Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Fedrig - The Lone Wolf




NAME: Fedrig

FACTION: Mandalorian Empire, also any faction that pays for my services.

RANK: Soldier, Merc, Bounty Hunter

SPECIES: Human - enhanced with cybernetics

AGE: 26

SEX: Male


WEIGHT: 15 stone

EYES: Sharp, piercing blue eyes

HAIR: Shaggy dark hair with a rough beard growing.

SKIN: Very pale skin



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

Stronger than the normal human
Faster than human reflexes
Expert in guns and melee combat
Expert hand to hand combatant
Skilled hunter/tracker
Sometimes humorous
Loyal to friends and family
Skilled in splicing and technology

Quick to the fight
Anger issues towards Force Users outside his Faction
Eager to kill his enemies
Old wound often hurts his side
Cybernetics are not perfect
Weak to electrical attacks that weaken him
Hatred of Force Users not Mandalorian
Crashing expert as a pilot
Blind to the failings of those he loves

Fedrig is a 6 foot tall, muscular lean build with scruffy look. His dark hair unkempt but clean, a beard was rough and not the greatest looking beard. His eyes are a piercing grey/blue with a deep intensity. His upper body is littered with old scar wounds from previous battles. A particularly nasty scar on his side continues to play up with sharp pangs of pain whenever he overexerts himself in any way, needing to be careful of lowering his guard when he is hit with pain. There are some signs of cybernetics in his face and upper body. He is usually found in his own armour which adds to his bulk and height.


Fedrig was born on Corellia, his father was a scavenger and his mother often had to be the primary carer for Fedrig while also working in a cantina. When Fedrig was 10 years old, his father abandoned his mother and him, pursuing a treasure filled planet far away, a myth that was just an excuse to leave and never having to return. Fedrig built a lot of resentment towards his father, and his mother as well, in his teenage years, Fedrig fell into a life of crime and worked with many crimelords, attempting to swindle the most credits from making them compete off one another. Unfortunately, this caught up to Fedrig, having to escape he fled Corellia leaving his mother behind. Several years later, he found out that his mother was murdered by the crimelords he fled as revenge, this was Fedrig's biggest regret, realising how well his mother treated him even when he was becoming difficult as a teenager.

Seeking revenge on those who murdered his mother, Fedrig trained in combat and hunted the crimelords down. Murdering them with ruthless justice, Fedrig decided that he would be a bounty hunter, hunting those who preyed on the weak. Continuing to develop his skills, Fedrig quickly became highly skilled in guns and melee weapons as he hunted more and more criminals that were preying on the weak. He eventually heard of the Mandalorian Empire and the praises that were being sung about them. Fedrig immediately signed up into the Empire, training in hand to hand combat and spending several years honing his combat skills. Now, he was 26 years old, he was a highly trained weapons expert and determined to bring justice to the galaxy with the Mandalorian Empire.


None yet


None yet.


None yet.


Armour - Havoc Class v.2

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