after the battle in question.
  • CONTENT - Grammar, spelling, evidence of effort, and a balance between focus and detail.
  • ACCURACY - Attempts at unbiased accounts will be respected. Citations and evidence are extremely important for contentious claims/interpretations of events. Entries which present heavily biased accounts must be careful to frame those accounts within a plausible IC context and support them with evidence from the Invasion thread. OOC ‘sour grapes’ are not encouraged.
  • UTILITY - Likelihood of others using this submission in the future. Again, submissions MAY NOT have a production level of Unique.

  • Unlike Jorus, I am not cool and do not offer prizes.

  • Factory Judges and Factory Staff may participate. Other Staff members and any other board members may participate.
  • Tefka may not participate. Volunteer Judges who assist Tefka may participate, but will be exempt from having their submissions reviewed for victory and may only take place in the "Top 3" public popularity vote.


  • Victory will be assigned by Tefka and judges who volunteer to help. If he does not like you, you probably stand an equal chance with everyone else.
  • A public popularity vote will be held prior to judging to name "nominal winners". This poll will be moderated and attempts to undermine will be placed on forced LOAs. Volunteer Judges may participate in this category, but not in the judging category.
  • After and likely during the popularity vote, an additional "Top 3" will be granted by the judges for each frontrunner in the Judging Criteria areas. LORE, CREATIVITY, CONTENT, ACCURACY, and UTILITY.


Please post below when your submission is approved in the Factory, and provide a link.
Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers
Completely forgot I had to post my submission here, glad I remembered before the deadline!
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
My two submissions, I hope I'll have time to finish the third one too.

Edit: Third is ready.

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Because why not


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