[member="Diana Moridena"]
I had been in the thick of the fight, blood was drenched to my robe and I felt sick to my stomach. There had to be another way, I kept telling myself, as my blade flashed right and left. It took an arm here, a leg there and with a riposte I decapitated a Sithling. A different way.. my movements were fluid, and graceful; but my mind was troubled.
When I disbanded the Army, I thought I was finished; done finally. Earned my rest. But Kiskla found me, and reminded me that the war is never done. It’s eternal, and I only won a single prolonged battle. My eyes flashed around, looking for more opponents.
But there was none to be found, instead I found fleeing backs. I switched my sabre off, and clipped it to my belt. One of the Padawans danced over to me, his face eager and earnest. Had I once been so young?
“Master Sardun, are we going after them?”
I sighed, and a wary smile decorated my lips. More for his sake, than my feeling.
“Just Knight, padawan. I am just a knight, and no. Let them go, we have shed enough blood this day.”
A feeling of dread filled me then, I turned around and looked to the West. My eyes closed themselves, and I could see a bright star dimming slowly in the first second, and in the next burning out with a bang of brilliant light and energy. Tears flowed from my eyes, as I witnessed this. The padawan tugged on my sleeve, wanting to know if I was alright.
I nodded, still with my eyes closed.
“The ending of an age, my son. The ending of an age. Call the men, we are leaving. Royce, Ardan, come with me. We have a duty.”
My hand softly clapped the Padawan’s shoulder. “Have trust, we prevailed today.”
Then I was off, with Royce and Ardan. Two of the most able warriors I had ever met, they knew me and I knew them. The Army had bound us all, they were one of the few who had resisted the song of the Dark. In my silence, they found what the Padawan hadn’t seen. Sorrow, and a fierce joy.
It didn’t take long for me to find the place that I was looking for. My voice rang out, as my hand waved them to stop.
“Give me a moment.”
Then I walked on, alone. There wasn’t a body, after what I had seen.. it wasn’t a surprise. Her armor was still here, her famous blade and lightsabre.
Diana Moridena, Blade of the Order. Personification of our values, and Martyr of the Jedi. That, I would make sure of. I hadn’t known her as well as I wanted to, but in our last and only conversation. I saw her, as few ever did, and I knew she was troubled.
But one does not lightly question his Masters, and I let it go. I fell to my knees, as I closed my eyes once again. Trying to feel her through the Force. More to myself, than anyone else I then whispered. In the Force and out of it.
“I will protect them like you always have, Diana. My word on it.”
Again I wiped my eyes, dust or something. Silly things.
“Royce, Ardan. Collect her belongings, and show respect. She must have had family, we will make sure everything is returned to them.”
We left the bloody fields of Dromund Kaas that day, but in my mind I could feel Diana. It was an illusion, I knew this to be true. But it made me happy, and it gave me hope for the future.
I would vanquish the Sith, as I once had.
For Diana.
For the entire Galaxy.