Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Skirmish Falling to the Earth like Black Snow [Jedi & Sith]

Ah, so that was what the blade was. He knew it had not been a lightsabre, it was rather easy to see what was made out of steel rather than plasma. Yet, all knew there was rarely anything of steel make that could stand up to a lightsabre.

A very key exception was of course something that to most would seem nothing more than an artefect, a relic of a bygone age. A weapon which heavier, and required a level of mastery that was as great, or even greater than that of using a lightsabre.

So, the question was, was this Cathar a master of the Force-imbued blade? She seemed able to use it to send elemental attacks in his direction and seemed even if caught off-guard by the lightning that had erupted out from his fingers, able to use it to block and channel his lightning before it turned her into a crisp.

Yet neither was mastery.

He offered a side smirk at her words, "Something like that," he responded vaguely, a non-answer was the best answer she was going to get, battle was rarely the time to chat, to talk was to give up speed, and speed was one of the essential attributes of victory.

As the pistol was raised, he truly had to question how many different weapons the woman knew how to operate, hadn't Ali mentioned fighting a particularly batty cat on Odacer-Faustin? He vaguely wondered if there was a connection, as the lightsabre was pulled to his fingers, igniting in a furious hiss.

Yet, Malum was neither one who played this game like how it was meant to be played.

Pulling the bolts towards him, as if a puppeteer holding each bullet's strings, his smirk turned full, as the torrent of ammunition, brindling with energy, was turned towards their master.

And with a Push, they flew with weakened velocity, completing their unwitting betrayal.

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

Location: Prisoner holding
Objective: Manage prisoners
Tags: Lina Zambrano Lina Zambrano
Wearing: this


The soldiers were doing their job and holding off the attack from the person they perceived to be one of their Sith leaders, she wouldn't correct them yet. A little distance had gratefully opened between the pair giving Annika breathing space but her relief lasted only seconds as she felt the scorching tang of a deflected bold hit her in her off arm. She managed to strike the second bolt with her blade, deflecting it off in an entirely random direction. The pain was excruciating. She needed to escape, and quickly.

She took and evasive maneuver to put the remaining blackblades between her and her assailant and and they instinctively closed ranks to allow her to withdraw behind them and she backed off as quickly as she could before ducking into a nearby side alley and beginning to run. If the woman came after her she was injured and would struggle to fight again, so she fled quickly and hoped to vanish into the chaos that had engulfed the town.

Location - Main Square - prisoner holding - making an exit
Tags: Annika Starfire Annika Starfire

Lina watched her retreat between the glow of blaster bolts, a smart move on her part. Fro the briefest of moments, she wanted to give chase, to give in to her anger entirely and bring the little witch to her knees. But she could feel Leilah in the force, feel her worry and her fear. The woman she loved needed to be protected at all costs. And while she was safe with Jorus Q. Merrill Jorus Q. Merrill , he had killed her mother. Deserved or not, that left a mark of mistrust, however small.

Sabers still spinning, she gathered energy in her legs as she bent them, arcing away to the nearby roof tops that flanked the Main square. blaster bolts trailed after her harmlessly batted away. She paused, only for a moment to look back at Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex , eyes narrowing. then she was gone, across the roof and down the other side, following the small beacon of light that Leilah was in the force.

Aramea Bel

Cutest Little Murder Hobo
A girl's voice came from deep within the smoke, responding to Aramea who smiled and span to face the direction the voice had come from. Still, the Force User was out of sight, but the smile did not fade from Aramea's face, the prospect of a new friend exciting the Sithspawn. "OK, what do you want to talk about? Your dress is pretty, aren't you worried about all the Sith about?" the voice had asked, and Aramea tilted her head to the side as she responded with a hint of confusion. "Worried? About the Sith? Why would I be worried about them?" Aramea asked.

Her parasol span again as she stepped towards the voice. "Why do you hide? Oh, are we playing hide and seek?" the girl's voice rose an octave as her excitement did once more. The sound of debris falling and cracking behind Aramea caused her to turn around. Inhuman eyes flicked about feverishly in search of what had caused the disturbance. "I love this game! Are you over here?" Aramea said as she approached a pile of rubble.

Beneath all the debris, huddled together, a small number of civilians sat hiding, watching the strange woman as she seemingly spoke to nothing but air. Was she insane, they all wondered. She must've been if she wasn't worried about the Sith rampaging through their homes. And when she mentioned a game of hide and seek, the youngest shifted uncomfortably, wondering if she knew they were there. A collective gasp followed as she heard the chunk of concrete tumble down their hidey-hole, and their eyes grew as the woman grinned, her lips stretching to unnatural proportions. Her smile split the corners of her mouth until her grin stretched, quite literally, from ear to ear, revealing her unnaturally white teeth.

Fallon Draellix-Kobitana Fallon Draellix-Kobitana


"They rise, only to fall."

The Dark Lord spun, blade flashing, and the ground about them became marred by the jagged grooves of their struggle. Carnifex was like a whirling dervish, a spirit of the air, slashing and hacking at the Shield of the Jedi. For his part, Kahlil was expertly meeting his father at every turn, never bending or breaking but moving like a reed in the wind; like water itself. But there was only so much the younger man could withstand, even when bolstered by the Light. The Darkness that emanated from the Dark Lord was unlike anything else, and even to Kahlil it seemed at times unfamiliar.

Carnifex lunged in for the strike, but before their blades could meet He seemingly vanished into thin air. Kahlil was still buffeted by the rush of air as though He had come right at him, but no physical connection was made. It was only half-a-breath later that the Dark Lord did reappear, dropping from the air upon an unsuspecting Jedi who had rushed into the courtyard to aid the others. Tosochkashai cut cleanly through the Jedi's body, yanking it downwards with violent force, before pinning it to the ground. Life energy welled up from the body and was drank by the broken blade, which seemed to almost purr with content.

"I pity you, child." Carnifex yanked the blade free, not a drop of blood left in the body; only dust. "You fight in vain against the darkness. You are destined to fall in this eternal war, and your children will have to watch as you do. Vera will one day dream of your death, what will you tell her then? That it is the will of the Force that you die needlessly? That it is in service to an Alliance that discards you? An Order more children than warriors?" Carnifex leveled the blade against His shoulder and laughed, deep and booming.

"I will be sure to lay a wreath on your grave, Kahlil, as the ashes of all that you fought and died to defend fall down around you like black snow."

The Force warned him of the impending attack from SF-3335 SF-3335 , and he knew surviving would cost him in some kind of way.

As she fired her own cannons, Nathan, jerked the controls and the breaks at the same time, "drifting" the bike under the volley of most of the shells, even as it skittered forward still to the strandcast's position, the shells destroyed the canopy, and he gritted as some of the shrapnel went into his arm and shoulder, partly damaging his mask, and destroying one of the cannons on the bike.

He gritted his teeth as he jerked the controls again and this time unloaded on her position with rockets and cannon fire at maximum speed, going so fast he threatened to ram into and risk destroying his own bike.

As he got in range she would likely be able to see his mask , somewhat damaged but the terrible countenance seemed to make him out as some sort of Jedi Demon as he road his bike through smoke and flames, spitting fire from his own mount like an angry dragon, all of its wrath directed solely at killing her as he grew ever closer.

The Cathar seemed to make a sudden, seemingly speedster-esque shift in stance, her feet shifting unnaturally so that her coat faced towards the opponent, shifting which hand Liz was in to keep her facing the enemy, in a more makashi style stance, keeping her other hand hidden from view. "Oh, so you're just emo because you're depressed. You know they make a pill for that, right?"

Right. No blasters then. That telekinesis was gonna be a nuisance...

Time to go for the old standby.

She blitzed forward, this time slashing at the sith's chest, before following up with Claire, the blade silent in it's ignition, Jonyna channeling the force through the invisible blade, using her own version of Force Stealth not to hide herself, but hide the blade itself through the Force.

Tag: Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr

The Jedi seemed to never run out of tricks. A new speeder, a force-imbued blade, a machine blaster pistol, and now special boots, he wondered what else the woman had underneath that coat, a sword perhaps? Maybe finally lightsabre? Perhaps another blaster or three? That was the thing with one-trick ponies whose trick came lacking.

They thought numerous lacking tricks could impress.

And the thing about speedsters was, they thought their speed was their strength. Yet speed did not equate to power.

Speed was momentum made manifest, and momentum could be redirected, or in this distance, could be led to a crash that was unable to be stopped. It would be finicky, it would be dramatic, it would be Malum.

The Force flowed about to him, commanded to listen to his will, as he closed his eyes for but a moment, as a resounding flash went across the village, as with effort he pulled the burning hulk of the speeder in between him and the Cathar Jedi.

A lightsaber flicked into his hand and hissed violently as red plasma met oxygen. It was time to stop playing games and end this.

"Please do tell me your Temple taught you how to fight more than how to talk because both have failed to impress me so far."

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si


Location: Sith attack
Objective: Make Sith troopers life difficult, rescue injured natives
Tags: Aramea Bel Aramea Bel

Fallon listened to the response of the unidentified woman, she was strange indeed, and her responses did nothing to persuade the young Ashlan that she was facing anything but a dark creature. She was still hidden and able to see the woman as she twirled her parasol, but then the woman reacted as if she heard something, and the look on her face, that wasn't something Fallon would quickly forget, she looked like something out of her mother's memoirs. This was no innocent lady on a day walk through war torn streets, this was something else. Fallon's early lessons were about sithspawn, creatures of darkness that often followed in the wake of the more powerful darksiders. She was dangerous, probably not something to be taken lightly.


She was still between the teen and the survivors and now Fallon was almost certain that she had detected then. The jedi emerged, keeping her cloak up for a moment before deactivating it and activating her lightsaber. The Golden blade shimmered into being and glowed with the light of Ashla, Fallon had been told that its radiance alone was enough to weaker bogan retreat. "Oi! Bogan-thing" she called out, whipping a small pebble at the creature with telekinesis if she hadn't already gotten her attention. "I think you should go and play somewhere else!" With her blade in hand she felt its warming effect and all the nerves that clouded her as she stalked in the debris, melted away. Most of them anyway.


Once more, she was blind. It didn't matter much, other than forcing a wince out of her. "Funny, I was gonna say the same about you, cutie. Fought a Je'daii a while back, he at least had the decency to not stall like you are."

Closing her eyes tight, she allowed herself to be open to the Force. To see the way her padawan did. Not just that, but she felt the wind around her. The sound of the world.

Both her blades cleaved through the speeder's hulk, not letting it impede her forward movement. He seemed to be of the opinion she wasn't putting up a fight.

She wasn't. He wanted a duel? Alright.

The wind around them swirled, The gales beginning to sing as Jonyna charged forward, but this time not alone. Twin owls, ethereal in nature, burst from her back, and immediately dove bomb the sith, transparent talons bare, as the Cathar burst forward, her back igniting with flame as she slashed forward, finally unleashing a torrent of electricity at her opponent, seemingly equal in strength as what was sent at her before. Jonyna then spun around, a massive arc of flame shooting from her tail as she twirled in a 360 movement.

Tag: Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr

Heh, look at that, she had more tricks. Tricks of the calibre he expected of a Jedi this time at least, that was a nice change of pace.

He would reward that with hmm... a more merciful death? Yes, that seemed fair.

Unfortunately, the sound of her voice confirmed that she had not in fact smashed into the wreck of the speeder, that either her speed was slower than his estimation, or that she held a greater control of her speed than he had realised. Notable, the rogue thought that Quintessa Quintessa would enjoy going up against this Jedi filtered across his mind before he quickly suppressed the notion.

There was no time to consider his defeats, on the eve of his victory.

As the diegetic music heralded his triumph, he breathed in deep gulps, all the artefacts on his person aiding his focus, and calm, rapidly translating all the emotions he felt, the frustration, the anger, into pure will, into pure power.

A Spear of Midnight Black formed above his head.

Then two more Darkshears formed on either side.

And then two more spears on either side of them.

Five spears of pure darkness, chaotically spinning on their bases, welcomed the sight of the Jedi bursting through the speeder, noting the sight of two owls formed and striking from above.

And with an auditory explosion that drowned the gales, the spears were loosed as the drums of war sounded, the farthest pair launching off to shoot down the oversized pigeons, and the third, with the strength of torpedos, towards the Jedi that had the audacity to still live.

His lightsabre driven by instinct alone found itself hissing, as the lightning struck his blade.

As behind the Jedi, forming from the shadows, with Malum's band growing warmer, grew another Malum, yet this one, with the same madness as one which had been killed before, a lightsabre drawn, as it charged forth to strike the back of the exposed Jedi.

"The difference will be," Malum's eyes glowed their crimson flame, "Only I will be the one that has the claim to your life."

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si


This guy seemed to have just as many tricks as she did, but she wouldn't be dissuaded. She'd fought sith before, and won. She'd fought inquisitors, and won. She'd fought the Empire, the Mandos, now the Sith. 20 years of survival in spite of the world doing it's damndest to kill her. She was a Denik. A clever one.

Spinning around, she let the spears hit her coat, sticking right into the city-wood panels like a pin cushion, while her owls disappeared just before impact. Now she was surrounded, but in spinning around she once more used Liz to slash at the clone behind her, but took pause when her force sight made her aware of something.

That wasn't a real lightsaber the clone was wielding. There was no kyber in it's hilt, no unique signature. Every crystal was unique, and Jonyna knew this well.

Holding her guard, she waited for the clone to attack her, waiting to test a theory.

Meanwhile, her tail slipped back into her coat, waiting for the real sith to strike, wrapping itself around Lucy's hilt, waiting for an attack. Jonyna had made a name for herself being able to multitask fighting stormtroopers, and now was the time to put that to the test.

Tag: Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr

Location: Outskirts of Farm Village - Cerea
Call Sign: Tempest Four
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic”
Direct Engagement: Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl

As the masked Jedi rider drifted his bike to evade the volley, SF-3335 willed her reflexes to a heightened state of reactivity and awareness, effectively bringing the world to a crawl within her perception. It was a system that she should have activated sooner, given the fact that she was fighting Jedi. Nevertheless, it wasn’t nearly too late, as the strand-cast quickly managed to work the Crimson Velocity through a subtle sequence of dips, ducks, sudden altitude changes, and rolls, allowing her to writhe her machine past the return fire. At the same time, a pair of gas canisters were fired from the projectile launchers, both of which went off to shroud the area in front of her in a thick haze of pink gas that functioned to absorb and neutralize the incoming energy bolts, while also throwing up a smoke screen that served to obstruct the Jedi’s vision. In doing so, SF-3335 managed to preserve most of her speed and energy. However, in processing the feedback from her sensors, she realized Jedi was coming in with such speed his trajectory threatened to intercept her own.

A ramming attack.

On cue, SF-3335 fired the auxiliary boosters a second time, throwing the Crimson Velocity hard to the right in an explosive, instantaneous surge of booster-propelled acceleration. As she did, the Jedi zoomed through the smoke and past her with the howling roar of engines, overshooting its mark in the process. In turn, SF-3335 grunted and pulled on the vanes, spinning her bike around to the left until the forward outriggings were facing the rear of the Jedi’s bike.

Sensing her advantage, SF-3335 didn’t hesitate to seize it.

As soon as the crosshairs were aligned with her target, the strand-cast laid on the guns once more, unleashing a short burst of full automatic machine gun fire from a little less than 50 meters away. In that, the barrage was a mixture of armor-piercing and explosive bullets, with 12 slugs fired in total that were aimed to strike the enemy bike’s thrusters so as to set off a chain reaction that might see the machine destroyed outright.

Craft: Crimson Velocity
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Be careful what you wish for.

The last thing that evil wants...

Location: Cerea

"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, HK-88 (NC-1000 X-wing (Jedi Variant) in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay, the late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
Kahlil Noble / Jorus Q. Merrill / Targraanak / Cortana Jade / Jonyna Si Jonyna Si
Foes: Darth Carnifex / Darth Strosius / Malum of House Marr / Xeykard Xeykard

A hero is—as though one should say—a man of high achievement, who performs famous exploits; who does things that are heroical, and in all his actions and demeanor is a hero indeed.“ - Henry Brooke

The howl could not have been louder, it took his focus away for a moment, but once back, Caltin took the opportunity to weigh the situation. Kahlil was holding his own against his father, the Dragon had flown away probably following orders, and Vulpesen had the focus of the Inquisitor. That left Caltin free to work to free the hostages he could and engage any Sith Acolytes trying to hold them down.

You can knock the helpless down, why don’t you try knocking me down?

... is my undivided attention.

With three spears gone, two remained. The battle had gone far from what he had initially planned, but the initiative had seemingly shifted back into his favour and after all it...

...It was on the offensive, that one found victory.

The coat, however, whatever it was, was proving an unfortunate obstacle in every ranged attack that had been made, seemingly able to absorb both the bullets from the gun she held, and the spear made of the dark side made manifest. It would certainly make a nice prize pulled off the broken corpse of the Jedi.

Still best not to get too ahead of himself, there was a battle to win after all.

And thankfully, for this battle, as with every piece of armour, there had to be a chink in its defences.

The remaining spears of midnight black sent off, settling opposite sides of each other, but perpendicular to where he stood, and his doppelganger charged. He could see it play out in his mind's eye, attacked simultaneously from all four cardinal directions, few could survive that, no matter which strike landed the killing blow, the Jedi would be finished.

Thus the spears loosed, aiming at the gaps between the coat. All the while Malum himself finally charged forth, a second lightsaber in hand hissing alight, finally deciding that the Jedi was worthy of experiencing his Jar'Kai, he stabbed forth with the leftmost sabre, planning to cut the spine, all the while the right, drawn towards the tail, planned to slice right through at two points, cutting off the rogue organ, one as much a liability as long hair, would hopefully elicit such pain to make everything else fall into place.

It was the doppelganger, who faced the greatest struggle, both a force-imbued sabre and another sabre that could scant be seen. Yet there was no hesitation, no delay, its eyes had long since given into the madness of its station, savouring the freedom afforded, and thirsting for victory. A second lightsabre came alight, as both blades slashed down, wanting to pin the Jedi in place, underneath the weight of its attack, and allow victory from all other fronts, as insane crimson eyes spotted the Darkshears in midflight.

"Success or Death." The doppelganger hissed.

"Victory or Defeat." Malum answered.

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

And there it was. A Jackpot.

Rather than block any of the attacks, she waited just before the attacks struck, and she spoke with a cocky smirk. "I choose victory."

And she went the one place that no attacks came from.


Her feet exploded with flame, sending her rocketing right into the air, using her feet to block the downward saber strike, and blast the doppleganger with a torrent of flame, causing her to forcefully backflip off the doppleganger, Jonyna twirling with the flip to slash right at Malum's face. Now she'd lured him in. Time to strike. She immediately followed up with Claire, the blade silently extending into it's longer form, hoping to hit him in the shoulder with the ghostfire blade.

Tag: Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr

Note for the future, attack from more than just the cardinal directions. It was a helpful note to have for the future certainly, was not much use in his present situation though.

It was as if time slowed where his imminent victory suddenly turned to folly. He had known it to a degree he supposed, he had known the Jedi would throw up one last trick to keep him from the fate, the destiny, that was his by right, right of conquest and victory and success. That was their way, to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat, over and over, again. As if fate and destiny worked in tandem to make certain, that the Sith would not have the future that was to be theirs.

Even in the three great Jedi purges, had they survived, to rebuild anew.

It was unfair, it was not right, when the Gods themselves turned against them, to allow their greatest enemy to survive again, and again. Where was the justice?

None, there was none in their galaxy.

That reminder was all it took for the simmering rage, the anger, the hatred that had built itself whole within his biological mass to be unleashed. The Darkshears, missing their target, but still in mid-air began to shake uncontrollably, dissipating in the air, as it almost seemed their mist and vapour returned to their master.

He gazed darkly at the blades quickly approaching him, that dare thought they could mar him.

His mouth opened, as an ear-splitting scream left his lips. The sound waves travelling for miles around them, as all the emotions that had been stirring within him, that had been simmering through his entire presence upon this battlefield, his feelings of guilt, his outrage at serving Darth Carnifex, his rage that his battle not over, let out of him in a cacophony of sound that shook the heavens.

Yet, Malum was not the only entity left on the field. Having ignored all but the enemy before them, it jumped up, after the Jedi, pushing aside most of the flames, and otherwise ignoring as the rest caught upon him, his body seeming to bleed the Dark side, as ash would fall from the sky. It had but one directive, one goal.

Having lept up to attack its query, both sabres crossed, the burning figure, sought only to cut off the head, and cut her in half.

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si


"There is no death, only the Force."

Kahlil smiled faintly. Calm, serenity. He'd never felt calmer than he did at this moment. Even as he felt another life snuff out, he didn't seem bothered. No, more than that. The soul that the sword tried to claim found itself not within the jagged blade, but before the Jedi. He reached out to touch the forehead of his ally, his friend.

"You speak about me fighting a pointless fight against darkness, but which of us is the one truly struggling? How many times have you died, father? How many times did it take before you felt the need to turn even your own children into paths to escape death?"

He turned to face the Sith again. The runes along his body had started to fade, burned out from their use, and yet he still stood tall. "You will not escape death forever. The Wellspring will reclaim you, and all you've stolen." The light burned brighter in his blade, shining through the darkness. A beacon to the lost. Even now more of the fallen souls from around the battlefield had started to drift their way to Kahlil.

"I'm not going to stop fighting. None of us will."

Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex
Syd's orange blades slapped aside the red bars of flame from an enemy Sith's hilts as he rapidly attacked her in the Jar Kai style, a Makashi variant that she struggled against, much of her Makashi knowledge having been stolen by The Battalion.

It was really her Pyrokinesis that kept her in the fight, as a sufficient blast of red flames from her mouth put him on the defensive, allowing her to attack rapidly in Niman.

A slice across her side from a lightsaber skittering against her enchanted catsuit made her leap back in pain, metallic squeals escaping her throat as another Sith emerged to end her rampage against them.

They both attacked at once, in unison and she realized they were master and apprentice. She was suddenly on the defensive once more fending off extremely well coordinated attacks from the two attackers, her staff skills pushed to the brink as their attacks grew more ferocious.

She dived under a blast of lightning and retaliated with flame breath. Both summoned a barrier of the force to protect themselves, but the sheer heat of the red flames that escaped her began to burn through the barrier...

A Force Push slammed into her so hard she crashed into a wall of a home, her flesh shuddering violently like mounds of rats were underneath her skin everywhere, she staggered up, and, being a cheap bastard, hit the first Sith that came through, with her fist, and felt his jaw break as her body stabilized and she drove one end of her staff into his mouth, burning through his brain with the orange blade.

A warning in the Force was all she got, and she barely managed to jump out of the window before a ball of kinetite leveled the place.

Syd's response was to breath red flames in the direction of the Sith, flames which bore down on her enemy, forcing him to leap away as she flew after him, corkscrewing in mid air to use her staff like a propeller.

He barely deflected the attack with his two blades, kicked her away, and she felt a rib snap as she hit what used to be a flag pole.

Syd had had enough.

When the Sith came at her again, the curse she whispered caused Electric judgement to flash from the sky and strike him so hard he got insta-gibbed as he got in range.

Syd, still weak, sensed Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble needed more. But Syd wasn't sure how much she could still help him...He had walked quite willingly into a trap.

She focused her magic on the spirits rallying to Kahlil, whispering spells that empowered them with the light so they could better aid Kahlil.

But that was not all she intended.

She looked at Kahlil in the distance. Feth passive support. Syd decided if Kahlil had any hope of walking away alive, she was going to have to commit to aiding him directly.

Syd got in range, flying above him and Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex , and her jaw extended abnormally as a massive burst of Force Light erupted from her throat to shine on the murderous Dark Lord, doing everything she could to help directly, even though her help risked exposing her to scrutiny, even though her direct help would make Kahlil a witness...and Nathan hated witnesses.

But she had no time to worry over what Nathan would get pissed off at. She had a fragment of her past to save, and maybe, just maybe, get a tiny amount of redemption...
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