Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Feel Good Inc.

Well, this was probably a long time coming.

For the last few weeks I haven't felt like myself due to facing some inner demons and what-nots that I have been suppressing for a very long time. My mind doesn't really feel like my own in this very moment, and the last time I felt this way nearly three years ago I didn't handle it in the way necessary for me to move on. To put an end to that I have decided that an indefnite LOA (that will most likely be very short regardless) will be for the better. I need to unstress myself, I need to get the meds I have started to go on to kick in properly against my depression and anxiety, and once I can say that I am in the light rather than reaching for it, I will be back.

Sorry to those that I have threads with, but I feel like I have to do this.

All my threads are put on hold, my participation in a few group threads can be ignored if wished, and if you want to drop our thread I won't blame you for that.

Until next time,

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