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FEEDBACK: Sith Character Ideas

Braith Achlys said:
[member="Darth Vornskr"]
And the group that just underwent a civil war isn't?
The Sith Triumvirate was formed to escape a radical revolutionary government that would've been a reality if Mephirium actually became Emperor, but instead what happened was the opposite so their entire reason for breaking away is moot and now they look silly. :p
[member="The Darkside"]

There is the Sith Empire as well. We are just getting off the ground and in the middle of Lords fighting to prove who is the strongest and will lead, but we have very active people leading and will grow fast. You are welcome to join.
Braith Achlys said:
I still see a drastic change from the original One Sith, so... still radical revolutionary government.
Braith's right you know. You need a DLoTS to be a One Sith faction, as the core to being a One Sith is following the Rule of One, where all Sith blindly obey a single Dark Lord. The current regime looks like military Junta with a fancy council name. What is it again? The National Peace & Order Maintaining Council? I think thats about right.
Darth Vornskr said:
It's hardly a drastic change considering
A junta military oligarchy is one of the definitions of a radical revolutionary government. Especially being born out of a civil war/revolution... by rebels.

Regardless, it isn't the only choice, nor is it currently the best choice. He is writing the character from scratch, brand new. Any of the current Sith groups could be his best option.
I think, instead, Ima make this thing called a Bffasphi? I dont know, it was white with black markings and a reallllllly long handle lightsaber.
[member="The Darkside"]

Aye, [member="Darth Ferus"]. The Sith Assassins is a bit like our own little family within The One Sith.

The Darkside said:
I think, instead, Ima make this thing called a Bffasphi? I dont know, it was white with black markings and a reallllllly long handle lightsaber.
Like this motherkarker here?

[member="Darth Ophidia"]

Holy Shiza! That wasnt him but that dude looks awesome!

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]

Oh yea, that its bby!! Look at the sexy mofo!!
[member="The Darkside"]

That's Darth Nihl. He's a pretty awesome character.

Whatever you choose, please don't turn into a Snidely Whiplash cartoonish kind of bad guy. We have too many of those with red lightsabers.

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