Though this isn't something that personally applies to me, it's something I've heard in confidence from quite a few people in the last couple of weeks since I've been back. Some fraction of the board population isn't comfortable talking with most of staff, because they feel they'll be pressured, bullied, or talked down to. There's also the persistent and ugly perception that the winner in any given debate is the person who has the most staffers as friends. Part of all this is, so far as I can tell, real -- and part of what I'm hearing is probably what Tef would call 'a you problem' -- but I've noticed a few cases where staffers could have tried harder to act fairly or stay out of the way in debates where they have a vested interest, or where they could have tried harder to come across as approachable. It's one thing to solve a problem efficiently, but when you do so in a way that ensures the next five problems won't come to you, efficiency is counterproductive.