Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Fatty the Snowman

Well-Known Member
I have cryo powahs, I just lower the thermostat in my immediate vicinity and I don't have to worry about meltin' so much. Also I am Sithspawn :p
Well-Known Member
Awwww, Thurion doesn't want snowmen on his planet :(

I was really inspired by the whole "Vinter" thing. Now I have to come up wit something else. Should they be Hothboise now? No, that doesn't have as nice a ring to it. Maybe I should make a planet sub called Latvinter (Late vinter :D) or Earlvinter (Early vinter :p)
Well-Known Member
I never knew that making a jokish character would lead me to actually... make something creative 0.o

How does that work?

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