Your all kind of downplaying Thor here. Thor's strength has been called unlimited. His feats include easily lifting over a million tons without any effort, crumbling Uru into dust, equalling, overpowering and even defeating superhuman opponents as strong and powerful as the Silver Surfer, Namor, Juugernaut, Hercules, Hulk, the Red Hulk, The Sentry, and Gladiator in single combat, lifting the Midgard Serpent, who was large enough to coil around the Earth from head to tail multiple times over and crush it in its grip, overpowering cosmic entities when pressed in battle and physically destroying stars, planets, and moons with only his fists. Partly a feat of strength, Thor overcame the gravity of a Neutron Star, which can reach up to about three times the mass of the sun.
Despite the fact that he always restrains his nigh-infinite strength in fights against mortals, he has proven capable of several acts of vast physical strength, including stalemating an enraged Hulk in battle for hours without tiring at all (despite the fact that the Hulk was constantly increasing in strength every moment) and knocking out a non-enraged Hulk, knocking out Namor with a single blow (despite Namor being fully hydrated and it was raining), defeating Bi-Beast (whose strength is said to equal the Hulk's), overpowering the Red Hulk, nearly rendering the Juggernaut unconscious (after negating his mystical defenses), and defeating both the Thing and an enraged Hulk at once in unarmed combat with only one arm, and one eye.