Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Far From Any Road | Reclamation of Concord Dawn | NIO


// BLOW-IT-UP \\
Don Belkora Don Belkora

The chiss retreated into the dark, unbothered by the scenes of carnage painted in darkened blues around her. "Looks like someone beat us here already," she sighed unenthusiastically, "I doubt there will be anything worth our time here, but still I'll look." Izoshi pulled out the drawers of the filing cabinets nestled against the wall and cursed in Cheuhn, bothered clearly despite her rather unemotive exterior. "Nothing here." She stated, moving next to the terminal fixed central on the desk against the far wall.

She tapped a few of the keys and, just for good measure, tapped the screen. When both things were entirely unresponsive, the woman took a step back. "It's fried, of course." The woman raised her fingers to rub at her forehead though she stopped herself, remembering the grime clinging to the leather of these borrowed gloves. "I'm going to snap some pictures and let's get out of here."


Vibes | Maynard Treicolt | Drip

A long sigh escaped his lips.

"Waylon, huh?"

The name was familiar, and so was the visual of the man who came to mind.

"Waylon Treicolt."

He knew the man, though for some reason he'd never really put together the connection to Maynard through the Tank Commander's surname. "I remember him, yeah. Never really talked with 'em face to face, but, he was a good guy from what I knew. Good to his men, a good dude to have in a pinch, and fought with us since the very beginning. We've lost so many brothers-in-arms since this war started... too many."

Luc dipped his head, rising from the comfort of the boulder at his back. Approaching the former Jedi General for a final time, a hand outstretched to grab Maynard's forearm, locking the Jedi in the shared sign of respec he gave out to a kindred spirit. "I looked up to you guys, you and Ryv. Hell, I still do man, even if it's always been from afar. But we all ended up alright...Still alive, right? Still fightin' for what we believe in, or just doin' what we want to carve our dreams and legacies in the fabric of this galaxy. At the end of the day, it never mattered if any of us were Alliance or the Order, Jedi or Rogue Jedi, or whatever other label that people like to throw around. As long as you can stand on your own two feet and live by the values you stand by, you can do good no matter what people want to call you."

Luc broke his grasp in unison with his friend.

"Another Jedi might just piss off a few more of these hardliners with our Jedi-ways, but at least we can live by what we stand for. You've got the support of Nirauan and Serenno, if this is the line you're choosin' to walk."
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C O N C O R D _ D A W N


With everything that had changed, it was remarkable how some things never did.

Like Auteme's ringtone.

When the synthetic chords of TRAA's themesong erupted from her vambrace, it was about the same time she slapped her back against a wall for cover to evade riposte salvos. Her breath hitched –– not from the adrenaline of the fight, but for all the emotions that came with the thematic jingle.

She'd never reached out to Auteme after everything had happened. She'd been too upset, and maybe still was, at the mention of her and Ryv exiling Maynard from The Order.

The song played a little longer, and she peeked around the corner of the building as a bolt whizzed past her nose and she snapped back again.

For a moment's reprieve, she screwed her eyes shut and sucked in a hard breath through her teeth.

"There's nothing saying we can't see these people again, I wasn't ever on bad terms with them, when I went to find you."

It had been long enough.

Amidst all the chaos, she thumbed open the line to accept the connection. Auteme's little form appeared as a few-inch high replica on her forearm while shot after shot threatened her hiding spot.

"Hey, um, Loske- it's Auteme. I kind of- I'm at your house- that's weird. Um. Anyways, I'd been hoping to visit, but you're not home, and I-"

"I- I didn't realize you had a cat,"

Inching a little more to the right, away from the corner of the building that was losing some of it's integrity to the constant blaster fire, the blonde remained uncharacteristically silent for a few seconds. In the distance, something erupted and she looked over the blue silhouette of The Shield to wherever something had happened. As if searching for an answer, she looked to the Protector beside her who offered a shrug.

<His name's Amos.> Loske finally replied, and pushed herself back up to standing position rather than skittering around in a squat. <That is weird.> She agreed, with an uncomfortable smile. <But I'm glad you found the place.>

She ducked as the side of her cover erupted, a burst that shot bits of infrastructure and earth skyward. With a cuss, she rolled her shoulders and condemned the firepower the opposition seemed to have acquired. Something much larger than a typical pistol. With a gesture, her wordless suggestion for those accompanying her to go around was expressed and she took up the role of distraction once more, darting back out into the fray with a whirl of gold and a cloud of dust.

<Uhh, I can be back in an hour-ish –– I'll get Frank to let you in. Don't mind the cat, he's friendly for the most part.>

Auteme was now a little blue person that was moving around her hips as she ran forward, zig-zagging in and out of cover to draw the antagonistic fire away from anything other than her.

<It's good to hear from you.>

ALLIES | JOURNEYMAN PROTECTORS | NIO | Noel Strasza Noel Strasza | Don Belkora Don Belkora | Auteme Auteme | Noel Strasza Noel Strasza | Tavish Steiger |


Alais Kaun [DECEASED]


1LT. Alais Kaun
65th Shock Trooper "Kallus" Division
Allies: DECEASED Aron Gowrie DECEASED Aron Gowrie

Alais sits atop one of the Free State's armoured cavalry vehicles she found the feeling of its' tracks rattle through her bones to be oddly tantalising, she liked tracked vehicles and now that her unit was being reorganised as a "Shock Trooper" Division that was Special Operations-Capable including orbital insertion which just so happened to be their primary modus operandi.

First Leftenant Kaun and her platoon of "Drop Shock Troopers" had secured landing zones for Imperial forces earlier in the day, behind the single-piece visor of the "Kallus-Pattern" Katarn Armour Alais casts her eyes upwards, towards Heaven and allowed herself for a fleeting moment to wonder if the Imperial dream might be worth staying to fight for after all.

Alais meets the gaze of one of the Company's second Leftenant's, a platoon commander. "Ma'am, I don't suppose they have any tea in this rust bucket do they?"

"Let's find out." Alais answers curtly with her Corellian voice which carried no shortage of mischief, she quite enjoyed the friendly banter and competition that went back and forth between her dead hard Shocktroopers.

There were signs of positive change; the implementation of an actual legislature. It wasn't quite elective but it was a start, Berach Ulrand her mentor believed passionately in this experiment to build an empire. Alais though struggled to abide by its' more Authoritarian policies. With a closed fist, Alais bashes on Gowrie's tank commander hatch with a smirk concealed behind faceplate.
"Hey grease monkeys, you got any tea down there?"

Once it is revealed to Alais she's sitting atop the Major's vehicle the Junior Imperial Officer corrects her impropriety. "Hey, sir you got any tea down there?" Shocktroopers of the 65th were known for their rude and standoffish behaviour, many in the Enlisted ranks looked up to them for their bravery in inserting from Atmosphere using drop-pods. Alais was one of the few women in her company and the only woman counted among its' commissioned officers.

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Objective 1: RUSTY CAGE


Allies: Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt Noel Strasza Noel Strasza Alais Kaun Grey Rusken Tavish Steiger
Wallace Paxxus Djorn Bline Djorn Bline Don Belkora Don Belkora Izoshi Izoshi


'Hey grease monkeys, you got any tea down there?'

After a loud metallic clang of a landing exosuit from above, a feminine Corellian (though being around Berach and the Galidraani more was serving to dilute it) accent rang out from the open periscope hatch, refitted to complement a seated eyes-on view for the ACV's commander, with plenty room still above his head for the turret to dip around four inches above his head whilst dipped down to it's lowest barrel-facing position. Gowrie was quite happy about this, having trained in an old redundant MBT from the Sandhurst days that sported such a feature, however, his head was firmly set to the map-holographic at the time; as he supervised the general withdrawal of his bored rearguard, the recognition of 1st-Leftenant Kaun's voice was almost a shock to the Lord-Major's system, but Lord Aron still stood up to see if his sense of memory wasn't playing tricks on him.

'Hey, sir you got any tea down there?'

'LADS, THE CHAMP JUST DROPPED OAN OOR ACV!!!!', Gowrie shouted out to the others, to which a collective outcry of approval was expressed in response. Bringing about something of a mirthful smile on Kaun's face, the response to her unexpected arrival would always be rich in warmth and appreciation for the achievements (and the quick-witted sports-personality she was in her sporting prime) of the hero who'd been recommended for the Order of the Lion medal-strip, and so she'd always be welcome among her father's ilk. Waving Alais down with her second-in-command, Lord Aron checked on the warmth of his driver's,"Teetotal tea!", before continuing,'Aye, plenty. And it's still hot, anaw.... Grab yersel a pew, Leftenant! We're gawn back tae Archais, as Concord Dawn is now firmly in New Imperial hands! The Concord Dawn mission as we know it, as transmitted two minutes ago, is officially complete!'

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if they're watching anyways
Auteme's pause was more a brief shock than doubt or hesitation. "It's- it's great good to hear from you too, Loske!"

She looked back at the cat, and the domed form of Frank rolling slowly over through the homestead towards the door. It really had been too long since they'd seen each other. Too long since they'd been able to talk. She opened her mouth to speak, only to pause and listen closer.

"Loske, you're- are you fighting? I shouldn't distract you, I'll- uh, I'll just- go inside," she said.

Alais Kaun [DECEASED]


1LT. Alais Kaun
65th Shock Trooper "Kallus" Division
Allies: Gowrie

Sergeant Kerl chuckles at the ruckus roar of the Galidraani men. "'The Champ Ma'am?'" Alais didn't need to see the man's face behind the red-painted helmet to know her platoon Sergeant had a grin on his face ear-to-ear.

Alais waves a hand towards Kerl's amusement and shakes her helmeted head
“I’ll tell you later, Sergeant.” The annunciation of Alais’s feminine voice was given a metallic quality by the helmet.

Looking down through the open hatch to Aron’s rugged albeit handsome face.
“Excellent, if you’ll be so kind as to stop the vehicle...” Alais’ courteous words came from a deepening Galidraani tone, subconsciously reverting into her home speech in the company of her wayward kin.

They were interrupted though by the sound of the tracks clumping against Steel. Eyes and visor wheel around to find the vehicle had come to stop in the gargantuan Maw of an Imperial transporter. Gowrie said something about Archais, having come to a stop. Alais, Sergeant Kerl and Corporal Maier carefully climb down the Hull’s slide. Shock Troopers all clad in the truly fearsome pearl white and blood-red of a storied tradition.

Alais brings both hands upto the side of her helmet and utters a command for the onboard computer to disengage the hermetic seal. Air rushes and pushes against the skin of her face in a rush of steam.

Raising the bonnet clear from crown strands of jaw-length blonde hair fall beside her face. The unpleasant scent of diesel and sweat from the crewmen suits of the burly Galidraani men assaults Alais’ nostrils and part of her wishes she had kept the helmet on.

Waiting for Aron she holds an outstretched right hand towards the man and takes his palm when offered with a formidable grip.
“I hope you and your men are all safe.” Alais offered the courteous greeting with warm sincerity, even as she didn’t approve of the Free-states politics or their leader. Alais seperated politics from the lives of men. “Now, how about that tea?”

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C O N C O R D _ D A W N


"Loske, you're- are you fighting? I shouldn't distract you, I'll- uh, I'll just- go inside,"

<Yeah,> Loske sighed, and dodged left to narrowly miss another barrage of superheated ruby. <Always.>

There was an unignorable irritated tiredness to her tone, as if she’d just come to some sort of epiphany that even on the outskirts of the galaxy, the home they’d always wanted, it wasn’t immediate nesting. There were still dynamics to be sorted, people to be saved, battles to be fought. The scale was smaller than The Defense Force..but..they still permeated.

<I’ll see you soon.>

Reports of wrapping up were coming in, and it was clear the contender she’d been keeping the attention of was starting to act out of desperation. She’d return futility with impatience, and was soon close enough to telekinetically enwrap the assailant in an invisible, suffocating grip that brought them to their knees and folded the metal of their mounted weapon.





Frank had been resting his circuits ever since the homesteadowners had left for the day. That had been his plan until an untimely command was issued through his network, cuing his support systems to come back online, his power cells to power up, diagnostics re-activate and his photoreceptors to come back to life.

His logic function’s scans immediately correlated the request to let-auteme-in with the multi-coloured heat silhouette on the other side of the door.

Obediently, he moved from his place against the wall to the doorway. With a quick extension of a manipulator arm extension, the door slid open. Frank whirred back for a moment, before a series of binary, happy-sounding beeps orchestrated. To emphasize, the droid’s holoprojector flashed a series of little blue explosions around Auteme’s feet as if they were meter-high fireworks.

Mistress Auteme! The droid greeted in basic, his artificial accent keeping the greeting monotone. As much as Auteme was Loske's friend, he had spent a bit of time with her when they'd both been a part of the Padawan Pack –– sharing tidbits of information back and forth about a subject Auteme found fascinating and Frank happened to have a wealth of resources archived away in the intelligence Kaili had built within him.

It’s been so long, it’s very nice to have visitors. You might be the first..come in.

Are you here to study the agriculture? I'm sure you'll find many things that you could cross reference and help the indigenous improve on with your galactic breadth of comparison.

if they're watching anyways
"See you soon- be safe!" she managed to squeak out before the call dropped. Her worries shifted a moment to Loske's safety, and yet part of her wondered if she had any right. If she hadn't tried to save her before, why start now? Did it mean as much as she hoped it did?

She found a distraction from her spiraling thoughts in the triangle-faced rolling dome that opened the door to the house. Auteme smiled. "Hi Frank."

She stepped inside, glancing around the little homestead. Not quite what she imagined for the abode of a warlord, but certainly one of a friend. It... it smelled like her. Like a real home.

"Ah, no- I'm just visiting," she said. "I... I thought it was about time Loske- about time there were some visitors."

She glanced at Frank. "But maybe later. I'm always happy to share a bit of knowledge -- plus, the agricultural section at the University of Coruscant's library is surprisingly big."

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