Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Fatty the Snowman

Well-Known Member

NAME: Fatty the Snowman
FACTION: Lords of the Fringe
RANK: Snowman... duh
SPECIES: Bintir'boise (Or snowman, you know, which ever is easiest)
AGE: Like a year or something... I don't think snowmen age. They are made out of snow after all and so they last forever...
SEX: Ew gross! I'm a freakin' snowman!
HEIGHT: Knee high
WEIGHT: Is that a fat joke?
EYES: Charcoal
HAIR: Nope!
SKIN: Also nope!
FORCE SENSITIVE: Well... I am a snowman that talks... so I guess I'm going to have to be.


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
(+) Has no bones
(+) When supremely angry, can turn into this:

(-) Is snowman
(-) About as bright as common snow...


Around the year of 837 ABY on some random planet with snow, a Sith Lord came to the world and decided he would create a devastating monster that would envelope the galaxy in the harsh embrace of the cold. It took him weeks of concentration, and all his mastery in the dark arts to manifest this monstrosity into real form. You can imagine his disappointment when all he got out of it was a virtually immortal yet completely harmless snow golum, in the likeness of a child's snowman. Infuriated he left the planet and probably killed himself for his ineptitude. Luckily for Fatty (as he is called for reasons to be explained) he was pretty much left to do as he pleases. He has enough influence in the force to freeze a path for him to travel around in, and although often feared at first for his... quirky nature and strange manifestation, people generally love snowman.

But the Force help you if make him angry. He'll turn into a frost giant faster than you can say "splat".





Just imagine when you get stabbed with some weapon.

"Oh look! I've been impaled. Hehe"

Or when you fall down from a huge height.

"oh no! My legs! I can feel my legs!"

Now let not forget when you are thrown With the force.

"WATCH OUT!" "ah, watch out for my butt!"

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