Name: Julius Sedaire/Aitis Powart/"That %&*#'
Stories: Currently building a small-time academy on Socorro and working my way through a duel list. I've strayed from the faction for... reasons. Wholly OOC ones, I Admit. I've toyed with the Green Jedi, but due to lack of support/interest, they stagnated. WOuldn't mind reviving that.
What's Good?: I like the rag-tag feel, but I think the more I look at it, it's less the rag-tag bit that is important, and more the Fringer/Common Man thematic that is key really. I like that this place isn't super focused on invasions and conflict constantly. When I want to write something different, I can come here.
What Can Be Better?: Well... This is me... So i'll be blunt, as I always am. Excuses if I offend anyone, feel free to PM me and we can talk if I did, but lets not clutter the thread here. You all know me by now. No sense pretending I'm any different.
I'd like to see us focus on actually solidifying our territory we have (we tentacled majorly in some weird directions) and ourselves as an organization. Or more focus in general on whatever we do. The wheels feel like they have fallen off with this place since about December or so, right after Fondor really... With the Dominions almost seeming to be wholly at random, or feeling like completely illogical choices...
I get that it is member driven, but we need some sort of eye towards being smart about things. Some of the choices for dominioned planets felt pretty weird (though I am no map expert, so that might be why) and the ones that were wholly member driven (or announced that they were) seem to have been given out a lot more to OOC friends of the former Admins than to just whoever wanted it or came up with ideas... Maybe be a bit more selective/inclusive, if that is possible to do both.
Not that we need to focus on the map at all times, quite the opposite in my opinion.. I would be content if we ignored it, for that matter. But if/when we do, we'd do best to be smart about it. There was a vibe coming on since New Years that was very pushy towards invasions, seemed like a skirmish every other day, and a general push towards OOC/IC angst against the OS. And the push towards member driven stories and PVE arcs just died without a single mention. I'd like to see that shit cut right the hell out, to be blunt. I love the cooperative vibe we started with, and i'd like to see more a return to that.
Let's worry less about having the most planets or making someone have less. And lets instead worry about a damned good story, and helping others have that too, to the best of our abilities. Less 'lets win the game' that got twisted from the original 'We are here to write a good story'..
What Do You Want?: I like stuff like the Arc that [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] came up with. I could give a crap less about invasions and 'taking planets from people'. That sort of mind-set is the sort of dickery where i'll vanish or ignore it real quickly. Also, #FreeCorellia !!!!