Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Fighting for Rubble [New Order Invasion of Dromund Kaas]


Sitting back in his chair was the mad overlord of the Yuuzhan Vong, as of late the new war master had taken over the horde and ran things quite well. But there were still people loyal to the madman known as Dredge and his writer Aaron. And there were still people he was loyal to in return, the Gruag and the Dark Lord Darth Vulcanus. Krag and Dredge had a understanding, he had let them set up a Gruag colony on the Horde world of Aurum and Dredge had even gifted him the lancers that were designed to kill his people. It was safe to say they were pretty tight. So now Dredge was here to support his ally in one last show. One last ride into war, it was time for Dredge to give up his mantle of power and join the gods. To be free of this life of pain and suffering. And what better way to do it than by burning these mongrel mandolorians to the ground.

In his small Yuuzhan Vong fleet dredge had with him two frigates and a corvette. Some rather large ships that would get the job done. After all he did have payback to give to a few people that were here more than likely. Like the two insuperable wonder twins HK and Sio. Dredge's writer wished so badly before he left to see them touch fists and say wonder twin powers activate. But seeing how that would never happen this would have to do. Sitting in his small corvette Dredge didn't bother to give a speech to his men. They knew what was going to happen already. They knew what they were walking into. Running on very minimal crew dredge had every square inch of his ships packed with one very special thing.

The singularity mine. A beautiful creation of the Yuuzhan Vong. It was capable of ripping a hole in space and time to create a small black hole. But the best part was a good mess of them going off at the same moment. It would spell oh so much fun for the people in the near proximity of it. "Prime." Dredge said as he sat in his command chair with a drink in his hand. Taking a sip he savored it all then smiled evilly at what was to come next. Attached to each mine was a small transponder that was hooked up to a deadman switch. A switch that dredge had pressed and when he let go. It would be a very good day to die for himself, his crew, and whoever else was in a proximity of big of enough black hole to swallow the Death Star. Provided that the ships were close enough together so the hole could merge. But the force dead ships would see to it that there would be no star destroyer bridge crushing today at the hands of force users. So coming out of orbit to the far right of the New Order fleet the Yuuzhan Vong came to play under the flag of Dredge one last time.




[member="Darth Vulcanus"]



"Mount up lets go!" Boarding the drop ships the storm trooper platoon quickly made its way into the small transport. Being one of the first ships to leave the flak and turbo laser fire of the mandolorian's defenses light up and raddled the hull around them. Panting and breathing deeply Radon stood up in the dimly light red room of the transport. He couldn't see what was going on outside but he could hear all the explosions and flak around him in space. Luckily enough Radon wasn't alone in his fight he has his brothers and sisters with him and they would fight to the last breath for him. As the explosions faded a bit the rumbling of entering the atmosphere was felt and the cabin shook more and more until it dwindled. Looking around Rex could see the shiny helmets of his fellow storm troopers. And although he couldn't see their faces he could feel the tension in the air. They didn't want to die for a dried out ruined world but they didn't want to be labeled as cowards.

Feeling his heavy breathing in the short silence before the flak picked back up again Radon's friend Private Parker walked over to him and smiled placing a hand on his shoulder. "Hey man it's alright, we've made it this far." Giving him another firm pat Parker smiled behind his helmet as the flak continued to rock their small ship. They were close to the ground now and Radon was starting to feel a bit better about things. "Hey we will hit the surface do our thing then go rescue some Mandolorian babes from their virginity." With a small laugh Radon kept from vomiting in his helmet as gripped the overhead handlebar in the transport.

"We made it this far without exploding, see look at Weston over there, he's straight chillin." Looking over to another storm trooper radon nodded at the man watching the other trooper wave back. "See everything is coo-" boom. Being struck by flak a large hole burst open the side of the ship sending the stormtrooper known as Weston flying out of the hold along with a few other of his fellow platoon mates. "WE'RE HIT! THIS IS DROP SHIP FIVE TWO WHISKY WE ARE GOING DOWN!" The pilot screamed over the radio echoing in the fractures hull. Plunging into almost a nose dive the ship spun tossing troopers everywhere. "YOU NEED TO JUMP! The pilot screamed jerking hard to keep the ship level. The blast had blown out most of the jetpacks strapped to the walls of the transport. All the other troopers had already grabbed theirs jumping at fourty thousand feet.

Parker ran up to Radon quickly shoving a pack in his arms. "HURRY UP AND JUMP I'LL BE RIGHT BEHIND YOU!" Looking around radon couldn't see anymore packs along the walls and felt a feeling of dread knot in his stomach. "IM NOT LEAVING YOU PARKER!" Radon yelled over the rushing wind in the cabin. Grabbing his friends shoulder Radon looked him in the eyes through his visor and held his brother tight. Embracing him back A tear rolled down Parker's face before he spoke. "With all due respect, I wasn't asking!" Gripping Radon's torso Parker threw the man out of the gaping hole in the side of the ship sucking him out into the open air.

Falling backwards looking up at the cloudless sky Radon saw the transport above and his friend gripping onto the rail near the hole. "Give em hell boss!" Parker shouted before the ship exploded into a fireball. Screaming In pain Radon reached his hand up towards the crashing and burnt ship. "Parker!!!" He screamed as he continued to free fall backwards in the air almost sobbing over him. It was time to get on the ground and avenge his death. Snapping back into it Radon turned around and looked at the incoming ground. He needed to activate his pack and slow his decent into hell.
Timers counted down and Rygel Larraq watched the forward display as the Mandalorian fleet exited Hyperspace. The CEO of Mandal Hypernautics and Captain in Clan Dem'adas's Navy sipped on Earl Gray tea. His fleet of 17 ships had entered realspace exactly where he had wanted them. On the edge of the solarsystem.

“All ships are to bring themselves to full combat alert. Order all ships to ready all fighters and bombers for initial strike, followed by all shuttles, transports, and gunships for operation Not-A-Rock.” Rygel Larraq said as he pulled a small, polished rock from inside his breast pocket and held it in his left hand. It was smooth and heavy. About the size of a ball that you would throw to a child. It was made of nickel-iron ore mixed with a beautiful green rock.

Turning the rock in his hand, Larraq looked at it and remembered the last time he had been to this world. He remembered the destruction he had caused, the woman who had abandoned the planet to its fate, and the millions of lives he had taken. Knowing the Sith, it was unlikely that many of those lives had been innocent. But there had been enough... The rock in Rygel Larraq's hand had been found when he had visited the surface of the planet to see first hand what he had done. Where once a school had been, Rygel Larraq had found only debris and corpses. And this rock.

Closing his fist around the small chunk of meteor that he held in his hand, Captain Larraq resumed issuing orders. “Have the Ulur'uur Frigates begin scanning the space around Dromund Kaas. I want to know what I'm up against this time.”

1x Harbinger Carrier Battleship
2x Kyramund Battleship
4x Keldabe Battleship
1x Skira Battleship
1x Nexus Cruiser
1x Krayt Interdiction Cruiser
3x Ordo Frigate
2x Azalus Frigate
2x Ulur'uur Sensor Frigate

+750m Shev'la Kal-class Stealth Battleship
--10,294m (total for Mandalorians, not including allies)

(Basaba's remaining ships included, Ordo has abstained from Naval engagement and seeded his fleet limit to myself.)
The resurgence of the Sith was unsettling. Having been assigned a mission of investigating such a return, James was on Dromund Kaas as the Sith sent their ships down to the surface. Flak lit up the sky as shuttles, fighters, etc were torn apart. Few made it through at the beginning, but the number of dropships didn't let up. Like a swarm of locusts, they came down. Mandalorian interceptors and fighters raced to meet the incoming threat as the Mandalorian fleets (Yes plural by my count) engaged the Sith fleet. Masked by the Force, he suppressed his presence and visual appearance, being merely an info op, he need not worry about fighting yet, so he had time to maintain his focus and strength.

His holorecorder capturing the scenes above, while he was tapped into the Mandalorian network, listening in on their chatter. He was hearing from the fighter reports, that the invaders were indeed of the New Order of the Sith. The mandalorians, being made of better genetics, were taking the fight right back to the Sith invaders. Soon the sky was alight with explosions as more and more Sith birds fell from the sky. One fell close enough to James for him to see the pilot, dead. He quickly ran over and cut the mans patches from his flightsuit, evidence. He returned to his hideout on the outskirts of the main city on Dromund Kaas.

@Anyone who wants to play.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Location: Prefab base.
Objective: Going to study some Relics
Allies: Mandalorians
Enemies: Nothing at the moment.

Alexandra glanced at the sound of the sirens as she listened and looked at the guards before speaking in an utterly calm voice. "What are you doing, get upstairs and find out what all the commotion is about, i mean where am i gonna go with these. I am underground after all?" Alexandra's eyes drifted to the far side of the wall, calling the blaster too her and placing it hidden infront of her as the doors to the turbolift that led above ground would be behind her. If someone was going to disrupt her it would have to be someone who wanted to really get these artifacts from the lab in the bottom floor of the building.

Aedan Miles grabbed some of his weapons and turned making his way to a very far out of the way room setting up his Mun'Beviin anti-material Rifle he quickly moved into position so that he could look out of the room and into the surrounding area. After making sure his firing lanes were clear Aedan merely closed his eyes and started to meditate on anything that came to mind. For some reason due to recent encounters with various members of the Willamina Clan. Aedan's attention in his meditations were brought back to all the times he recalled with the clan of woman. Some of them interesting others rather.. horrifying to the young man for now he merely meditated upon them his mind clearing all troublesome things from it piece by piece. As he meditated the long haft of a weapon seemed to rise from the ground and disassemble itself before reassembling with a Durindfire gem in it. The weapon was his first Lightsaber pike and he had brought it with him for no other reason then just in case he needed it.
Location: The Molten Fist, Dromund Kaas Orbit
Objective: Turn Up The Heat
Allies: [member="ST LCPL Radon"] | [member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"] | [member="Lord Pathollex"] | [member="Alicia Drey"] | [member="Christian Slade"] | [member="Lord Eclipsion"] | [member="Maleus"] | [member="Darth Ferus"] | [member="Darren Shaw"] |
Enemies: Mandos & Friends

"It's showtime." the reborn sith knight declared with a clap of his hands. The sight of Dromun Kaas, now a shadow of it's former self, turned Djonas' stomach. As his anger grew, so did his determination. Dromund Kaas would be avenged and so would the Sith Empire. "Captain, ensure my forces have a hole to maneuver through to land." Djonas commanded the captain of the ship as he turned to leave the command deck. His black cloak fluttered lightly as he made his way towards the hanger. His hands clenched into fists as he mentally prepared himself for the upcoming battle.

The hangar was, of course, bustling with activity as the ship had entered Dromun Kaas' orbit. Djonas, in an attempt to show his loyalties to Vulcanus had been reborn, had brought a few toys with him from the CIS to get an edge against the Metalheads. "So, what was I blessed with, captain?" Djonas asked of the trooper captain regarding what he brought with him from the Confederacy. "Well, my lord, we have 5 Pounders, 10 Lykos-Class tanks, 2 MATs, 6 Tolmaloks, and the gunships have been loaded with the Black Rain Artillery Shells like you commanded." the captain reported. "Good. And are the seeds prepared to be dropped?" Djonas asked. "Yes, my lord. We have infiltration teams ready to plant them where necessary." the captain replied. "Djonas nodded to him. "Give the order. Lord Vulcanus says we hit them hard and fast." Djonas commanded of the captain which sent the trooper off in a hurry. Djonas took his place on a gunship with a squad of troopers. From there, he watched the 3 Seeds pf Rage loaded onto separate gunships. Those seeds were to be moved behind enemy lines and buried in order to begin the corruption of the mandalorian forces and the land around them. Alarms sounded within the hangar, alerting the troopers within the invasion was to begin. Transports roared from the hangar as the Molten Fist began firing upon the debris field in Dromun Kaas' orbit in order to clear a path for the transports.

Jate Kar'ta

Mandalorian Avenger
Location: Ruins of Kaas City
Objective: Kick Sith shebs!
Allies: Mandalorians, [member="Ashe the Reaper"] (?)
Enemies: Sith

Just when Jate finished her song the sound of anti air and space turrets opening fire filled the air. The fiery blonde smiled. The battle has begun. Soon the ground forces will arrive and she'll get to beat their skulls in. Maybe her feats here would be worthy enough to allow her to come back to Mandalore. No, she thought. Only the death of the Force Users that killed her mother can do that. Until then she'll just have to settle with the here and now.

Out in the distance she saw a woman in white with...tails? She was dragging a bunch of equipment behind her. Jate had no idea who the woman was and it seemed worthy of investigation. From her position she launched herself into the air. She closed her eyes for a moment, enjoying the thrill of flying through the air, the wind flowing through her hair, the ends of her scarf fluttering behind her like a orange flag. It made her feel alive. She opened them and fired another thrust from her jump pack. She soared for a few moments then when she saw that she was close enough she opened herself up to produce drag. With a final burst to slow her speed, Jate gracefully landed a few feet in front of the white vixen with her bes'bev out. "Who are you?" she asked.
Location: Aboard the Siege Tower, presumably in hyperspace now
Objective: Get to Dromund Kaas, kill Sith. Or get maimed.
Allies: Mandalorians, mercenaries, OP.
Enemies: Sith

Sith were seemingly on the rise again and attacking another planet. Last week it had been Coruscant, which somehow had fallen despite being the most heavily defended world in the Republic but then it seemed small elite groups carried the day. Now it was Dromund Kaas. War was spreading like wild fires across the Galaxy, though it seemed this put a bit of a snag in the Mandalorian-Republic War everyone had been expecting.

Siobhan was on the bridge of the Siege Tower as it made its way through hyperspace. Once again going into battle against Sith on the side of old friends from OP. Sith were her enemy, so she fought them and that put her on the side of anyone who did. Moreover, Mia Monroe was bound to be there and Siobhan considered the former Mandalore a friend. Or perhaps the former Exarch was merely a homicidal high-functioning psychopath who was eager for an outlet for her violent urges and found the war terribly convenient since she could channel her tendencies towards what she might consider productive ends. Either way, it did not matter really.

"Dromund Kaas. Mandos asteroid chucked it back into the Ice Age when they razed the planet. Symbol of what they can do if pushed hard enough. Guess that's the 'Revenge of the Sith' of this group of Sith warlords is starting there. Little of value to be gained there aside from an entry point into Mando space and the psychological edge," she spoke. The Mandalorians had pulled a Donanyd on the planet, Sith, soldiers, civilians and slaves alike had perished when the rocks impacted. In short it had been all about demonstrating one's power, bloody vengeance and making a point. Siobhan...did not feel much when it came to that. Doubtless this was very hypocritical of her after she had went off on [member="Phylis Alince"] for what the Republic had done to Ahto City.

Hypocrisy had always been one of her flaws. Along with pride and wrath. Not that she felt much in terms of anger presently, the burning furnace seemed inactive. There was a battle, she would go fight and all that. Presumably also get paid a lot, though she cared less about that part. "So, there's a new toy you want test out?" she asked [member="HK-36"], shaking herself out of her musings. She never liked it when she got introspective. Prior to the jump she had sent a message to Kaeshana, passing along the information about the attack and that she was responding to it. The two heavy cruisers that had been churned out by the Eldorai shipyards with the help of Silk Holdings were solely meant to defend the homeworld, so she was not asking for help. Nor requesting additional backup from Firemane.
LOCATION: Aboard Xo'Xaan Cruiser Imperius
OBJECTIVE: Eliminate enemy space-based resistance, clear a path for ground troops
1* Xo'Xaan Heavy Cruiser
1* Sentinel Corvette
1* Ravenous Frigate

[SIZE=8pt]"All stations report ready, Commadore. Exit hyperspace in 60 seconds." [/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=8pt]Mlekaroth nodded. Words rarely came from him on the bridge of his ship, these days, unless they were necessary. He glanced down at his metal form, as he did so often these days. It was a reminder of the hypocricy and the lies of the enemy, a stimulus for his hate. He would need it in the coming battle. Yes, he'd commanded the Imperius in a planetary invasion before--but this was different. This time they were up against the full might of a galactic power, then they would undoubtedly be meeting space-based resistance. The uncertainty that he had previously felt was a thing of the past now, though--replaced by the increased confidence that always tended to come with superhuman strength and metal bones. He was ready to prove himself. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=8pt]No, he was not anxious--only cautious, and caution, he decided was appropriate for the upcoming situation. But caution could easily be mistaken for something more cowardly, and so Melkaroth assumed his trademark poker face as always and stared blankly out of the window. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=8pt]"Thirty seconds." [/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=8pt]Suddenly, the acolyte stood, and surveyed his bridge in a few short glances. He pressed a few buttons, activating the shipwide intercom. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=8pt]"Attention all crew." he said, his voice as hard and uncompromising as always. "As you know, we are about to engage the Mandalorians. I'm not one for speeches, so I'll make it short. I"ll say only this: The Order expects that every man do his duty. We are here to avenge our Empire, and to ensure that it is reforged, stronger and greater than before. If each man performs his duty here today, then we shall prevail.” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt]“Three seconds, sir.” Melkaroth nodded, taking a few paces forward so that he stood in the centre of the bridge. The stars reappeared, and the planet zoomed up into view. [/SIZE]


The United Clans of Mandalore
Dromuund Kaas Wastes
Preparing for Operation

After walking for several kilometers, it seemed there other sentient life to be found on Dromund Kaas after all and she had found it. Ashelotte still wasn't entire sure why the Mandalorian clans held such a value to it, but perhaps it was more symbolic than anything; why else hold an otherwise stripped, worthless territory? The familiar sound of Mandalorian thrusters rung hollow in the distance, masked by the soot and downfall of the dust-filled skies an endless spectrum of grays. The woman's keen ears picked up on it since the moment it ignited, and it had only grown closer, and closer, and closer. Merrily minding her own business, the foxtress slowed her pace and awaited the inevitable sound of a landing and footsteps to greet her.
"Who are you?" the one known as [member="Jate Kar'ta"] asked Ashe.
If it wasn't brilliantly obvious by the clawed crushgaunt and bared wrist weapons, it wasn't always hard to guess.
"Lady Ashelotte Saybin Malfrost, the Reaper, Grand Scion of House Malfrost, Rear Admiral of the Reticent Fleet of the Confederacy of Independent Systems and Initiate of Aliit Xyhn. And who, may I ask... do I have the pleasure of addressing?"
Ashe remained calm and knew the bes'bev and jump pack for friendly, but her feral golden eyes kept their vampiric gaze on the girl who was still a stranger to her.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Melakoth Tyrin said:
The stars reappeared, and the planet zoomed up into view.
And there they were. Not quite where or when Ember had expected, but that was sort of the point of waiting on overwatch. The White Current cloak firmed up around his little ship, grew more subtle and more comprehensive, and he gunned the ridiculously overpowered engines. Short of an old Sith Empire Aleph-class, and there had only ever been a couple dozen of those made, a Sharyd-class was the fastest starship in the galaxy, period. Ember made for the Star Destroyer Imperius, undetectable to Force or sensor or droid or sight.

[member="Darth Vulcanus"] @Melakoth Tyrin

Jate Kar'ta

Mandalorian Avenger
Location: Dromuund Kaas Wastes
Objective: Kick Sith Shebs, Help Ashe (?)
Allies: Mandalorians, [member="Ashe the Reaper"]
Enemies: Sith

This Ashelotte began rattling off various titles. Jate never heard of her but she did catch the title that mattered to her. This vixen was Mandalorian and it was obvious from the war gear she toted behind her that she was here to fight. Jate lowered her bes'bev. "My name is Jate Kar'ta and I bear the only title that matters here, Mandalorian," she said then motioned to the gear, "Do you need some help?"

(OCC: Sorry for format. Off the phone!)

Trioc 'Quickshot'

The Red Tied Smuggler
Trioc ran through the hangar, quickly boarding a shuttle that looked reasonably well equipped, on his way there he noticed a hooded sith conversing with what appeared to be a ground assault commander and nodded to him out of respect. The shuttle was filled with stormtroopers, most of them radiating feelings of nervousness. That was fine, they wouldn't be good soldiers if they weren't a little nervous before the battle.

The dropship soared out of the hangar into enough explosions that it could have been a Steven Spielberg movie. Wreckage soared this way and that and the laser blasts could be felt around them. The ship managed it though, it dropped into the atmosphere when a cry came over the com, there were many like it, but, this one was different somehow. It said or rather it shouted 'WE'RE HIT! THIS IS DROP SHIP FIVE TWO WHISKY WE ARE GOING DOWN!' Of course dropships would be dropping but Trioc suddenly felt as though he should help these ones. "Pilot, go towards that dropship cry, we will search for survivors on the ground and support them in any way possible." The pilot grimaced for a moment as if deciding on what to do and obviously decided he liked living and followed instructions.

As the dropship neared the ground, Trioc could see a few stormtroopers moving about. The dropship landed near them and the squadron of stormtroopers in the dropship exited, moving towards their comrades and taking perimeter. Trioc exited as well, his mask on his face and approached the stormtroopers. "Which one of you is in charge."
[member="ST LCPL Radon"]
Eclipsion's ship sped towards the atmosphere of Dromund Kaas, becoming an inferno as it hit the planets atmosphere. She gritted her teeth, as it finally punctured through the mesosphere, as it continued the rest of it's trip to the surface. She grimaced as she saw the tattered and ruined surface of the old capital of the Sith Empire, the sight of it in ruins filling her with anger. Eclipsion began nearing the surface, as she prepared for landing...
ALLIES: Dak Canton Garrus Garon Jate Kar'ta [member="Ordo"] Ashe the Reaper @MANDOS ON THE GROUND

Shinju turned to look at Ordo when he spoke about playing cards and she sighed sitting down with her sith sword still running. The teeth of the blade going while overhead finally something was coming. The sounds of ships hopefully ones to deal with had her reaching into that pit of her being that ate everything. Until slowly she was drawing in emotions and feelings from her servants, the other soldiers minorly... just a taste to strengthen herself before she fought and laughed. "Yummy yummy all these people taste delicious, shall we dance and sing while their blood runs cold? While the torn out hearts stop beating?"

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Location: The Solomon's Bridge
Objective: Get to Dromund Kaas and Rain Death on the Sith
Allies: [member="HK-36"],[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"],[member="Ori'Alor Tal'Verda"] and all Mandos
Enemies: Sith and their Allies
Noah sat aboard the bridge of the Solomon as it rocketed through space towards the former Sith planet of Dromund Kaas. Normally Noah would be calm and collective during battle,since he had been in multiple battles in the Republic and the Protectorate,but now,with the fall of his homeworld Coruscant,Noah was on the warpath and out for the blood of any Sith who stood in his way. "Colonel,we'll be at Dromund Kaas in just over a hour." Noah just nodded and stood,walking through the door to the hallway and towards the armory. Once there Noah walked over to his own personal armory,grabbing his custom cortosis weave vibroblades,a Lancer Mark III,two OPP-2 Heavy Blaster Pistols and finally,a old beat up MkI Bolter. Once these were set out on the table,Noah went over to his locker and produced a Hekler'Kok RA-1 Ranger Armor,slipping into the armor-weave underlay,he then snapped all the Durasteel plates into place,putting three bandoleers over his chest,one filled with Bolter ammo,one with power cells for his Lancer and the last one had three 8-inch vibro-knives attached to it. With this done,Noah grabbed and nearby satchel and attached it to his hip,inside the satchel was multiple types of explosives,thermal detonators,frag grenades,incendiary grenades and ion grenades. Finally,Noah put the last piece of the armor,besides the helmet,in place,putting the armorweave trenchcoat on,he then sat and closed his eyes,waiting for the announcement that they were at Dromund Kaas.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Location: Prefab base.
Objective: Camping the Relics
Allies: Mandalorians
Enemies: Sith

Alexandra waited till they left and smiled, putting down her gloves and going over to a security console nearby, taking a small but extensive storage unit she plugged it in and waited for the connection to be clear. Once done she hacked into the security mainframe in quite a quick amount of time, able to instantly remember everything she had tried to get through and failed with though in the end she was in. What she was doing though was simply watching for now on the security cameras throughout the base and the radio and camera feeds from the soldiers, she was curious who it was that was attacking though she already knew. Now it was time to see if she would have to protect the relics in the same room as her.
Location: Space
Objective: Get to Dromund Kaas and establish contact
Allies: All sith
Enemies: Mandalorians and their allies

Rex sat at the controls of his skipray blastboat, doing his best to dodge incoming fire. He finally managed to puncture the atmosphere of Dromund Kaas, seeing a crashed ship and another ship with stormtroopers milling about. Deciding to help them, he landed next to the ships, putting on his mask and pulling his hood up as he stepped out. His ship lifted off after this, going into orbit to await his command. He walked up to the only non stormtrooper in the group and addressed him. "What's going on here? We need these stormtroopers to begin the assault, not mill around. Losses are acceptible."

[member="Trioc 'Quickshot'"]
[member="ST LCPL Radon"]

Basaba Willamina

A'den and Alor be aliit Willamina
LOCATION: In space cloaked
FLEET: 2xKeldabe battleship, Uluruur frigate, BBC Harbringer class, 2xAzalus class flak, Shev'la class
ALLIES: [member="Ember Rekali"] [member="Captain Larraq"] [member="Mia Monroe"]

The bulk of the fleet was with Larraq and prepped to listen to him as the crew of the Shev'la went about working on moving the cloaked ship into a position behind the moon. Basaba could hear Mia as she gave a nod of her head and checked her armor getting ready for the assault while she checked her shoulder cannon, her blades and rifle. A blaster pistol on her hip and beskad while a few grenades came and reports to her HUD of what ships were showing up came. The smirk on her face more then enough for enjoyment while the sight of the vong came and Basaba spoke seeing her boarding team. "How are those bugs against bioships?" The question was there but she kept a grin on her face under the helmet while watching. The sith fleet was preparing before she fianlly spoke to her men. "YOu all know what to do, we are going to get as close as we can to the sith ships and I want us to send a message. We'll take the ships over their cold corpses, life support and airlock controls are primary targets."

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