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Public Festival of Wishes | Eshan Winter Solstice


This day wasn't for them.

Alicio nodded to Noelle Varanin Noelle Varanin . "There has been a lot of trouble in the galaxy, and despite our best efforts, the common people can feel... helpless." Alicio frowned, casting a glance back at the crowd, enjoying themselves and dancing, before returning his gaze to the queen. He had been helpless for the majority of his life, so he knew how it felt.

"It's important to find something to smile for." Not a skill the Alderaanian was known for, but one he could try to work on.

Noelle turned Alicio's attention to 'Lord Vae', and Alicio tilted his head curiously. He listened to the scholar's story, not noticing the Queen's sudden distraction, giving his full attention to the tale. "Wow. That sounds... Well, it sounds absolutely awful, to be frank," the nobleman conceded, leaning his body against the wall by the window. "But it also sounds like a grand, terrifying adventure."

Alicio wasn't the cloistered youth that many young nobles were. He had been in the galaxy, had called more planets home than most. But that didn't diminish his wonder at the countless worlds he hadn't visited.

"I hope to find some of my own, some day."
He looked back to the window, tracing the aurora's curving geometry with his eyes, wondering what adventures life may throw at him, some day.

"Do you go on many expeditions like that, Lord Vae?"

- Kal Kal - August Oreno August Oreno -


Make a Wish

Location: Eshan | Lake of tears
Valery: Appearance
Tag: Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull | Open!
Valery rubbed the sides of her arms as the woman spoke, blinked and looked at her fingers for a moment. They still seemed fine, and she was of course dressed for the cold, having chosen a proper winter jacket. But it was definitely chilly out here, and standing still for so long didn't help either. She'd have to go somewhere warmer soon.
"I don't expect these wishes to come true either but... it still feels nice to make one in a place like this." she said, referring to the fact that this whole area was highly attuned to the Force. If there was any place capable of granting wishes or allowing miracles to come true, this was likely it.
The woman's orange then turned as Sasmay's companion began to reveal itself. Especially the telepathic message caught her off-guard briefly, but she finally just nodded.
"Feel free to come over." Valery said but as Myunna stepped away from cover, a look of surprise could be noticed on Valery's face. She recognized exactly what species the companion was.
"Now that's interesting — not every day you see someone with a Tuk'ata as Companion?" she wasn't sure which term they preferred, but it didn't change the fact that Valery was a bit wary. But feeling no danger, her eyes quickly shifted back to Sasmay, who she now offered a smile.


Issue #1 w/ bae Yula Perl Yula Perl

Dag was indeed enjoying himself, wasn't he? Somehow, all the worries, the concerns had been pushed away from the forefront of his mind. He didn't even know how, he didn't even realize it. But that's part of the trick, right? Not recognizing you're enjoying yourself, not acknowledging it, otherwise the spell's broken and the magic's gone. Blissful ignorance, no? It's like lounging on cloud nine of your own imagination while thinking the heat warming your back's just the summer sun on Rishi when instead it's the cauldrons of hell.

"You sure about that, huh?"

"Very." his sheepish smirk into a bulletproof grin.

"Life Eve…heh. Ma used to let us stay up late." Her eyes, both organic and bionic, rolled in sync up to the snowy skies of Eshan. "We'd be all hyped up, and she'd let us each open one gift that night. It was loud." Yula smiled fondly, bathed in the warm glow of a family memory. As odd as the Perls were, the Zeltron brood was a tight-knit, loving bunch.

The way her eyes glowed revisiting old, cherished memories warmed his own heart. It felt like they were his own, too. Or rather, he forced them to. Kaze's Life Eve was nothing like that but if he let it get to him - the cloud's gone. If she was happy, he was happy. That was no illusion. So he ignored her smile curling into a question unasked, knowing well what was on the tip of her tongue.

"Well if anything, she can put it on display? There's a fancy cabinet in the living room that's off-limits to everyone but her." After handing her credit stick over to the vendor, she looked to Dagon. "Should we get something for Jem and Val, too?"

"Yeah... maybe not a whistle for either. Last thing I want is two Sith coming down the chimney." he murmured, putting his hands in his pocket, "Maybe clothes Jem's size and, uh-- Idon'tknow, pink - you know I'm not great with gifts." he admitted embarassingly, averting his head away. Objects weren't his forte. His gifts always amounted to some kind of experience. He'd taken Yula to a dozen different rooftops, a dozen different views and... uh, done romantic things there. And with his friends back in the New Jedi's earliest days? They'd be doing community work like security of life day markets, raising funds for charity and etc and etc. Then, they'd get life day sweaters to each other and crash a Huttaburger but that was about it.

"Look. The leatherworker shop there. She keeps staring at the leather jacket like it's made of gold. Probs time to get her one, too. " he moved towards the clothing selling vendor. There was everything from silken threads to leather "Maybe something for Val from here, too." well, if anything, he was known for being practical. "Baby leather jacket?" it didn't sound that stupid in his head.

Lake of Tears​

Accompanied by: Myunna
Wearing: Outfit
Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble | Open

The woman's words were well received as Sasmay smiled at the lake. It felt both silly, and relieving to make such a wish at a place like this one. Didn't cleanse the soul sort of feel good, but good will likely went a long way.

"All we can do is hope sometimes." She remarked, turning and watching Myunna get her chance to interact.

"And since we were so rude and interrupted, Myunna and I can walk you back." The single eye dared her to say otherwise. Sasmay wasn't a saint by any means, but she'd be thrown out an airlock before she let a Val or anyone similarly encumbered waddle back on their own in the cold.

"Siblings. She takes up more than her share, reminds me I'm squishier than she is, and helps me practice." Came the shrugging smirk as Myunna drew close enough to get a sniff of Valery without attempting to step on her toes.

"You smell nice. Better than trees." Myunna would reach out telepathically again, offering her best compliment. The large hound would let herself be touched but didn't move to make Valery pet her."Where is mate?"

Sasmay frowned sharply, figuring only now that might have been why the woman was here.

"Ey. Might be like Domino. So just-" There was a sharp sadness to Sasmay as she explained, scratching her temple carefully."Don't bother her too much."

Their Masters had tried to shake them, one after another Jem and the Iris watched as they dipped out for something they didn't want company for. Jem thought it was suspicious, particularly because she didn't know this padawan of Valery's, and Yula had left in heels. Booted heels, but heels none the less.

They were up to something.

Jem didn't pay much head to the girl left in her space. Perhaps Valery had hoped Iris could warm Jem up and have a friend, but Jem wasn't taking the bait.

Iris didn't have to follow Jem. Jem hacked the coordinates of her holopad left on board and followed them to...

"What are they doing on Eshan?" The girl breathed, a puff of condensation leaving her mouth as she spoke. "The Maw doesn't operate here... does it?"

Iris Arani Iris Arani


"Enjoying the party and lights?"

Iris answered the question as if it'd been asked of her. Jem Fossk Jem Fossk seemed to be in a world of her own as the younger Padawan followed along. Making friends. It wasn't something Iris was the best at, especially since she often got distracted and forgot where she was or who she was talking to. But that's why she was doing her best to actually pay attention to where Jem was going and saying!

Not that she realized the hybrid wasn't paying attention to her.

"I don't see any darkness. Just a lot of colors and lights. I don't think the Maw is going to be here."

It was hard to appreciate the act Kal had been forced into, though she did try. Her focus kept pulling to the buffet table, where a particular white head of hair lingered.

The story had concluded, but the men's voice carried on in easy conversation, granting Noelle the space to remain silent and drift a step away. She had hoped he would come. Now that he was here it was... almost hard to find the words she wanted to say.

"...Excuse me," she told her current company, but whether or not they cared was not her concern. Noelle's preoccupation was almost comical as she stepped away.

She tried not to itch at the red lace at her neck as she approached.

"...Hello," she greeted gingerly. She remembered how she left him and she couldn't help a blush of regret. If their positions were reversed, she wouldn't have come for a thousand crowns. She looked him over in relief. Say something.

"You're here."

August Oreno August Oreno Alicio Organa Alicio Organa Kal Kal
"Not yet," Jem grumbled darkly under her breath. It was becoming harder and harder not to look at every place she went as doomed. She kept hearing the screaming-- feeling her father's darkness crush in until--until--

She gripped at the ship's railing, her steps faltering for a moment before resuming at a slower pace.

"S'good thing I saw the boots." She forced herself to say. YUla's clothing had tipped Jem off the destination's climate, which meant both of them had jackets. It wouldn't have hurt to also grab gloves. Jem took a deep breath in and out, before pressing on.

"If they were going for a party, why wouldn't they invite us? It's not like they have to be alone." Said the teen that didn't know romance. No doubt the war effort's and the safe house had put a strain on her masters relationship. Whether or not Iris's master was here she couldn't say. She had only been able to track Dagon.

The streets were full of body and lights. It was almost enough to fill her chest with something warm. Almost.

"We'll never find them in this."

Iris Arani Iris Arani
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The colors dimmed. It caught Iris by surprise, and nearly had her panic. She'd just said the colors were fine, so what was..? Jem Fossk Jem Fossk was the source. The Padawan blinked. Was she panicking? What about? Too many questions raced through her mind, but rather than linger on them she just reached out to set a hand on the other girls shoulder. When Iris panicked Kai helped her focus and calm down, so she could do the same? With only that experience in mind she reached out, whispering into her mind.

<It's okay.>

Then pulled away.

"If they were going for a party, why wouldn't they invite us? It's not like they have to be alone."

"Hmm.. I'm not sure. Maybe it's something Padawans can't go to?" Responded the girl who also didn't know romance. She pulled up the coat she was wearing, smiling softly. Enjoying the warmth the cloth offered in the cold air.

"If we can't find them, we can always go do something else. I'm hungry. Are you hungry?"
Jem gave the hand a sharp shake. "Don't do that," she rejected, a tinge of fear in her voice. All it would take was Iris to back off a hair and she'd relax, air finding its way into her chest.

"Food... is fine." She set off before Iris do anythings more about it, her thrift store combat boots clunking over the snow as she went.

Meat pies steamed in the lantern light of a cart. Jem stopped and considered the hand sized dishes, her fingers stroking a small credit stick hidden in her pocket.

"Hunger is an emergency, right?" She mused, pulling out a stick under one of Dagon's aliases. She knew he'd be able to see the location of the transaction and connect the dots, but she kinda wanted him to. The flustered guilt would almost be worth chewing out. She hated being left behind.

Iris Arani Iris Arani
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Iris immediately retreated as Jem Fossk Jem Fossk shook her off. That didn't work. Though, didn't Kai mention that people didn't like him talking in their heads? The Padawan frowned. People were hard, huh? And Jem was off. The younger padawan hurried along to catch up, only to get distracted by the smell of spiced meat pies. She didn't hear any of Jem's musing, instead reaching out to pluck up one of the meat pies and bite in without a care in the world.

Or a credit to her name to pay when the shop keep noticed. "Uh, you're supposed to pay for that first y'know."

Iris just blinked before looking towards Jem. "We have to buy food?"

Jem's cheeks flushed bronze. Guess that settled that. She handed over the credit stick. "Yeah. This isn't the temple anymore." She said it like it was obvious, and maybe Iris was dumb for not realizing it, but truth be told Jem struggled with the transition too.

Laundry, food, training supplies-- holo pads. They were all now valuable goods. She would never take for granted a wall of weapons in a training room again. Or open space, or the vr training systems, or--

"Make that two," she grimaced. It wasn't good to think about that stuff anymore. It wasn't coming back.

The two walked away with warm hands and burnt tongue, a fact which slowed Jem as they mulled with the crowd. "Idhawt," she protested.


There were many things Iris was unaware of. They ranged from proper conversation techniques to the nature of the Galaxy and those who inhabited it. And the mention of the temple only put it more into place how much she needed to learn about the New Jedi Order. About Jem, Kai, the others who's names she hadn't even learned yet. Mouth full of hot pie she just lowered her gaze and nodded.

Iris had no issue munching away as they walked through the town, blinking in surprise as Jem Fossk Jem Fossk slowed down. "Idhawt? .. It's hot?" She tilted her head before looking back to her pie. Was Jem's just fresher? Or was Iris just more keen on hot things? She shrugged and took another small bite.

"You ohkah?"


Make a Wish

Location: Eshan | Lake of tears
Valery: Appearance
Tag: Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull | Open!
Valery dipped her head in appreciation — it had taken time for her to accept the fact that she should accept help, or even ask for it. She had always been very capable of handling things herself, but pregnancy was something entirely else. "You haven't been rude but I do appreciate the company." Valery offered a smile.
Sasmay then explained her relationship to Myunna, and Valery's eyes were drawn to the large hound. As it got closer, she'd pet it on the head before her expression briefly grew somber. The question about her mate stung, but she was quickly able to set aside the emotions and looked back at Sasmay.
"It's alright. He's not here now, but I'm confident I'll be with him again soon," she said with sincere hope in her tone.
The pregnant woman then adjusted her coat and let out a long breath, "Let's head back though, and maybe get something warm to drink. I'm quite sure we'll be able to get something at the town nearby." Valery then turned around and began to head in the direction of the town. From a distance, it was clear festivities were ongoing there as well, and while she wasn't particularly interested in all of it, she definitely agreed that finding some warmth would be good.
"I wonder what they have on Eshan — it's my first time here."
"Baby leather jacket?"

"Dagon Kaze, have you ever met an actual baby?"

She had no idea if the Jedi had any childcare experience. Do younglings count? Yula at least had younger sisters she'd looked after. Never mind that a five-year-old Yula Perl had placed a crying infant Kyra Perl Kyra Perl in a garbage can when she'd refused to be quiet. Fortunately, mother had found the unharmed but irritated child a minute later.

"It is getting colder on Denon, she could use a good jacket." She examined the sleeve of one such coat. "Or maybe a pair of winter boots." Her ears may have been burning.

"For Valery, maybe we can get her a onesie or a…baby winter coat made out of something comfortable." She was going to be handling most of the Life Day dinner prep, so they should get her something decent, at least.

"Have you thought about what you want this year, Dag?"

Last time she was on Eshan, she'd gotten him a knife. How many knives could you get a man before it became tacky?

Jem blink, glancing over at Iris's simple, concerned comment.

"...I'm fine." She wasn't use to that question. Mostly cause she spent a lot of time alone, but also there wasn't many people left that cared. Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri , for instance, would sooner instigate her or roll his eyes, both of which made her feel all sorts of chitty. Saan'an was awol. Aeris wouldn't help help her--

What did the girl want from her?

"Let's go," she bossed, turning from the stall and leading them deeper into the market. She had expected a mission of any sort, but this was just... just... her eyes trailed upwards, towards the aurora dancing across the pitch black night.

Her mouth dropped opened.

"Whoa." You don't see that on Coruscant.

Iris Arani Iris Arani
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Lake of Tears​

Accompanied by: Myunna
Wearing: Outfit
Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble | Open

Valery's smile was met with her own. A small shrug accompanying it as she watched Myunna receive pets, something she didn't often allow.

"Her mate not come back." Myunna spoke quietly into Valery's mind, sharing an image of Domino and Sasmay sitting together watching a movie, a cautious side glance to Sasmay before the singular eye twitched in recognition.

"Ey. No sneaky stuff." She remarked, a wary smirk appearing as Myunna snuffed at her.

"I'll have Gray pick you up you keep at it." The tease was two-fold, a serious threat and warning wrapped into one. Myunna huffed but paused.

"Want to see her again." Myunna whined to them both, an awkward shuffling from Sasmay bring a hand to her hip.

"You know better. That's enough of that." Came the cutting tone. Bitterness and anger rode with anguish as she stepped forward to hug Myunna.

"Wonder if they'll let you in, eh?" Sasmay patting her before looking towards the lights with a small smile. She fell into step behind Valery, nodding for Myunna to follow. "Sure they've got all sorts of goodies. First time for me as well. Probably wouldn't hurt to find somewhere to eat either. Have a good sit down after trudging out and back again."

Sasmay wasn't telling her what to do, but it was pretty clear what she was suggesting giving a stern eye to Valery.


Iris tilted her head at Jem Fossk Jem Fossk 's response, more surprised than anything. There was something off about the colors that just left the padawan confused. The Keshain was just asking if she'd burned her mouth or something. Not that she had a chance to ask Jem about it. The younger Padawan just nodded and followed along until Jem stopped. Again Iris seemed just.. Confused.

She took another bite of her meat pie before turning her gaze upwards. Oh. She smiled. It was almost like her world of colors, the ebb and flow of different shades flowing through the air. In a way, others could see something she'd been trying to show with her paint.

That's where the wonderment came from. A glimpse into Iris's world, even if people didn't know. "I'm going to have to paint this some time."


Issue #1 w/ bae Yula Perl Yula Perl

"Dagon Kaze, have you ever met an actual baby?"

"Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..." he stalled like a gearbox gone bad. Not because he'd obviously seen a baby before but because it brought up his earlier thoughts. Ruminations over the coming of age, adulthood, and family. "" and Arthur's advice was nowhere to be found.

"It is getting colder on Denon, she could use a good jacket."

"Exactly my point, yeah!" gottem. "Isn't this too big for a baby-- oh! Jem. Yes, of course. We're looking at things for Jem, right. And that's for Valery, yeah? Yeah. Heh." unfolding the greatest mystery, solving the coldest case of cases had nothing, like absolutely nothing on the struggle of picking gifts.

"Have you thought about what you want this year, Dag?"

"I know what I don't want and I'm still going to get - one of Auteme Auteme 's ugly sweaters." he murmured, then a favor-buying grin glowered on his face, "All I want for Life Day is you, bby." the Jedi wrapped his arms around her from behind.

How many credits was that worth? ​


Make a Wish

Location: Eshan | Lake of tears
Valery: Appearance
Tag: Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull | Open!
Valery tried her best to smile and maintain an outwardly happy appearance, but seeing the image of Domino and Sasmay in her mind paired with the story only returned sadness for a moment. She felt sorry for the woman, but it also made her fear that her own partner would not return.
There was nothing she could imagine being worse than that.
But at the interaction that followed between Munna and Sasmay, she was able to chuckle a little bit. She knew the memories were likely not easy to Sasmay, but her companion wasn't trying to bring the mood down.
"I think everybody is fairly caught up in festivities — I'm sure it'll be alright to bring her along," Valery said as she began to move through the snow with the others, heading directly for the nearby town.
"And uh, some food sounds good." she noticed the way Sasmay looked at her and smirked.
"I shouldn't be moving around through the snow this much anyway, so it'll be a good moment to get some rest," Valery admitted and with that, their walk continued.
Eventually, they entered the town, where people were dancing, singing, and visiting the local market to buy all kinds of goodies. From strange whistles to clothing, to leather jackets for babies apparently. One thing was for sure though, every part of it carried the Life Day spirit along with it.
Valery's eyes shifted around, looking for places to eat or sit down, but she quickly found herself staring at a small stand where freshly made hot chocolate was being offered. It brought a smile to her lips as fond memories returned but her attention would quickly turn away, not wanting to linger there too long.
"Anything that piques your interest?"

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