Senator of Cato Neimoidia
The Neimoidian had recently arrived back at home from the Capital of Fondor, having successfully advocated for the passage of the Improved Hyperspace Security Act within the Federal Assembly in spite of uncertainty from many within the chamber on the need to involve the Banking Clan.
One could argue that the Alliance was becoming bloated with the amount of new systems entering into its fold; however the Trade Federation would argue that this perspective was entirely wrong.
The absorption of more systems provided additional regions to conceal activites from the scrunity of the New Jedi Order and the Strategic Intelligence Agency. Such activities might include money laundering and the experimentation with cutting-edge technology intended for sale to both the Sith and the Imperials.
Still no organization was invulnerable to the shifting dynamics of commerce; thus, Senator Dod took the initiative to reach out to a representative of Kuat Drive Yards,

Monaray remained composed in one of the luxurious bridge-cities of Cato Neimoidia, anticipating the arrival of his guest while two Trade Federation Envoys waited in the wings of the palace to provide economic advice and keep a close eye on the proceedings to ensure that they benefited the most from any arrangement.
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