Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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February Check-In

So, while I work on organizing notes and getting ready for some new things in the near future, I wanted to first just take a second to take a quick poll of who is active within the faction, what your preference is for stories for the GA ( Cross-Faction or In-House ), what you think we're doing well with, what we could improve, and maybe see about what do we not have that you think we would benefit from.

What's Good?:
What Can Be Better?:

What Do You Want?:
Name: Elaine Thul
Stories: Looking for ways to keep sith from alderaan
What's Good?: Not sure this character new
What Can Be Better?: as above
What Do You Want?: war on the one sith, and to win :)
also improve thul estate by moving the company up a tier.

Connor Harrison

Name: Dax Ragnar

Stories: Anything that mirrors the fun and excitement and old fashioned adventures of the Star Wars films and nothing too dramatic.

What's Good?: The range of FUs and NFUs who can work together, and there's a great sense of the GA being a big swashbuckling, daring-do, adventure seeing Faction for good.

What Can Be Better?: More opportunities for pilots, especially NFU ones. They seem to be the forgotten minority as not much happens in space in Doms/Invasions etc

What Do You Want?: To have fun, and see a good balance for NFU's to have action along with the FU's
Name: Harmon Taldan
Stories: Currently trading blows with a chitinous sith in the Invasion and running down a treasure ship.
What's Good?: I like pretty much everything about this faction.
What Can Be Better?: I'd say more activity, but burn out would start to become a factor.
What Do You Want?: To develop Harm into a good Jedi-esque being.
Name: Abigail Selonna
Stories: About to save Galven with a small fleet of ships...that's pretty much it.
What's Good?: What Harmon said.
What Can Be Better?: Yeah, what Harmon said.
What Do You Want?: Mostly just to shoot more stuff up with overly large weapons...
Name: Andanian Ategann

Stories: My idea for Andanian is to play space cowboy, be an outlaw to the One Sith, make friends, make money, and portray Andanian as a 'regular guy' in a galaxy full of Jedi, Sith, monsters, and heroes

What's Good?: I love the rag-tag feel of the faction combined with ideologies that feel more aggressive than older 'Light Side' factions like the GR, who felt like pushovers sometimes

What Can Be Better?: Havent noticed much wrong, im fairly new to the faction

What Do You Want?: I want to make friends in the faction and get myself wrapped up in awesome plots with other characters :)
Name: Kira Vaal
Stories: Currently hoping between the GA and the upstart Resistance. Oh and starting to meld her way into the Force.
What's Good?: The general feel, changed slightly since earlier but eh?
What Can Be Better?: Need to start actually pressing opposing territory. Start making people sweat.

What Do You Want?: As above. Start taking planets off people. We can win any invasion hand down because we are awesome.
Name: Krux Mullarus

Stories: Primarily a member of the SSC, but I am an ally of the GA and will cooperate with the New Jedi Order whenever I can and help take down the One Sith. Of course, i'm always open to writing with anyone, as I love seeing all of the unique characters around Chaos!

Same writer as Andanian, so see his post for the rest ^^
Name: Julius Sedaire/Aitis Powart/"That %&*#'

Stories: Currently building a small-time academy on Socorro and working my way through a duel list. I've strayed from the faction for... reasons. Wholly OOC ones, I Admit. I've toyed with the Green Jedi, but due to lack of support/interest, they stagnated. WOuldn't mind reviving that.

What's Good?: I like the rag-tag feel, but I think the more I look at it, it's less the rag-tag bit that is important, and more the Fringer/Common Man thematic that is key really. I like that this place isn't super focused on invasions and conflict constantly. When I want to write something different, I can come here.

What Can Be Better?: Well... This is me... So i'll be blunt, as I always am. Excuses if I offend anyone, feel free to PM me and we can talk if I did, but lets not clutter the thread here. You all know me by now. No sense pretending I'm any different.

I'd like to see us focus on actually solidifying our territory we have (we tentacled majorly in some weird directions) and ourselves as an organization. Or more focus in general on whatever we do. The wheels feel like they have fallen off with this place since about December or so, right after Fondor really... With the Dominions almost seeming to be wholly at random, or feeling like completely illogical choices...

I get that it is member driven, but we need some sort of eye towards being smart about things. Some of the choices for dominioned planets felt pretty weird (though I am no map expert, so that might be why) and the ones that were wholly member driven (or announced that they were) seem to have been given out a lot more to OOC friends of the former Admins than to just whoever wanted it or came up with ideas... Maybe be a bit more selective/inclusive, if that is possible to do both.

Not that we need to focus on the map at all times, quite the opposite in my opinion.. I would be content if we ignored it, for that matter. But if/when we do, we'd do best to be smart about it. There was a vibe coming on since New Years that was very pushy towards invasions, seemed like a skirmish every other day, and a general push towards OOC/IC angst against the OS. And the push towards member driven stories and PVE arcs just died without a single mention. I'd like to see that shit cut right the hell out, to be blunt. I love the cooperative vibe we started with, and i'd like to see more a return to that.

Let's worry less about having the most planets or making someone have less. And lets instead worry about a damned good story, and helping others have that too, to the best of our abilities. Less 'lets win the game' that got twisted from the original 'We are here to write a good story'..

What Do You Want?: I like stuff like the Arc that [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] came up with. I could give a crap less about invasions and 'taking planets from people'. That sort of mind-set is the sort of dickery where i'll vanish or ignore it real quickly. Also, #FreeCorellia !!!!

Seamus Valik

Name: Seamus Valik
Stories: Training with Gabe. Dealing with the transition from boloball to Jedi life.
What's Good?: Most everything so far.
What Can Be Better?: Ayden's hat

What Do You Want?: I'll have a caff and waffles.
Name: Ryan Korr
Stories: Hunting Isolda w/ Aela Talith. Surviving Spaarti clones w/ Avalore. Jedi stuff.
What's Good?: Active faction owner
What Can Be Better?: Keeping momentum up so we can come back strong for the next invasion.

What Do You Want?: a TJO merger w/ NJO and then maybe a little peace and quiet.
Name: Jacen Voidstalker
What's Good?: layout, rosters, letting members create their own units
What Can Be Better?: Random doms with no story (ie it's pirates, go get them)
What Do You Want?: plot arcs, fleshing out our territory, some story based skirmishes with First Order and One Sith.

PM if you want to be involved in working on the Vanguard campaign to flesh out territory to the west. I'm not an admin so this is very much a member driven story, with admin oversight!
Name. Rekha Kaarde
Stories: My stories kind of died.
What's good: I like that anyone can come up with a story, layout is cool, And I love Aydens Hat.
What can be better: I haven't had too much trouble with anything so better? Not sure.
What do you want: I like troubling the Sith, going in rescues, and having a drink or two.
Name: Avalore Eden
Stories: Developing the Circle of Healers out of Katarn Homestead on Sulon. Healing lots of GA people. Helping Kana find her inner Jedi again. Surviving Spaarti clones with Ryan. About to have a run-in with Matsu Xiangu. Raising Gabe and Chevu's twins. Growing Talon Vosra's offspring seed. Planting trees. Being a Healer. Making friends. Sadly not profiting.
What's Good?: The set-up of hierarchy and the varying sects within GA offer a lot of freedom to differing types of characters. I also love the follow-thru on taking care of those who break the laws or those who are captured. I want to see more of this. I want to see more consequences dealt and carried through ICly.
What Can Be Better?: Better focus on the dominions. They're too random and many don't make sense. I agree with a lot of what Julius has pointed out.

What Do You Want?: Gabe to stop trying to kill himself.


She of the Trillion Thorns
Posterity check-in. This is just an alt.

Name: Brom Burnside
Stories: Working on an artifact hunt with Jacen presently. Training my apprentice. Looking to find a role here in GA.
What's Good?: -
What Can Be Better?: -

What Do You Want?: -
Checking in, I guess?

Name: Gabriel Sionoma
Stories: Umm, doing some stuff off of Annaj and getting crucified in the invasions
What's Good?: Umm, down to earth philosphy?
What Can Be Better?: More cohesive storylines. This faction started out strong and petered out with all the mix and match stories. Dominions, for instance, are piece meal without any connections.

What Do You Want?: What I said above. More cohesiveness, more overarching story. Something to the Alliance beyond "We fight the Sith and darkside."
Name: Ayme Katash (aka Havock)
Stories: Still working on getting the hang of everything but I'm up for pretty much all GA/NJO stuff.
What's Good?: It's all good.
What Can Be Better?/
What Do You Want?: on these points I basically agree 100% with [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] and [member="Julius Sedaire"]
Name: Nyos Val
Stories: Expanding the R&D and Medical department to benefit the encounters that will involve the OP
What's Good?: The willpower of our FA's to keep us going.
What Can Be Better?: My attendance and involvement to this faction
What Do You Want?: I'd hope to have something as epic as the Bando Gora Saga
Name: Taeli Raaf
Stories: Dealing with sister vanishing, traveling the galaxy to learn more, helping out where possible
What's Good?: Haven't been in the faction long enough to really know, but I love it's all story driven for the most part
What Can Be Better?: Not sure

What Do You Want?: Help out however I can, whether it be through myself being in threads or using my company in some way to help the GA

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