NPC Account
"There has been an incident in District 7."
Even that small admission was more than Marlene wished to say. The Alliance functionary on the small screen was far too bothersome for his size, and much too clever. That much was clear after he managed to dodge Sola's job as an intermediary, her assistant was there to ensure Marlene Starlight didn't have to deal with mindless bureaucrats or their red data-tape. The ExO of the Corporate Authorities had far bigger problems on her plate today.
Like keeping the supposed death of an Alliance Jedi out of the news.
"An incident? I'm hearing repor—"
Now matter how the Alliance official learned of it, there was no question for Marlene other than to stall for time.
"However," Marlene pressed on, speaking under him in that firm, undisputed tone that usually made the other being shut up. Such as in this case, gratefully. "Everything is under control. The Direx Board and I have concluded an emergency session, and we consider this an internal security matter to the Corporate Authorities. At this time we have no need for assistance."
That wouldn't work and they both knew it. It didn't matter, an ExO of the Corporate Authorities had her part to play as much as an Alliance bureaucrat.
"Well, under Alliance standar—"
"If and when we require broader Alliance assistance, we will be in contact." That was the crux of it, where Marlene was putting the force of her weight. The Corporate Authorities of Denon had negotiated autonomy within their Special Economic Zone, it was a crucial component of Alliance assistance during a previous crisis moment. Nor did CAD suffer from the small percentage of Alliance taxes on trade routes through Denon, only the pernicious volume of policies and procedures the Galactic Alliance seemed almost proud to implement. It was questionable how much of those applied to Denon at times like these, so the ExO wouldn't hesitate to provide an answer. "The culprit is identified and locked down, we have no need for unfamiliar Alliance personnel weakening the perimeter. Our experienced security forces are quite capable of getting results, I assure you. Until then, we would ask that the Alliance hold your investigative and aid forces in reserve until such time that the emergency has passed."
"Yes, however—"
"That is all." She didn't feel the need to end the call. Instead, Marlene simply turned her chair around, letting the functionary and his words fall harmlessly upon them. When she could no longer hear his incessant rattle, the ExO called for the woman who was already stepping into her office. "Sola, mention this intrusion to Blackheart, would you? And wrap in D'Aquila, no more unauthorized communications today."
It was the privilege of an ExO was to issue such commands to her DireX. They could override it by a vote, naturally, though none of the Direx Board would waste their votes on petty issues during a crisis. Blackheart would direct his nationalized Slicers to keep outside interference on the HoloNet tied up, while D'Aquila would direct his Moonveil assets running the critical backbone of Denon's communication systems to limit access to only the highest levels of comms. Neither could pass up a chance to look like the decisive hand during an emergency, she never had as a DireX either.
Marlene's hand waved her assistant, and all thoughts of the encounter, away into the air. It was just that easy for the ExO of the Corporate Authorities of Denon.
"You gotta be karking chitting me!" Frankie's irritation was visible on her construct's avatar in the tatt-verse.
Or in other news, everything was normal.
"Who's lazerbrain idea was it to blow up a karking train?" The Shadowrunner withering in front of her had been the first to take more than a moment to explain it to Frankie. Already several had come in, maybe a dozen, the founding Shadowrunner was losing count. No, that wasn't quite right, she knew exactly how many had come in during the last 2.3 hours. That was an irritation, too, so the construct ignored it. Like she had when those intrusive thoughts came from cybernetics bolted onto her brain-steam, and not pure code.
"No wait, scratch that. I want to meet this choom, shake their hand or appendage or whatever. I'm just mad I didn't think of it first." Frankie beamed a crooked smile at the Shadowrunner, patting them on the back with a light finger. She had to use a light touch today, even if no one could actually get hurt in the nanobot-fueled virtual environment. The real Frankie rose to her full height, looming above the Shadowrunner in gigantic form, and gestured to...herself.
The smaller version of Frankie was much kinder, and far more willing to take the Shadowrunner's message. It appeared on the bulletin board behind her, though it was simply an abstracted visual of everything going on behind-the-scenes in the tatt-chat. It hadn't been meant to be used this way, for passing messages or making Frankie handle them all. She was an avatar not a courier.
For any Shadowrunner with the Darkwire Tattoo today, they would simply feel it call attention to them in some fashion. Some said it vibrated or itched, one said it tickled his brain. All it would take was a few seconds of activation, the messages were all there in plain vision upon entering and easy to retain after dipping back out to the Real.
"Hurry it up, 'runner, you don't got all day! CorpSec's on it's way..." The gigantic version of Frankie chuckled as she watched the antics a while longer before turning away. Making the miniature version of herself, and the theatrics with an old-school board full of pinned flimsiplast, was just for amusement of the uploaded consciousness. A remnant of the woman she had once been, a lifetime ago.
Comlink and HoloNet communications are now restricted to CorpSec, their deputies, and official Corporate Authorities communiques within District 7.
The CryptNet may still function via mesh-networking, so long as compatible devices are in range. Those with the Darkwire Tattoo may utilize it as normal, at the cost of physical awareness for the duration of time in the tatt-chat.