Dragon of Kijimi
Tags: Liin Terallo
Objective 3: Her Blessings Flow
Location: Naboo
It couldn’t hurt. Besides, New Cov was in neutral space, just south of the Galactic Alliance but far enough away that neither the Senate nor the corporate elite had laid claim to it. Gideon figured there was little harm in visiting, especially since Liin was willing to make the jump to Kijimi. At least this way, neither one was going into the partnership blindly.
The commander gave the CEO an approving nod.
“I’ll bring a few of my staff along as well, to take notes; an architect, a financial backer from the Ashiga Clan, and perhaps one of my benefactor’s scientists. Would that be alright with you, Miss Terallo?” If not, just himself and the cursory security detail of First Order agents would suffice. He wasn’t familiar with how NCBC handled proprietary secrets and on-site tours; if they were anything like the Corporate Sector Authority, the mere thought of bringing along a team beyond the realm of personal security would be out of the question.
He hoped Liin was much more willing than the Corpos.