Son of Triam
Objective: In The Pale Sunlight
Equipment:"The Mother Relentless," Akovin Relentless Helm, The Sound of Silence, Darkwire Disruptor, RAW DIG Boots, RAW Ion Encumbrance Rifle, "The Hardpoint" Guild Armor (Average weight jet suit configuration, with High ratings on Kinetics and Blasters, low rating on elemental, with an aftermarket RAW SAS Attachment) and wrist-mounted Carbonite Whipcord Launcher
Comm Status:
Brie Jaxx
Cartri Keswoll
CorpSec Tags:
Hargo Zur
Samuel Exel
(Your Comms got jacked by a terrorist broadcast!)
Before Cassus was ever a Shadowrunner or in so deep against the corporations, he was a Bounty Hunter, an exceptional bounty hunter, given his relative age to the other hunters. Whatever his reasons for employing violence for money, he got in deep within that network circle and picked up numerous skills he wouldn't otherwise invest in.
The first lesson: data mining. Hunting was a practice that crossed multiple layers of society, including the non-physical, an aspect he couldn't understand just starting out. He was doing it now with CorpSec Communicator in his hand, picking up reports on different frequencies. Using only the voice data, he was making a map in his head of the Seven Corners (which he was intimately familiar with) and dropping digital pins in the map of his HUD. The situation was developing fast, faster than anticipated, but not unexpected.
Following the Gunships, Cassus felt an itch under his eye, and it wasn't a great time. Information was valuable, so it was worth the risk to break off his pursuit momentarily to duck into an alley. He hastened his connection as quickly as possible.
Cassus glanced at the message on the board and broke away immediately. It saved Cassus a few seconds of blindness, and he began to think about the second lesson: manipulation.
In the Bounty Hunting community, there seemed to be an overt subculture of direct confrontationists who were little more than mercenaries, hitmen, or assassins. With them came chases, blaster exchanges, collateral damage, and getaways. Cassus was trained to a higher quality, where capturing a mark involved abusing their trust and anticipating where they would be at any given moment. Right now, the only trust in the corporations' "District 7" was the CorpSec Communication and Public Service Announcement Networks to distribute information. A network that now possessed a vulnerability in the palm of his hand...
The Gunships could wait; he got what information he needed, and he now had a bigger priority. A mission even bigger than securing the safety of his friends. A mission motivated by hatred but also blossomed by new love. He would have to trust in the capabilities of his friends, as the PSA was too important, and he just thought of a way to accomplish two critical objectives at once. Cassus stopped where he was again, against Petyon's advice, but he didn't do so exposed. Hiding behind the cover of a garbage dumpster, he mounted the heavy Ion Encumbrance Rifle had been carrying pointed down the alleyway and rigged the remains of his whipcord launcher to the trigger. If he heard anything like CorpSec coming his way, it would be as simple as pulling his wrist back and letting the self-guiding bolts fly.
Right now, he needed both his hands to break in and hijack the Corporate network from his access point for his own ends. It was time to update the dictionaries of every device currently receiving data from the only official channel that was allowed, and everyone was monitoring. This had been (more or less) his plan all along, though he intended for it to be public galaxywide, local to District 7 would have to do. However, the best part about it is that the Corporate response played right into his hands. There would be no distractions from his message, as it would be the only message they could access for a few moments at least, but its effect will be permanent and reviewable even after the lockdown.
To some, it would just be the naive rambling of some edgy teenage terrorist, but to others, it just might be the political manifesto needed to stir them to action. Or at least, that's what he would hope. At the very least, he would be heard. If he had access to the other pre-planned messages that
and the rest might have planned, he would distribute them too. But he only had local access to his files on the CryptNet right now and didn't seem close enough to a shared access point near enough to any of Darkfire's devices. His message would have to do for today. The others could be released later once they all survived this.
If they all survived this.
The intrusive thought coincided just as he heard a CorpSec Landspeeder Cruiser slowly idly through the street as blaster fire went off in the distance. Shouted orders and knocks echo through the street. As he finished his PSA, he peeked over the dumpster and saw an Officer looking down his alleyway.
"Death to Corpos!" Cassus yelled as he ripped his whipcord and mounted it to the dumpster, forcing the Ion Encumbrance Rifle to fire continuously down the confined corridor. Dozens of rounds were flying out of the alleyway, hitting officers and the Cruiser as it passed. Each tag would hit a target and direct other tags to hit the same location. Shields, if any were used, would quickly be expended, technology would be disabled, and the personnel would be repeatedly bombarded by ionizing plasma. Its initial impact is weak, but after a sustained fire, they would be disorientated, stunned, and in some cases, killed as hundreds of bolts cut off their advance through the street.
Before the seccers could respond, Cassus was flying out of the alleyway above them as his sprung trap provided him covering fire.
Right now, Cassus was concerned with finding anyone he could and bringing them to safety. Baker's Row was becoming a powder box, and getting deeper into the Tombs seemed less likely. Taking up Mistress Mastema (
Dominique Vexx
) sounded like the riskier, easier option, and time was running out. If he didn't take it, it would be that much harder to get out of this unscathed. Cassus kept his flights low and limited, trying to stay out of sight of gunship patrols.
Darkwire wouldn't be able to evade them forever. It was only a matter of time. He had to get to safety, but a gut instinct drove him forward. Others needed protection, needed comfort from this conflict, so he needed to fight a little longer...
Brie Jaxx
Cartri Keswoll
Comm Status:
- Holonet & Traditional Commlinks - DOWN - NO MESSAGES RECEIVED
- Darkwire Tattoo Chat-Relay - UP - Message Received from Peyton Steele
- CryptNet - UP and IN RANGE - No Unread Messages

CorpSec Tags:

Cassus managed to evade any further missiles or rent-a-cop Seccers as he dragged the poor unconscious or dead ragdoll into a foreclosed bread shop in Baker's Row. He stopped screaming about a minute ago, which gave him enough to move at least audibly stealthily. However, pretty quickly. the gargantuan secondary explosion on the train would tie up enough resources his seeming absence wouldn't be terribly missed. It would give him plenty of time to tap into CorpSec communications to keep appraised of their response.
That's when his eye started twitching, like an unmistakable compulsion to activate his Darkwire Tattoo. It had never done that before, but considering the circumstances and his relative safety at the moment, he gave into the incessant compulsion. For a moment, Cassus was blind, deaf, and dead to the outside world as the nanobots in the ink of his Tattoo linked his mind to the shared virtual environment Darkwire had come to rely on for organizing themselves discretely and separate from any trackable network. At least, to any network outside of theirs, a traitor could still exist inside of it, but now wasn't the time for those thoughts.
Cassus wasn't personally familiar with this particular voice and face but thought he might have recognized them from hearsay from other Shadowrunners. Regardless, they had access to the Tattoo and managed to convince the native uploaded intelligence to modify the environment to enable this kind of communication. Cassus selected the imaginary pin in the virtual message board and decided to respond.
"Uh, Kid here. Managed to nab a Seccer communicator and will respond with updates as I get them... when I can. Gotta keep moving, can't stay here long." Cassus left the message behind and pulled himself out. The whole experience took up to maybe ten seconds. That was a lifetime in a battle, but right now, he was in relative safety, though it wasn't going to last.
While he was parsing the information passing through the CorpSec communicator and adjusting the frequency to valid sub-channels, Cassus received an uplink notification from the CryptNet, and a message filtered through his helmet.
An escape option that was something to consider-
- Cassus was interrupted by another uplink from the CryptNet, a user he was unfamiliar with but might have heard about. Another escape route. A highly specific address with a time limit. Something about it gave him an ominous feeling he didn't like. He couldn't place his thumb on it. What was this about Bounty Hunters? He hadn't gotten any notifications from Local Guild channels... that's when Cassus noticed that his connection with the Holonet very suddenly went dark.
"Shit, blackout. I guess our pre-planned PSA is out now." Cassus smirked intensely, trying his best to find humor in that development while he cracked the CorpSec communicator. That's when he got the message he was looking for:
The list was extensive and detailed, and the price tags were significant. It was only a matter of time before professional hunters were on the scent, and if CorpSec in any way anticipated Darkwire's attack as a potentiality, it was possible they had a head start. He knew that CorpSec had a selection of local Bounty Hunter Guild Chapters on-call in case of emergency situations. With them on the loose, Daiya and the rest were in serious danger.
"What?" Cassus balked, learning that not only was the dignitary a Jedi and not dead but apparently kidnapped?! That presented a very dangerous situation for his friends. It had been their intention to kill them, so the only way they were all still grouped together was because the plan changed, and smooth talking was involved. Lies created fragile alliances, and Cassus didn't want anyone he cared about being around a Jedi when it broke.
It was time to move. Cassus heard Gunships moving overhead, and he elected to follow them back to the scene of the crime...
Before Cassus was ever a Shadowrunner or in so deep against the corporations, he was a Bounty Hunter, an exceptional bounty hunter, given his relative age to the other hunters. Whatever his reasons for employing violence for money, he got in deep within that network circle and picked up numerous skills he wouldn't otherwise invest in.
The first lesson: data mining. Hunting was a practice that crossed multiple layers of society, including the non-physical, an aspect he couldn't understand just starting out. He was doing it now with CorpSec Communicator in his hand, picking up reports on different frequencies. Using only the voice data, he was making a map in his head of the Seven Corners (which he was intimately familiar with) and dropping digital pins in the map of his HUD. The situation was developing fast, faster than anticipated, but not unexpected.
<<Requesting another squad to my location; we have a man down. Suspect is fleeing the scene, on-site team is in pursuit.>>
<<Commander, this is Gorian. Finishing wrap-up on Baker’s Row, a weapons operation has been detained. I intercepted Valery Noble, and her Kidnapper - she seemed uncertain about who was responsible for the attack. I managed to convince her to leave the Kidnapper’s care.>>
<<Kidnapper appeared to be young, colorful armor. The squadron I am with is after the kid while I handle the Target.>>
<<Valery Noble is not cooperating with direct escort due to the confusion regarding the culprit. It will leave CorpSec with a better look to the Alliance if I do not try to force her directly, and instead ensure her safety and escort with a bit of distance. She seems to be making her way somewhere. I can manage this. Is this an acceptable guideline change for the bounty, Commander?>>
Following the Gunships, Cassus felt an itch under his eye, and it wasn't a great time. Information was valuable, so it was worth the risk to break off his pursuit momentarily to duck into an alley. He hastened his connection as quickly as possible.
"New lesson. Don't stick in one place too long. Try to code things up. And get safe. Unsure what they're going to do."
Cassus glanced at the message on the board and broke away immediately. It saved Cassus a few seconds of blindness, and he began to think about the second lesson: manipulation.
In the Bounty Hunting community, there seemed to be an overt subculture of direct confrontationists who were little more than mercenaries, hitmen, or assassins. With them came chases, blaster exchanges, collateral damage, and getaways. Cassus was trained to a higher quality, where capturing a mark involved abusing their trust and anticipating where they would be at any given moment. Right now, the only trust in the corporations' "District 7" was the CorpSec Communication and Public Service Announcement Networks to distribute information. A network that now possessed a vulnerability in the palm of his hand...
The Gunships could wait; he got what information he needed, and he now had a bigger priority. A mission even bigger than securing the safety of his friends. A mission motivated by hatred but also blossomed by new love. He would have to trust in the capabilities of his friends, as the PSA was too important, and he just thought of a way to accomplish two critical objectives at once. Cassus stopped where he was again, against Petyon's advice, but he didn't do so exposed. Hiding behind the cover of a garbage dumpster, he mounted the heavy Ion Encumbrance Rifle had been carrying pointed down the alleyway and rigged the remains of his whipcord launcher to the trigger. If he heard anything like CorpSec coming his way, it would be as simple as pulling his wrist back and letting the self-guiding bolts fly.
Right now, he needed both his hands to break in and hijack the Corporate network from his access point for his own ends. It was time to update the dictionaries of every device currently receiving data from the only official channel that was allowed, and everyone was monitoring. This had been (more or less) his plan all along, though he intended for it to be public galaxywide, local to District 7 would have to do. However, the best part about it is that the Corporate response played right into his hands. There would be no distractions from his message, as it would be the only message they could access for a few moments at least, but its effect will be permanent and reviewable even after the lockdown.
To some, it would just be the naive rambling of some edgy teenage terrorist, but to others, it just might be the political manifesto needed to stir them to action. Or at least, that's what he would hope. At the very least, he would be heard. If he had access to the other pre-planned messages that

If they all survived this.
The intrusive thought coincided just as he heard a CorpSec Landspeeder Cruiser slowly idly through the street as blaster fire went off in the distance. Shouted orders and knocks echo through the street. As he finished his PSA, he peeked over the dumpster and saw an Officer looking down his alleyway.
"Death to Corpos!" Cassus yelled as he ripped his whipcord and mounted it to the dumpster, forcing the Ion Encumbrance Rifle to fire continuously down the confined corridor. Dozens of rounds were flying out of the alleyway, hitting officers and the Cruiser as it passed. Each tag would hit a target and direct other tags to hit the same location. Shields, if any were used, would quickly be expended, technology would be disabled, and the personnel would be repeatedly bombarded by ionizing plasma. Its initial impact is weak, but after a sustained fire, they would be disorientated, stunned, and in some cases, killed as hundreds of bolts cut off their advance through the street.
Before the seccers could respond, Cassus was flying out of the alleyway above them as his sprung trap provided him covering fire.

Right now, Cassus was concerned with finding anyone he could and bringing them to safety. Baker's Row was becoming a powder box, and getting deeper into the Tombs seemed less likely. Taking up Mistress Mastema (

Darkwire wouldn't be able to evade them forever. It was only a matter of time. He had to get to safety, but a gut instinct drove him forward. Others needed protection, needed comfort from this conflict, so he needed to fight a little longer...