Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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February Check-In

Jamie El-Eison

I can send her wherever she's needed in the faction. Patrols/Missions. etc. I'm open to some fresh stories/ideas. Otherwise, she's flying things and shooting stuff. :p

What's Good?:
That rag-tag feel. The underdog who is daring enough to take on the big bad, because someone has to fight.

What Can Be Better:
I've been out of the faction/away from Chaos for a little while, so I probably don't hold a lot of weight with my opinion here. From what I've gathered after coming back, though, I have to say I agree on many fronts with what has already been mentioned/pointed out by Julius/Gabriel & Jacen.

What Do You Want?:
Overarching story and connecting story plots brought me here. There was a purpose of which I could get my character behind and rally to, and I'd like to see a shift in that direction again.
Name: Loske Matson

  • Getting to know some Alliance Members
  • Getting a droid!
  • Participating in a dominion (on the ground!) - Karfeddion
What's Good?:
  • The understanding of reaching out to members
  • Having some predetermined efforts for storylines (ie. Apparently there's a Western Front story / Eastern front story)...
What Can Be Better?:
  • Transparency on the Stories - Being able to access the alluded to "Western Front" story as a whole vision would be nice! This way, members can write to it, perhaps suggest, etcetera.
  • More faction threads - This is a given, but making sure they're structured too. Random threads not contributing to expanding the faction / factions armoury aren't very useful.
What Do You Want?:
  • More interaction with other factions - We're on pause with The First Order, but what about some friendly faction threads with other chill homies? Not all Faction x Faction threads have to be feud-driven.


Insert Hilarious Title Here
Name: Anixya, but call me that and I hurt you. Call me Nyx.
Stories: Consuming junk food, and using my slicing skills to stick it to the establishment. (One Sith, First Order, Galactic Republic).
Just getting this character out and doing things. I like writing with new people, so I'm up for anything with anyone.
What's Good?: I like the rag tag feel of the faction. Still got some structure, which is good. Probably my favorite light side faction.
What Can Be Better?: A return to the story driven beginning, instead of focusing on the map. Consolidation territory, that kind of thing.
What Do You Want?: Kick some evil ass and chew bubblegum.
Name: Kana Truden, loosely also checking in for [member="Kaili Talith"].
Stories: Continuation of personal redepmtion arc
What's Good?: The amounts of posts I get from [member="Jacen Voidstalker"]
What Can Be Better?: The amounts of posts I give to [member="Jacen Voidstalker"]
What Do You Want?: Dinner.

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