Kuat Drive Yards
Driven To Excel

- Intent: Create Ferrons personal armor and uniform
- Image Source: Syndicate Armored Agent Merit by bumhand
- Canon Link: N/A
- Primary Source: N/A

- Manufacturer: Kuat Arms & Armaments
- Affiliation: Ferron Troste
- Model: Presidential Commando Armor
- Modularity: Arm Patches, Badges, Belts, Clips, etc
- Production: Unique
- Material: Durasteel, Assorted Cloths and Leathers, Armor Components

- Classification: Anti-Blaster
- Weight: Average
- Resistances:
- Kinetic: Average
- Lightsabers: None
- Other: Extreme Temperatures: High, EMP/ION: None, Thermal: High

- A3AA Personal Defense Module - Set for 30-degree cone facing forward
- Microbe Armor
- Blast Vest
- Cinnagar Weave
- Infrared Motion Sensor Array
- Echani Light Armor
- Light Exoskeleton
- Electrical Capacitance Shield (Must be manually activated)
- Thermal Protection - Because of the Echani Light Armor piece, heat based weapons are near-ineffective. Especially if Blaster/Laser
- Blaster Protection - Because of the A3AA Defense Module and Microbe Armor, Blaster-type weapons are near-ineffective, especially if the Electrical Capacitance Shield is activated
- Extreme Temperature Protection - Because of the Cinnagar Weave, Extreme Temperatures are less effective at affecting this suit of armor
- Increased Reflexes - Because of the Light Exoskeleton, the entire piece of armor mimics muscle movements and provides greater strength and reaction times
- Lightsaber Protection - Lightsabers can cut most of the suit like rice paper, excluding the padded areas of Thermal protection and when the shield is activated, but then it is only like hitting metal, and can still cut through quite easily.
- Extreme Cold - Even though the Cinnagar Weave protects against the cold, the Microbe Armor can still be affected if in the cold for too long.
- EMP/ION Protection - This armor has mechanical and computer systems. The A3AA Module is connected to the Infrared Motion Sensor, and when ION or EMP weapons are used against it, most of its protection against Blaster-type weapons go away. When ION/EMP is used against this suit, the A3AA Defense Module, Infrared Motion Sensor, and the Light Exoskeleton become useless. The suit may require maintenance after, or a short restart, depending on the strength of the EMP/ION weapon. Blaster Protection becomes: High, Electrical Capacitance Shield can not be used

"Presidential Commando Armor," coined by Ferron himself, is a new personal armor and Presidential Uniform for Ferron Troste. Instead of having to be escorted by squads of Security every day when he leaves the Orbital Array, Ferron decided it was time to take up self-defense classes and martial arts. Unfortunately, a punch and a kick could only do so much. Even with weapons training, still, Ferron needed to be prepared to actually take hits, and the Presidential Commando Armor was that answer. Utilizing parts and materials of armors found throughout the galaxy, the 'perfect armor' for Ferron was made. His primary need was blaster-type protection, all others were secondary. Other protections came about during the design for other reasons and purposes, but the armor was meant to protect Ferron, not help him push enemy lines. Preferably, to escape.