Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Family Sins (Ask)

Keturah could already tell that she was going to like Romeo's cousin. She and her father were very much alike. When Romeo explained where they were going, Keturah's amber-gold orbs blazed with rebellious enthusiasm. "I may not be very tough, but there's no way that I'm going to just sit at home and wait to see if you come back alive, dad." She'd made up her mind, and there was no dissuading her.
[member="Romeo Sin"]
Katar's smile widened a bit as Romeo hugged her in her chair. She agreed with Keturah on going with the group. She turned her face so that when she spoke only Romeo could hear her. "I'm coming with you," She said quietly.
[member="Romeo Sin"]


@Katar @Keturah Sin @Cross Ikon @[member="Adan Jax"] @[member="stardust"] @[member="Romeo Sin"]

She landed her face on the table, and shook her head. Romeo didn't know obviously, so she spoke up from her facetable position. "'re going to need a army to take the title from Crucix." She sounded muffled, and kinda like she was chuckling to herself. " When she was done talking, she gracefully stood up, and walked over to her little cousin, and wrapped her own arms around her. She lifted up, causing the little girl to be smashed into the bottom of her breasts.

"You are quite the tough squirt dear!" She explained to Keturah. "You'll stare them down with your big beautiful eyes, and make the enemy fall heads over heels for you! JUST LIKE I HAVE!" She looked up at Romeo, "Can I have one pleaseee!"
Adan looking a @[member="Felix Sin"] suffocating her cousin. "We don't need a damn army we just need a couple of crazy bastards crazy enough to do something crazy, and well hun I'm crazy enough to go in and give a crazy ass whooping to some crazy bastards if need be. Since we know what we are doing and where we are going, Mona is waiting for us, let's get this damn show on the damn road." Adan was growing impatient rubbing his hands like a crazy person. @[member="Romeo Sin"] @[member="stardust"] @[member="Cross Ikon"] @[member="Katar"] @[member="Keturah Sin"]
Salvor had been practically hidden in the shadows, watching, listening as the others debated a way to Coruscant. His purple eyes scanned about the room as one after another agreed to throw themselves into the fire, to in some eyes declare war with the Sth, and for what?

He watched as Aden and Stardust followed their king, like the suckling babes they were, unable to think for themselves or come to reason without first finding approval from Romeo.

Then there was Keturah, with her ivory skin, and jet black hair. Beautiful. Though too young and too naive to understand fully what she agreed to.

Katar was there to, it didn’t take a genius to see, her and Romeo had more than a teacher student relationship going on. She clouded his judgment, and he clouded hers, and now they wanted to try and infiltrate one of the most heavily guarded planets in the galaxy? Foolish. Stupid. Insane.

There was another woman, one he had never seen, but it was clear, who she was. Another Sin.


He finally spoke. It was a simple question, but it carried weight.

[member="Romeo Sin"] [member="Keturah Sin"] [member="Felix Sin"] [member="stardust"] [member="Adan Jax"] [member="Cross Ikon"] [member="Katar"]
Keturah didn't notice Salvor. She didn't notice anything at the moment. All she could see was black, as her face was being smooshed into the breasts of her father's VERY lively cousin. And though she appreciated the love, she was having a bit of trouble BREATHING. As Felix held here tightly, her thin little arms were waving wildly and desperately. It was the only way she could say "AIR!" without actually using speech...
[member="Romeo Sin"]
[member="Salvor Arnex"]
[member="Salvor Arnex"] [member="Adan Jax"] [member="Keturah Sin"] [member="Katar"] @Felicia Sin

Romeo was about to speak out to the group when Salvor decided to finally to show face, Romeo was unaware why some were surprised to see the boy in the room, here in his house, Romeo felt everyone's presence. Now the boy was asking why, why should he, or anyone else in the room go out to fight a small scale war.
Romeo was more than obliged to explain to the boy why.
"Because Arnex, its what family does for one another, its what love does for others. Its the right thing to do. Because I want to." Romeo glared at Adan. "I will not make him come if he does not wish to come Adan. He has yet to realize that this," Romeo put his arms out, as if to give a big hug to everyone, "is his new family, and that we all have his back for him."
Adan looking back at Romeo fiercly "then he should not ask as to why you want to do what you want to do, if he wishes not to go then what is it to him if we go and fight or not." Adan turned around and went back to a corner leaning against it. He was done talking it really didn't matter to him who would go and as to why the war was going to start. He was there doing his thing. [member="Romeo Sin"] [member="Salvor Arnex"]
Adan looking back at Romeo fiercly "then he should not ask as to why you want to do what you want to do, if he wishes not to go then what is it to him if we go and fight or not." Adan turned around and went back to a corner leaning against it. He was done talking it really didn't matter to him who would go and as to why the war was going to start. He was there doing his thing. [member="Romeo Sin"] [member="Salvor Arnex"]
[member="Romeo Sin"] [member="Adan Jax"] [member="Keturah Sin"]

He turned to the devaronian, a sneer on his face. “Would you care to find out?” Salvor may be new here, but he would not pushed around or called coward by some fool, who longed to rush head first into a confrontation with The One Sith. Salvor was on Coruscant, as they repelled the protectorate, he was on Alderaan when they fought off the republic. Salvor knew what the Sith had at their disposal, they had him for one. He was with the empire now, but he was knighted by the One Sith, and that held expectations of him.

Family? Was Keturah not his family, and the younger girl? What will they do, when their father doesn’t return, or when he comes back having drawn the ire of the Sith down upon Eclpistica. He would risk all he had now and for who, for what?

He hated the Devaronian and would never admit to agreeing with him, but he did, in a way. Why did Salvor care what Romeo and the rest of this band of buffoons did? He glanced over at Keturah and immediately knew. He cared what happened to her. If she lived or died, if she had to watch he father be torn apart, if she never saw her sister again. These were things he could not stand to have happen to her, things he could not allow to happen to her. If she was set to go, he would go as well.

“What is your plan?”


[member="Salvor Arnex"] [member="Adan Jax"] [member="Katar"] [member="Keturah Sin"] [member="Romeo Sin"]

Felicia let go of Keturah, as the arm flangings got the message through. When Salvor now in the picture, and Adan stepping above Romeo's chain of command, she could see what Romeo would do next. He was not in a mood to undermined, or questioned. She also didn't appreciate that Salvor didn't take into consideration that they were talking about Romeo's sister. Many that did not know, did not realize Romeo was noble by blood, and saw that his coming to power as his excuse to being noble, nor did they realize he was the eldest of what was three.
"Salvor, that is his sister. When one is a king, and as so much power, and responsibility behind their words, they must choose carefully what is to be done, and said." She walked over to Romeo, and placed a hand on his shoulder, in hopes to calm him down.
Keturah gasped, breathing heavily and leaning on the table for a moment as her flushed face returned to it's normal color. "Thank.....You....... cousin...... Felix........" She said between breaths. Regaining her composure, she looked over to see Salvor had joined the group. She gave him a small smile. It was good to see him here, too. Her father was about to explain what they were going to do. She sat down next to the silently listening Katar and waited.
[member="Romeo Sin"]
[member="Salvor Arnex"]
[member="Felix Sin"]
[member="Adan Jax"]
She stared at adan surprised at his burst to salvor, she leaned over to [member="Adan Jax"] "please show respect love" she said and leaned away looking to romeo and listened ready to hear the plan"
[member="Romeo Sin"]
[member="Salvor Arnex"]
[member="Felix Sin"]
[member="Keturah Sin"]
Adan looked at his wife and pulled his hat over his eyes he didn't ignore her, he just was having his moment of fustration which was beginning of something dark but he had control of it. [member="stardust"]
[member="Keturah Sin"] [member="Adan Jax"] @stardust @Salvor Arnex

Romeo leaned back into his cousins hand. He sighed, and shook his head. "We can not make war plans over night....I need to go do more research on this...." He touched Felicia's hand, and smiled. Then walked to Katar's seat, and gave her his arm. "Come, I need some company for my walk please." He smiled at her brightly. Honestly he just needed someone to talk about what to do.
Adan saw [member="Romeo Sin"] walk off with katar to make plans. Adan leaned off the wall walking to [member="stardust"] "since he is going to be taking time to make war plans, that gives me time to do something." He had his dark devil grin on his face, it showed he was gonna do something crazy but beneficial to him and the war.
Katar didn't hesitate to walk with Romeo. She could tell that this matter was seriously bothering him, and that he would want to talk to her about it. She stayed quietly patient, waiting for him to speak as they roamed down the hall a bit.
[member="Romeo Sin"]

" has been murdered..." He spoke softly, and in a whisper that only she could hear him. His hand would be more visible now, and all its bloody mess. He had hit that wall harder then he thought. "We are not ready for war, not yet...we need to find a place of neutral ground..." He sighed, and pulled her close to him. His eyes felt heavy, and his body tired. "Salvor is becoming distant...well more distant..." He sighed, and stopped. He embraced his lover tightly, and buried his face in her neck. Taking in her scent, he let a tear drop, just one. Right now, Romeo was an emotional rollercoaster, and Katar was his only rock to keep him sound in mind.

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