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Approved Tech FALANKS-Spcwz (Space-wiz) Anti-Ordinance Field Generator (Mobile Command Center Grade)

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Remain steadfast and you are never without hope

  • Intent: To create a strong Anti-Ordinance defense for Mobile Command Units
  • Image Source: Jason Dunhman c/o
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: My Subs
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Layered defense
  • Automated systems
  • IRON DOME - The FALANKS-Spcwz has several layers of defense. The "Eagle Eye" sensors detect incoming projectiles and ordinance and EMP emitters begin controlled bursts. If the ordinance gets further then ECM emitters begin to deploy their payloads. The closer the ordinance gets, flares are shot out in the attempt (just like the EMP and ECM) to throw off guidance systems. If ordinance makes it in range, the IFFs on the ROF Rotary Cannon target the would-be weapon of mass destruction.
  • USELESS AGAINST TURBOLASERS, and ION CANNONS - This is designed against ordinance, not power based weaponry. Simple as that.
The partnership between Lucerne Labs and Guardian Authority Ltd. has been incredible beneficial to the latter of the two companies. The gracious "mentorship" that has been given has been monumental and will never be forgotten. However a bird cannot fly if it doesn't jump out of the nest. This is the first in a long line of tech that will hopefully make the company self sufficient in ship and vehicle building. The Falanx-Spcwz is a design that will one day a premiere protective piece of technology.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Liram Angellus Liram Angellus

Please delete the Eagle Eye Sensor Suite from your list, because you chose the Semi-unique, so you cannot use in this sub, or modify the Production scale to Semi-unique to keep the Eagle eye sensors.
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