I do wish I could post a gif for points but I actually have something I'd like to add.
In all honestly all you did was not criticize but attempt to point out flaws based on how they were directed to you. It was not helpful for anyone looking from the outside in and proved nothing to anyone. I'm a bit disappointed, really, I have little experience except maybe with a few admins and I was interested in actually getting a critical perspective on the staff. Instead I read through the rambling of someone who called some people out and gave praise to another.
Criticism isn't about pointing out flaws or praising people. It's about giving them something to improve on. That's it. It's not about hard feelings and unless you're Anton Ego from Ratatouille, that's not useful to anyone down the road.
If you want to make a good critical outlook on the staff, I'd be awesome to compile a list of all the things you think they
all could improve on individually. I'll give a few examples of my own experiences.
- You're too vague sometimes, man. It makes me insecure.
- You reuse the same jokes. I guess that's okay, but new ones would be nice too.
- You sound like you have a raspy deep voice in my head whenever I read your stuff. Work on that.
Okay. That's it. I'm too lazy to finish.