Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Family Ties

Taa Nul

CEO of Kamigen Incorporated
Hey there! Being a member of this community for a good year or two now, I've always had one thing in mind for the Count here, his family. And to make a start on that, I was curious, would anyone be willing to make a son or daughter for him? He DOES need an heir after all. :p

Other relatives would be welcome too.
Here's a twisty tie, how about your Valashu's cousin
In the universe he came from. So technically here, they are nothing, but he has complete memories of being around him etc.?

[member="Count Morcus"]
Well, personally I want a family member for him that's darker than he, so we could definitely work it out. How about, great uncle? His father is only 15 years older than Matreya himself, so it wouldn't work to have him be an uncle. Also his father was an only child. If your his maternal uncle that could work if you were 20 years younger lmao. But on the moms side, you would need to be Anzati.

So paternal great uncle?

[member="Count Morcus"]

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