All of our spells have verbal and somatic components, that's what makes them spells. Unless you have specific training from another Force organization, ( like the Jedi, Sith, Fallanssi, or a witch who has learned the different methods other than somatic and verbal components) who are able to manipulate the Force without these components, all of our spells will require such a prerequisite.
It is what makes us different from the Jedi and the Sith. It is also the weakness in our power-base so to speak, for to make a witch unable to chant the words or do the motions require, we will not be able to cast the spells.
While our singular spells are vastly powerful, they also have weaknesses. We are a formidable Force as a group. As individuals, we all have our "specialty" not all know each and every spell, and one has to generally mentor with a witch who is well versed in it to learn it.