Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Annihilation Final Eclipse | GA Annihilation of Exegol


"You're doing the over explaining thing again."

Kahlil chuckled a bit, reaching a hand up to gently tap her nose. Smiled, just a bit. After everything that happened, maybe sharing a smile might make what comes next a little easier. Once inside the egg the Jedi master slumped down, closed his eyes. Feeling the Force so vividly as they did in here, well. It wasn't something he was unfamiliar with. And it brought a frown to his lips.

"It's kind of like the Wellspring."

She knew what he meant. Such reservations didn't last for long though. He took a breath, let his mind drift, and found himself once more in the waves of the Force. Submerged, but not in anger or grief. Peace. He let his pain fade, then finally reached through the bond Asmundr Varobalder Asmundr Varobalder crafted with all of them. Every Jedi here on Exegol, they were the first. But through them, he'd be able to find them all. Every soldier, every being not seeped with the dark.

A simple rune, in the loose shape of a simple shield, formed around everyone he could find. Everyone through the network of Jedi, through the bonds of comrades and strength. Of love and protection. For so long the Alliance had been fighting side by side against the Maw, against the Sith. Their bonds where what connected them all. The skies themselves opened up to the cleansing Light of the Sword.

And through their bonds, that Light would not burn them.
Valery Noble Valery Noble | Asmundr Varobalder Asmundr Varobalder | Henna Ashina Henna Ashina | Thelma Goth Thelma Goth | Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el | Cale Gunderson Cale Gunderson | Caedyn Arenais | Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina | Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania | Silas Westgard Silas Westgard | Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren | Jand Talo Jand Talo | Amani Serys Amani Serys | Corin Trenor Corin Trenor | Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka | Alicio Organa Alicio Organa | Rhemti Totriddiam Rhemti Totriddiam | Capris Halcyon Capris Halcyon | Brandyn Sal-Soren | @Everyone I guess



LocationExegol, Throne Room
EnemiesGalactic Alliance | The Empire | Ashlan Crusaders | Mandalorians | Sith Order
AlliesBrotherhood of the Maw
Interacting Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin Her | Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis Father

She wished that she could admire their optimism, the lack of understanding that her mind had been made a long time ago and today was just hundreds in the making. It wasn't as simple as deciding that it was time to go, that she had never wanted this - that the crushing weight of pressure inside her skull wasn't some device she had created for herself, at least not knowingly, and there wasn't such a quick way out of the free fall she'd been tumbling down for nearly a decade now. Scars should have been traced up and down her wrists, or wrist singular now, given the pain she'd inflicted on herself for years between her withdrawal from public society and reemergence as a stain on the wider galaxy. She was the sum of everything she hated, the reason her crusade to destroy what had caused her existence even existed, and there wasn't a singular part of her life that she could say she loved.

She came into the world with the urge to kill an innocent young woman out of grief that their mothers had fought and mutually perished, dealt with a father that grieved in a way that she interpreted as needing something more than a daughter to fill a void gouged out of him, raised in an empire that had already began to crumble before she realized her ambitions. In retrospect, though, she didn't deserve the grief she felt and her anger had long since stopped being justified for the crimes she'd committed against others that lived lives far more or less fortunate than her own - lives she ended, lives she assimilated into her own out of sheer hate. The man that offered her a way out was a man she loved, a father that sheltered her when she needed restraint and who disciplined when she stepped too far out of line - but he was a man as deeply flawed as the rest, layered with faults that she didn't see as such until she'd made them her own.

The obsession she had with Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin had stopped being what anyone would have considered love a long time ago, and she could remember the dark push to 'training' her though her fear of fire and how pleasing it had been to see her terrified - terrified, herself, at the sensation of sheer power she had felt over the person she was supposed to care most deeply about.

All of this death and despair she'd spread through the galaxy had been in the name of creating an alternate reality that rejected her own failed relationship, a crusade that had turned into some sick fantasy of a noble suicide that erased her from existence so Quinn could live a better life without ever knowing her - as if it could make up for all of the wrong she'd created in this reality, the only true existence. She felt the steady disappearance of Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren as he ebbed away in the force, torn apart by his own hubris in his fight with Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble and Valery Noble Valery Noble , and the abrupt death of Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha at the hands of his own puppet. This was what they were always meant to do, to live miserable lives and go too far in trying to make sense of their own failings by becoming the villains that had shaped them - only to die as the same wretched things that had prompted them on their journey of revenge in the first place. She smiled, even as the light descended onto Exegol with timing that threatened to ruin a bittersweet goodbye.

A goodbye she didn't deserve, an end too sweet for a wretch as twisted as her.

The walls were coming down now, in a manner of speaking, and her muted response to her father and former lover wasn't to give some moving argument in defense of her delusions. She didn't waste her breath on choking back tears she never earned in the first place, though she couldn't help that pathetic urge to feel sorry for herself while she stepped slowly back from Quinn with the subtle tugging at the corners of her lips. A regrettable grin, maybe, or a sad smile perhaps, was all the answer she could give. She'd been a coward chasing a life better than the one she had now so she didn't need to endure the hardship she had caused for herself, running away from the pain that burned in her chest, and cowardice would be her end - running, this time, from one death and into the arms of another.

The heavy, wet, squelch of flesh torn open was muffled by the ripping of fabric and the splash of color on the gray floor beneath her.

Sorry, she mouthed - best as her weak lips could - before the light left her eyes.

The visceral sound was punctuated by the heavy thunk of steel anchoring itself against her spine, the crossguard of her sword preventing the telekinetically wielded weapon from flying entirely through her, and then the cold exhale of every last ounce of oxygen in her lungs rushing out of her lips all at once. She'd been a monster that consumed life itself, addicted to the seductive hunger of devouring the force, in ways that had far exceeded the world eater that had been her wrath equipped with an understanding that went much further than the cunning of her greatest strategist - the blade that pierced through her had been engineered for this moment, a weapon that could not be more aptly named for the faithless outlook its creator had on life, the tutaminis enchanted into the blade undoing everything that held her together. The vacuum deep inside of her, the instinctive tug on everything and everyone around her, abruptly reversed course. Power, the force, contained in her from as far back as Rhand and as notable as Tython, suddenly forced its way out from her and into the world beyond. There wasn't grief at the end, nor was there anger or even remorse. People were so poetic in their description of what it must have been like to move on, to pass over to the 'other side', but in the brief moment between a loss of vision and a cold numbness that buckled her knees she felt nothing.

Just a profound emptiness.

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At last, her foe retreated back into the shadows, leaving Thelma alone. The vampiress’ heart thundered in her ears, her breath coming in short gasps of air. She stared at her outstretched arms, her hands coated with blood, the coppery taste of it in her mouth, and wanted to scream.

She had failed. All the months of carefully building up her control, trying to master the hunger, gone in an instant. She was an addict who had gone back to using in a moment of weakness. But he would’ve killed me, part of her still cried out. I would be dead if I hadn’t done it!

Not good enough,” she muttered to herself. “Not good enough…

The Force form she had used to defend herself was taxing. Falling to her knees, Marrow's blood spewed from her mouth as the last of the stolen strength she had drunk from the Sangnir's veins left her. She was near collapse.

Suddenly the darkness of night was banished by blinding light. The pillars appeared from the sky, setting the surface of Exegol aflame with their lumination. Thelma covered her eyes with her hands, hearing the masters’ call to purge the planet.

They needed her strength, but she had nothing left to give… or did she?

Weakly, Thelma reached out to Silas Westgard Silas Westgard in the Force. She trusted him the most. Once she found him, it was as if all the bonds between Jedi were revealed to her senses. They were all of them connected, strengthening each other and working together to purify the taint of darkness from the world. At this moment, at least, she was not alone as she added her power to theirs.





The Force shifted. He felt his influence resound where it needed to, and felt the pushback where he hadn’t expected it fully. There was a retaliation where there should have been, needed to be, acceptance. Despite himself, the physical representation of The Warden smiled. It was nice, in a way, to be able to see all things and still be met with surprises.

But the shift he felt was an ephemeral advantage. Elsewhere on the station, the plague he’d felt had been overcome, and his counterparts were fulfilling their roles. The sword, cutting through the darkness with light. The Shield, protecting those from the intensity of the station — And so too, would he.

With an established connection to all within The New Jedi Order, Asmundr drew in a deep breath. It filled his lungs, lifted his chest, and seeped into his belly until he exhaled it all out. Centred.

At first, he flittered his outreach to Henna Ashina Henna Ashina — to ensure she was prepared for that which they’d foreseen. Secondarily, he gave a token boost, like a metaphysical squeeze of the shoulders from distances away, to Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka .

And then, he fulfilled his duty. All those who Asmundr had previously established a link with, would hear his booming voice resound in the corners of their mind, beckoning them to the necessary harmony to vanquish the malevolence that plagued Exegol:


As if to show them the way, Asmundr’s presence within the Force erupted. Brilliantly. Cell after cell exploded, like white hot energy, searing and blinding, leaning into that which was the most devastating angle of The Force. Excruciating and pure, Light poured out from his chamber, burning down to the pillars that Master Nobel had already created — and blazed the way for others to join. His consciousness stretched and stretched, reaching out, and out, and out, and intermingling with the tethers he’d gently nurtured earlier to set them ablaze with the necessary fervency that brought the necessary scathing brilliance to purge darkness from this world.

The call to Light was not mutually exclusive to those within the strike teams of the Jedi. Through his balance achieved on Korriban, Asmundr's duality within The Force reached out, and reached out, and reached out, searching and searching for newfound allies to join in the cause of purging darkness from the homeworld of such grief. Those who were unfamiliar with the ability, he'd reach out to, extend a hand, provide a brilliant kickstart for them to latch onto and learn from.

ALLIES | THE NEW JEDI ORDER | THE GALACTIC ALLIANCE | CIRCLE OF SEERS | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble | Arage Bao Arage Bao | Ala Quin | Sion Lorray Sion Lorray | Caedyn Arenais | Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el | Amani Serys Amani Serys | Alicio Organa Alicio Organa | Capris Halcyon Capris Halcyon | Rhemti Totriddiam Rhemti Totriddiam | Silas Westgard Silas Westgard | Thelma Goth Thelma Goth | Brandyn Sal-Soren | Jem Fossk Jem Fossk | Cale Gunderson Cale Gunderson | Aleksandr Stirsea Aleksandr Stirsea | Jand Talo Jand Talo | Ichika Masudo Ichika Masudo | Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania | Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren |

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"I have no need of an ally to kill you," Malum said with glee on his lips, truly losing himself to the madness of the planet, was it due to Exegol itself? Due to his presence near the Mawite? Or perhaps the feeling that the essence of light itself, the strongest candle among the wind of darkness had been snuffed out? He did not care, not one bit.

All he wanted to do was win.

"You are no Lord? Then submit to your betters!" Malum did not even blink, as his blade was knocked aside, not even fully realising that he had thrown it, maintaining the flames, maintaining the gap between them. It was so simple to flow the Force through his fingers, perhaps that had been why he had thrown his lightsaber, he had long since realised that being able to force the Force through his lightsabers was an advantage, but it still was an inferior method to forcing through his biological features. It was the difference between walking up a hill and instead dribbling a ball up it. He pulled regardless, feeling the metal hilt return to his hands, as red plasma hissed against the air evermore.

If the peasant wanted a duel, he would give him one.

His comms continued blinking, but Malum ignored it.

"Do you not see, Jedi? This is what the Sith want!" Malum shouted wildly at the in front of him, through the smoke and flames, as he leaned back opening his stance, his erratic gaze quickly making out the food cart that rapidly approaching him, had the warning come from the Force itself? Or did his ears make out the sound of treats falling on the ground?

It was at least one of those.


Malum lept back, his wall of flames extinguished as the cart caught on fire and crashed against the circus tent, quickly alighting it too on flame.


"Don't you see Talo, the Maw have failed," His gaze turned back to where Talo stood, "The Sith are the hammer that will drive the Alliance nail into its hea-" Malum stopped, his muscles relaxing instinctively, his eyes blinking rapidly.

Talo was not where he stood.


His eyes turned to the left at the last second, his eyes widening as his blade was brought up at the last moment, deflecting one blade, while sidestepping the other, hissing out as the heat of the Sun bore down on his skin it was so close.

Was he worth bringing out his second blade? The invitation was so plainly evident.

He refused to consider the prospect, instead attempting to elbow the man in the nose, using their newfound closeness for what little advantage it held him, his lightsaber held tightly in his other hand, his eyes obsessively held on his two lightsabers, Jar-Kai was a difficult form to beat, it was why he took it up after all, but it certainly had some weaknesses.

It took only one mistake, one miscalculation to bring it all down.

Still, his eyes drifted to the battle occurring behind Talo, his words were confident, thinking he could beat him in time to save his friends.

But Malum could only see them as arrogant.

"Are you sure about that? Your girlfriend does not seem to be doing too well." Malum simpered, even if he felt a stab of pity, at the absolute maelestorm she was facing.

The Mawite maelstrom could certainly not even be considered his ally anymore if its shouted words were any indication. Just perfect.

At the very least her attention was still on the female Jedi and the soldier.

Malum's ears flickered to attention as the sound of boots became audible through the sound of combat. The sound of blasters being unloaded filled his ears, the sound of orders relayed on the comms.

The madness had made them all forget, as soldiers armoured in the arms of the old Sith Empire took position around them.

The Guard had arrived.

Jand Talo Jand Talo Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Dominik Borra Dominik Borra Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall
Narrator of The Galactic Alliance



With the ground in full assault, The Galactic Alliance, The Empire, The Ashlan Crusade, and The Eternal Empire, pour over the land of Exegol to destroy strongholds of darkness. The Citadel is the primary focus. All military targets are meant to be destroyed, factories, shipyards, artefacts, are all subject to destruction.

The Forbidden District is aglow with conflict. Former allies confront their feelings of betrayal and turn on one another, darkness tears into the minds and hearts of the noblest warriors, and duels of good versus evil viciously clash.

In the skies, the fleets are split between contesting one another, boarding parties, preventing the escape of enemy forces, and providing ground support. All until The Galactic Alliance makes the play that has been the longterm play of the SIA and the New Jedi Order.

Perfectly timed, Lightspoint Station has jumped into Exegol's atmosphere. All skyward-focused members of the GADF and NJO have been ordered to defend it at all costs.

Its arrival is hot on the heels of the fall of so many pontifexes of darkness, The Dark Lord Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren and The Voice Vesta Zambrano and The Taskmaster, Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha . Their demises herald the opportunity The Galactic Alliance and their allies have been looking for, and slim though it is, it's the chance to establish the Light's presence and eliminate this threat once and for all.

Jedi inside Lightpoint Station initiate the power of the station and request the support of ALL JEDI TO HELP SUPPORT A WALL OF LIGHT over Exegol.


Lord Admiral Arage Bao Arage Bao and the Humbarine Fleet have made the jump with Lightpoint Station into the Exegol system with the Maw fleet bleeding, it must be protected as it is positioned within the planet's atmosphere.

Those who are already preoccupied with providing aerial support to cover those on ground are doubly requested to provide ample security as the Jedi congregate and sacrifice their focus (and probably situational awareness) to generating a Wall of Light that is further amplified by Lightpoint Station.



Jedi, and Lightside-aligned warriors, are beseeched to join in the final purge of darkness from Exegol. Those who cannot respond to the call of The Sword and The Warden are encouraged to continue their duels, further distracting darksiders from participating in the pending darkside ritual that The Circle of Seers have foreseen.

While the Jedi work to purge out the Dark Side from the planet, members of the GADF are still responsible to destroying military targets that have fuelled The Maw war machine for too long. While the station and the Jedi are powerful, eliminating darkness from the planet cannot be the only maneuver against The Brotherhood of The Maw. Ensure that no ships take flight from the shipyards, and the horrors of the Citadel are destroyed, or otherwise have no longevity beyond Exegol.

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Ziare Dyarron | Keilara Kala'myr | Mercy | Freedom
Mongrel's Shadow and his widow; Matriarch of the Scar Hounds Tribe; Guardian of Mongrel's armour and sword
Objective: Rescue the twins and find her way to Asher
Location: Secret Prison Facility, Exegol
Equipment: FS-18-UP2 Assault Rifle | 2x Sunfury Pistol | Light Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | 2x Vibrodagger | 2x Riftblades | Promise of Freedom | Ring of Wishes and Dreams || Cloaking Device | 5x ASBF Probe Droid || OPBC-01m
Writing With: The Manifold The Manifold | Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha | The Mongrel The Mongrel and Kallan | Closed
[ Come back… ]
"Galactic Basic" | ~ Telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Mercy/Keilara #1
Tut #1
Manifold #1
Mercy/Keilara #2
Manifold #2
Tut #2
Mercy/Keilara #3
Manifold #3
Tut #3
Mercy #4
Manifold #4
Tut #4
Mercy #5
Tut #5
Manifold #5
Mercy #6
Tut #6
Mercy #7
Tut #7
Manifold #6
Mercy #8
Tut #8

~ Mercy ~
I laughed bitterly at Tu'teggacha's words; no, he did not dominate the useful, but the weak, who could not defend themselves against him. Asher was also only able to be controlled by this worm as long as he kept my husband's mind weak. As long as there were points, he could sink his mental tentacles into. Until Asher was nothing more than a puppet. But, as soon as his mind began to heal, these points were lost. Taskmaster could no longer pull my husband, my soulmate as a puppet, but we played with the "big" and "terrifying" Taskmaster from the shadows. And we won, he never realised that we acted behind his back.

I was sure he was up to something, I knew he wanted to seal off my soul so I could never get to the Netherworld, so I could never find Asher. I just snarled under my helmet at his threat. I don't know if with the gate closed the Force works in this world or not. I didn't know if what he said was just an empty threat and a bluff or not. I knew nothing about this place, but the spirits were already here.

As I got there, nothing came of the threat, I just saw the panic and terror in his eyes, but I didn't care. I heard his last words. Wait! What did he think? Could he say something that would save his life? Did he seriously think I would spare him? And it was over. Some people believe that revenge brings joy. No, the same bitterness and emptiness remain, because someone is taking revenge for something that was taken from them. I felt no joy, no relief. It was Kallan and Keilara's feelings.

I was completely resigned, looking at the small, now headless body and the large greenish blood stain on the stones. I just felt the same emptiness and pain as before and the same tiredness. Revenge does not heal a broken heart, it does not heal a torn and separated soul...

I watched as the souls, led by Freedom, did not let Tu'teggacha's soul escape, but imprisoned it in the crystal. The former purple crystal turned greenish-purple. It really was over. I picked up the crystal from the ground, then looked towards the opening gate, then the droid and the twins. I still couldn't bring myself to go over and hug them. They were almost nine months old, that's how much time has passed since they were born. I didn't feel anything for them either, I was just tired. I was the worst mother.

"Bring them!" I told the droid.

I led them through the gate first, not risking that the droid might refuse the order. As soon as I understood, that is, I was greeted by a familiar feeling, which was here before. I've been here quite a bit as an omni-drone. Or at least it seemed like a lot. Now I could feel the physical pain in my side again and all the other fatigues as well. I fell to my knees and sat on the ground. I wanted to cry and hug my legs.

"Thank you, Manifold!" I told the souls. "Go and find peace!"

The same was true for Freedom, I didn't know if she wanted to return to my mind or if she was leaving with the others. Without her ... without her, I wouldn't be a Force user here either. Nevertheless, I began to feel something very tenderly. The feeling I felt when Asher was there with me. With my necklace, distance didn't matter and it was like a beacon. Far, far away, but it was there. He lived… that is, he lived as much as a soul in the Netherworld could live, could exist. For the first time since his death, I felt any hope. I just have to follow the trail and reach it. However, I didn't have the courage to reach out to him just yet, I didn't do it to make our minds connect. I was afraid that he didn't remember me anymore, that he wasn't waiting for me anymore...

And there was something else.

~ What will be the fate of Taskmaster? Shall we keep him like a crystal, guard him so that no one can ever let him out? Maybe you and Asher should decide his fate, or should we just bury him somewhere deep and let him suffer for eternity? ~ I told him. ~ I need some rest now before we go to see him… I know you want to be with the twins. Take control of my body and use the time while I sleep. ~

After that... we can leave the next day.


~ Keilara ~
It was over. I didn't even want to believe that this really happened. As soon as I peered into reality with Mercy's eyes, I saw through the helmet's HUD that Taskmaster was indeed lying dead at her feet. It was over. This long, very long nightmare was over. And we won... although I couldn't call it a victory yet, because Mercy felt the same as before and didn't go to the twins either. Victory will be final when it reaches Asher and we become a family. It's a strange, very strange family, as always, but we'll be together and maybe she can start to get better, she can get better.

There were still so many conditionals, what ifs… but as before, I tried to stay positive and only look at the good things. After all, I've done this before, trying to keep Kallan alive. We were free, never again did we have to fear that this monster could hurt us or the twins. It was like a nightmare ending. I too held Kallan tight and like him I cried too. But this time it wasn't tears of worry and pain, but tears of joy and relief. Although I was still in pain, Mercy was injured. The injuries did not go away.

~ Yes, Kallan, we are free. ~ I agreed with him with a smile. ~ At last we don't have to fear him anymore, and maybe all his other victims can find peace, just like us. ~

And from here, the final goal, a truly free life, was already so close. Without Taskmaster and Maw, this won't be difficult. We just had to find Asher first. That is, Mercy had to find him. I returned Kallan's smile, happy, still in his shirt and kissing him now before answering.

~ I'm ready! ~ I told him.

And in the end we were in the Netherworld. A necessary stepping stone before we can leave Mercy's mind and get a body of our own at some point in the future. Now I dared to dream about it, to think about it, with much more confidence. Before we left, however, there were still a few things that apparently needed to be taken care of. I was not happy that Mercy wanted to entrust the fate of Taskmaster to Kallan. I didn't know what the best solution would have been. However, being with the twins definitely felt nice. Finally in reality, after many long months.

If Kallan accepted the offer and took control of the body when he assumed his true form, then I would create my dopplegänger so that we could spend our first moments together as a real family, in reality. And if Mercy wakes up, then we can go find Asher as well.



Location: In the skies head for Tegan's location
Objective: Armageddon
Equipment: Red Midnight Duster | Red Sith Armor | Sith Mask | Grav Boots | CrushGaunts | x2 White lightsabers | Forearm Lanvorak | Wrist Laser | Variety of Explosives | RSKF-44 heavy blaster | X-21 shock glove
Enemies: Everyone
Allies: None
Tags: Michael Barran Michael Barran | DECEASED Aron Gowrie DECEASED Aron Gowrie | Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall | Jand Talo Jand Talo | Dominik Borra Dominik Borra | Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania | Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr


Khaos stood aboard one of the spiders among soldiers and Rhandite sorcerers. They didn't look at her avoiding looking at her, instead of press the attack she called a retreat. Before the trigger was even pulled, she had chosen not to fight and go ahead with the plan. Their ultimate plan was to break the throne a symbol of the sith that had corrupted and ultimately destroyed the Maw. She saw the writing on the wall this war was pointless and was only going to get people killed. She chose the life of those she carried about her army, her men, and her family. Let the Empire and Maw die here on a world she didn't give two craps about. They may be pissed out her now but one day they would thank her and the sight of the coming storm she had just before she was going to start the attack.

She felt the wave of light that was going to come to purge the darkness, a familiar storm at least as far as her family was concern. The Jedi had once released a wall of light on Dathomir, Her aunt Ryn had died in that purging. The only way they could counter it was by making a dark side wound that nearly destroyed the world of Dathomir. The world had been left scarred for many generations after that even if it seemed whole once more this day and age. It had been a devastated waste land, unlike Dathomir, Exegol was already mostly a wasteland and their wouldn't be much that could survive the wave coming.

So she had had ordered the retreat sending most of her ships and men back to Rhand with her she kept four spiders and a hundred or so men. They Had one last thing they had to do before they left this god forsaken place. As much as she didn't want to do it, it was family so she had to go collect her mother. Her Mother who was doing God knows what but through the force Khaos could feel her and she wasn't hiding herself at all. Since she didn't know what she was getting into she figured she would bring some of her most reliable men. She may have failed in her objective but she was going to pull her mother out of this shit.
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Objective II : Shadow & Bone



"Sir, the evacuation is complete. The Last Transports have reached our Assault Ships"

As the Final Dawn Forces on the ground confronted advancing units of the GADF, the last transports were able to safely reach the Planetary Assault Ships within the High Regent's Fleet marking the completion of his evacuation efforts. With all personnel now out of the GADF's reach, all he needed to do was to recall his forces and get the hell out of there. "Finally. Inform our allies that the evacuation is complete and that we will be joining them soon." Sularen ordered. "This is quite the surprise" Rackham said, still standing at Sularen's side. "We were expecting more opposition from the GADF against our Evacuation Efforts and yet they allowed us to safely withdraw our remaining assets." Sularen's aide commented. "Either they are too slow or have completely forgotten about us." Sularen replied. "Regardless they won't be able to stop our ascension"

Soon enough additional Heavy Gunships were deployed across the Forbidden District as Final Dawn forces began to withdraw en-masse across the city pulling back towards the Shipyards to be evacuated by the Gunships. The sooner his remaining forces were withdrawn, the sooner he could join his allies in dealing with the Alliance interlopers in orbit. "Sir, we have detected a wave of enemy B-Wings Heavy Bombers headed our way" a Communications Officer said. "Should we deploy our fighters?" Rackham said. "No, Burtch will find a way to deal with them, and we have the Crimson Linings and powerful Anti-Starfighter Weaponry that would tear them to shreds before they could even touch us." the High Regent replied.

So far, the High Regent's operation had gone smoothly. His allies we're taking care of enemy forces in orbit and from his understanding the combined forces of Onrai's Cult and the Nomadic People's Coalition currently held the advantage over their opponents with reports that the Eternal Imperial Star Dreadnought was already under heavy fire and that the main Alliance Naval Battlegroup was in disarray and in full retreat. If things continued at the same pace, the Final Dawn would most certainly leave Exegol unscathed, ready to begin their great rebirth and transformation unopposed. As the High Regent began to imagine, about the many opportunities that still lay Infront of him, the entire bridge of the Prophet was blinded by a massive beam of light that struck the Forbidden District right Infront of the High Regent's Fleet.

"What the-" Sularen could only say as he saw more beams of lights descend upon Exegol with a fury he had never seen before. However it would seem as if his forces remained unaffected by this as they so far hadn't reported any casualties as these beams expanded while more violent storms began to form across the planet. "It must be the Jedi" Rackham said. "...and if i'm correct their attack would seem to be directed against Dark-side aligned Force Users. So we should not be affected." the Colonel finished. Before Sularen could respond, one of his sensor officers cried out. "Sir. A new Alliance Fleet has appeared above the atmosphere, centered around a massive object. Some sort of Space Station." the officer said. "How did they get through our allied forces in orbit?" Sularen asked. "I don't know but our allies are still up there actively fighting the enemy" the officer said.

"More Jedi tricks." Sularen muttered. "How soon can we began the ascent?" The High Regent began. "Around ten minutes before a full withdrawal of forces can be completed." the Troops Officer replied. "Good. As soon as we complete the withdrawal of forces, we'll begin the ascent, and target that Space Station." the High Regent said. If his hunch was right, then that Station was indeed key to this whole battle, atleast for the The Alliance and their New Jedi allies. If they destroyed the Station then they would at least deprive the Alliance of a vital asset, which could potentially be used against the Final Dawn in the future. "Inform both Onrai and Burtch of these developments. I want them to finish off whatever forces they are facing and converge on that Station. We might not win this battle as a whole, but depriving the Alliance of this Station is all we need to have our own little victory."



"Dead, not dead. I'm somewhere between."

Surea almost seemed to float back as Amani pushed her away. At least until the ground beneath her ruptured and splot. Her eyeless visage didn't look away from the Jedi. And she did not fall. Instead she seemed to stand midair, her rotten wings shimmering with the red lifeforms she'd given life with. Death and Rebirth. There was nothing more true to that than decay. More of her rot, red and bubbling like tar, slipped from the cracks Amani had formed.

The world itself, she'd spent so long filling it with her Rot. And now it could finally be free.

"Feel nothing but despair, Jedi." She lifted her blade, and the liquid rot followed, rising from the ground to emerge like a wave. Sweep over the battlefield and corrupt everything.

"It will cost you everything for this victory."

Amani Serys Amani Serys

Azolon Blavier



["Exegol" | Covert-Military Command Post x Distance from Forbidden District ]
Objective: [2 - Destruction of Military Installations & Capturing of Shipyards]
Equipment: [ Misc. Officer Pistol | Protected by Guardsmen ]
Tags: [ Foes: MAW | Allies: NON-MAW
Forces: [ "187th Irregular Infantry Division" | {{15,000_13,415 | O | 785...800=1585 First Attack.}} ]

Phase 3 had been initiated by the the Holy-Jedi Order, an entity which was opposite of the Major General's beliefs and lifestyle in way of his untamable hedonism. Looking over a map of reconnaissance of prime targets for destruction, the General began to tap his finger on the table, moving around chest pieces though this was interrupted by a technical-officer - "General Blavier, the Final-Dawn has began a full-swing retreat. Their proclaimed High-Regent is leading this coalition of forces away from the surface. It seems our forces have either been stagnant in attacking the Maw or our mobility has been overestimated." - the officer said gripping a digital map of the battlefield.

"Absolutely unacceptable. Double up, our attacks. If we cannot capture the Warlord we must crush any remaining opposition; we cannot have more than one Mawite Remnant on the lose." The general said in a disgusted tone; his forces were proving themselves both ineffective and unambitious in face of a glorious battle. As for his thoughts upon Marlon, an intelligent being, with the withdrawal of his battle-hardened 'Final Dawn' forces the Maw would lose a bulk of their ground-units allowing for the GADF to push forth; the non-dawn mawites would be demoralized, they'd either have the choice of fighting until annihilation, surrendering which was out of question, or retreating as well and as the dark-side sorcerers and unaligned warlords fight the Dawn can leave still capable of manning a nuisance. The high-regent would be one of the largest remnants, and who would the divided maw flock to? The Dawn, they had the resources and potentially most power.

The General began to provide orders to the Irregular-Infantry Divisions commanders, the force of 15,000 splintering into 3x4,000 Based Infantry Brigades with an even number of per brigade to make counting loses easier; Zulu, Alpha, Tango. The 1st Brigade to make their push was Zulu reinforced by Tango, the combined 8,000 Units would push into the Forbidden-District with the goal of capturing any remaining shipyards, the sub-field artillery battalions positioning themselves in front of the primary force has the force marched forth, initiating a moving-barrage to clear up any mawite-obstacles such as urban units or infrastructure whilst the primary infantry companies would be sent out in Human-Wave Stylized warfare & swarming-tactics to overwhelm any defense units. These tactics were seemingly mild in success, it was an inevitable win which was being fastened in a quicker manner at the cost of death, GA-Forces being sent to their death so the battle could be won quicker. Casualities were at about 785-800 give or take with the Guerilla and Urban Mawites being empowered by a final stand.

"This is Colonel Mason, Alpha Brigade are moving in." The colonel said into a radio. While Zulu & Tango were making primary penetration the 3rd Brigade were airborne has GA-Aerial Forces began selective-fire carpet bombing behind enemy lines, targeting anti-aircraft weaponry & alike with the goal of stagnating any response to aerial-assault. Troop-Transport ships blaring the GA anthem pressing through the smoke has the sky began to be lit up, 'Boom - bOoM BOoM' , one by one troop transports were being shot down, losses massive; airborne-troopers jumping out of their ships in a de-centralized attack to catch the enemy off guard from behind with the goal of sending the main-defense force of the forbidden district into disarray, the Bull-Horn Assault.

"Your sacrifices will be remembered. For the Alliance, PREVAIL!" The general said speaking into soldiers comm-systems, soldiers were being led to their slaughter but the tide was turning incredibly. Casualties were at 1.585 and growing. General Blavier was calm per usual, he had enough men to sacrifice.

Airborne Troops were splitting up, most of the Alpha group pushing behind the Mawite forces in an attempt to squeeze them to death whilst Zulu & Tango continued their push. The rest of Alpha were attempting to siege & capture remaining mawite anti-air defenses with the goal of shooting any fleeing forces out the air, and annihilating the shipyards.

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Forbidden District Outskirts - Airfield
Writing With
: Thelma Goth Thelma Goth

It was just as well that Marrow did not see the moments of weakness that followed his departure.

If he had, he would likely have been unable to resist the urge to feast - yet there were still too many uncertainties. The wise move was to leave the prey for another day. He would recover. He would grow stronger. He would return.

Perhaps not here, though. Here was getting chaotic. 'His side' was losing? Probably.

Then there were the pillars of light. He preferred to hunt in darkness. Worse yet, they felt wrong. Too bright, too 'pure'. Like fire, electricity, and other harmful things. He would need to find a ship. A ship with a crew.

He did not plan to stick around to see if it would burn him.
Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The Light of Ashla

Champion and Avatar of Ashla || Empress Regent of the Eternal Empire
Objective: Wait till the Avatars show up and send them back to the Netherworld.
Location: Surface, Exegol
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (swords) | Ljósspjót (spear) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Writing With: DECEASED Aron Gowrie DECEASED Aron Gowrie | Closed
Enemies/Allies: Nukth Kelga'an Nukth Kelga'an
[ Valkyrjan ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ["Essonian"] | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Eina #1
Gowrie #1
Eina #2
Gowrie #2
Eina #3
Gowrie #3
Eina #4
Gowrie #4
Eina #5
Gowrie #5
Eina #6
Gowrie #6

Finally, a group followed Eina, who, after some encouragement, arrived behind her. Eina sensed quite a lot in the next few moments. Such was the death of Ren and Mori, as well as the disappearance of Tu'teggacha, Manifold and Mercy. The last three were unheard of, at least no Valkyrja had reported this to the woman, but the deaths of the first two were clear. However, she didn't have time to deal with these now, because on the one hand, the Galactic Alliance also started something, and on the other hand, she and Gowrie's group were here behind the enemy lines.

The woman felt from Galactic Alliance's forces that the Light Side energies were gathering and preparing for something, the Force began to focus. Anyway, she wasn't worried, no matter what, she thought she would be able to protect the team that was here with her. And right now that was what mattered, and if the Maw succeeded, she would have to take action against the Avatars.

The dark room was a hall where they arrived. This place itself was empty, about twenty metres wide and the same length. At the other end of the room was a double door that was open. Beyond that, another hall, that too lost in darkness, or semi-darkness; the sensors were not disturbed by anything, so it was possible to see and perceive. The other hall was large, nearly sixty metres long and forty metres wide. At the other end, roughly eighty metres from the company, nearly two hundred signs of life could be detected.

~ There are a lot of them. ~ she told Gowrie in a telepathic way.

Meanwhile, the woman motioned with her head for them to go forward. She walked stealthily and went all the way to the door. If Gowrie or one of his men followed, then from the door you could already see into the other place, in which a rather terrible huge brain with tentacles was visible and around it were also nearly two hundred not very well equipped military personnel. And Eina made a terrible realisation in the Force. These people were not real people, they had no personality or soul, they were like a puppet moved by the mighty brain. They were terrible, a waste of nature.

~ That huge brain controls the rest. They are not human, they have no soul, or they look like empty shells… animals. ~ she told Gowrie again.




Location: Forbidden district outskirts, Exegol
Objective: Eliminate the maw
Tag: Tamna Korvan Tamna Korvan / Valery Noble Valery Noble / Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble / Thelma Goth Thelma Goth


(Based after the fight)

Staggering along the scorched battlefield Silas has been walking for quite a while now. His body was littered with cuts and saber wounds, as well as a bloodied face that looked like it had gone above and beyond. The sky was black with smoke and the ground beneath his feet was littered with bodies, he just hoped he wouldn't stumble upon one he knew well. Silas didn't have the time to grieve right now, his main priority was to regroup with a pair of people close by, Valery and Kahlil.

He had felt their presence for a while, even when Valery was going through the most intense pain of her life. In more ways than one, it also affected Silas, who shared a strong bond with his former master. Valery meant a lot to him and feeling her in that much pain made his emotion go all over the place. Thankfully, he was able to control himself and finish the fight with his life.

Looking up into the sky a bright light began to shine over the planet that was almost blinding. Silas knew what it meant, and with that in mind he couldn't help but smile. Valery and Kahlil had done it, they were within touching distance of destroying the darkness on Exegol for good "Well done you guys..." he muttered up to the sky. Slowly but surely, he began to raise his hand in the air and close his tired blue eyes.

It was time to end this

"Thelma... I need you..." he whispered to himself as he felt the force link with her. Together, Silas and Thelma would use their combined power to help build the wall of light around the planet.

At this moment, all the Jedi were about to become one.



Objective I | Star Wars


Vonreg's Flight
Flights 2-4

The Skies around Vengeance Flight were quickly illuminated as Vonreg and his wingmen clashed with Revenant Squadron's X-Wings. Just like their counterparts, Vonreg and his men had spent hours preparing themselves for this operation with dozens of training flights and simulations as they anticipated their next showdown with Revenant Squadron. However while the Pilots of Revenant Squadron and the Crimson Linings seemed to be equally matched, there was one major advantage the Crimson Linings still held over their foes, the powerful hulls of their TIE Barons.

With the power shunted to their weapons, the TIE Barons were able to deal severe damage to the shielding of the enemy X-Wings while managing to soak up any damage inflicted upon them by their foes thanks to their powerful Phkalt Hulls. As the battle progressed, Vonreg set lined up against the rear of an enemy X-Wing whose shields had been previously weakened by Crimson Three. Managing to stay on target as his prey tried to evade him, he was able to gain a lock onto the X-Wing as he unleashed a fatal barrage of Heavy Laser Canons that tore the starfighter apart before it's pilot even had time to eject. "Another bandit down" Vonreg announced through the comms.

As Vonreg flew his TIE Baron past the debris of the destroyed X-Wing, his sensors blared up indicating that an enemy ship had acquired a lock on his Fighter. "Crimson Leader, you have two enemy craft on your tail." Crimson Two shouted through the comms. "I see them Two. I'm going to try to shake them off" Vonreg replied, just as the first shots from an enemy B-Wing flew past the portside section of his TIE Baron. Instinctively, Vonreg pulled his Interceptor to the right, falling right into his foe's trap as two proton torpedoes suddenly slammed the rear of his TIE Baron shortly afterwards creating a massive explosion in it's wake.

However, thanks to his TIE Baron's Phkalt Metal Hull, the two proton torpedoes did little damage upon hitting their target, only knocking Vonreg's TIE off-course for a few seconds before he was able to regain control of his starfighter. As soon as he managed to regain control, he quickly shunted the power to his engines and began to accelerate forward hoping to put some distance between himself and the attacking B-Wings before drifting around to face his attackers and return the favor. Vonreg knew that his survival would demoralize his foe, as such a powerful shot would have severely damaged or destroyed an ordinary unshielded starfighter, but he wasn't piloting any unshielded starfighter. He was piloting one of the deadliest starfighters to have ever been produced by the Final Dawn, and Revenant Squadron was about to learn the true gravity of their hopeless situation.


Location: Forbidden district outskirts, Exegol
Objective: Eliminate the maw
Tag: @Valery Noblw

It was horrific to be enveloped in the fog of war. You are either terrified into a paralyzing shock that will destroy your will, or you are so enamored with the heat of battle that you embrace the feeling and embark on an endless search to quench your bloodthirst. Two extremes, one or the other with no happy medium.

Either way, you will never be the same.

He did not want this for either of his Padawans, but he did not stop either of them from coming. It is not that Caltin Vanagor did not trust them, he did, he had faith in the both of them for their skills and their heads on their shoulders. It is not that he was being overprotective of them either, true, Vanagor had a history of this in the past, but they had to be able to face their greatest threats in order to grow. So why the reticence?

Caltin did not want that life for either of them.

Make no mistake, they have to walk their own paths and if down that road either or even both of them go then so be it, but a life of fighting is not a life.

This was a conversation for another time though.

Right now, Caltin Vanagor was indeed down on the planet Exegol. Where has he been? The big man has been drawing as much attention to himself (and away from other Jedi) as possible. Yes, this is something that the massive Jedi Master would normally try to do, but this was different. Vanagor was as destructive as he could, “not very ‘Jedi’-like” to be certain, but this was an operation that was out of the norm.

If it moved, and was that of the Dark Side, it was not safe from the big man’s rampage. Caltin restricted himself to areas he could sense Dark Side Energy in and from (even Exegol had to have some kind of civilian population) freeing him to be more direct in what he was doing. The more which came at him, the harder that Vanagor fought. Through the Force and with his lightsaber, Caltin was tearing through troops, cannons, tanks and Sith.

He was not hiding at all, just fighting in order to bring the Dark Side his way, as much as he could at least. The Sith who were intercepting him were of course “pawns” which was fine, the more that came at him, the less backup that the others had. Vanagor was about to join the main fight in the outskirts of the Forbidden Zone, but he stopped for a moment.

The call had been made.

Any and all Jedi who were available were to join and form a Wall of Light. The thought brought pause to the big man as this was an “endgame” maneuver that he was not expecting, but he was certain that those in charge of this operation were well aware of the ramifications of what was about to go down so he did not dwell.

He continued to fight.

As the massive Jedi Master was summoning an enormous bolt of lightning down into the middle of a legion of troops and doing his best to manipulate the storms overhead, he focused on Valery Noble Valery Noble through the Force. She needed to know what was going on and what he was planning on doing.

~I can help if you want me to, but there are so many down here that are defenseless, I’m going to give these Schuttas something else to focus on.~

“Do you know where you are, Jedi?” yelled out a Sith Lord.

Do you know who we are? Let me elaborate! We’re Fathers, Mothers, Brothers, Sisters, Sons and Daughters. We are Jedi, Rangers, Pilots, Troops, even Imperial… we are the left hand of justice… we are the right hand of the light side….

Summoning a mass of Force energy and expelling it into a powerful Force Repulse sending troops, Assassins, and anyone close enough (not allied) flying… he yelled.



Exegol, Phase 3
Tags: BB-610 BB-610 , Valery Noble Valery Noble , Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble , Asmundr Varobalder Asmundr Varobalder , Others...


Jasper and Bee had shifted their focus to in-atmosphere aid, raining fire on Maw targets from above. It wasn't for very long though. Soon, beams of light seemed to rain down from the sky, basking Exegol in a radiant visage that may have bothered onlookers. Jasper was unfazed. After all, he was very familiar with Force Light. As the battle meld swelled, the Jedi knight opened himself up to the link that had been formed. He felt so many, but...

Calix was gone.

He couldn't feel the padawan anywhere, even in this state. Jasper severed himself from the meld for a moment, allowing a wave of grief to wash over him. He was just a boy, no older than his little brother. He shouldn't have been here...

But this was drive enough for Jasper to rejoin the meld. The sacrifice of everyone today couldn't go to waste, especially those closest to him. He would grieve when the time came. Right now, Jasper couldn't allow the darkness to weasel it's way into the meld. This was their one opportunity, and the knight would be damned if he was the one who let it slip away.

There was only light. Only the force.

"The atmosphere has become turbulent," Jasper informed Bee, "Prepare for sudden evasive maneuvers. My focus is needed elsewhere."

The fate of this battle now lie in the hands of those on Lightpoint Station.




TAGS: Escape Jara
Temerant stood perfectly still as she circled him, almost statuesque. Were it not for the sound of his voice and the light hum of his blade, one might have almost thought him a statue... Or perhaps a gargoyle, given his aesthetic proclivities. However, to an expert saberist like herself it was apparent he was anything but relaxed, more akin to a springed coil, ready to bounce into action at any given moment.

"Please," the man grunted. "Death would prove a mercy, if only so I don't have to hear you rattle any more non-sense. I've no use for your mercy." he assured her. "You puzzle me. Your bladework speaks of a refinement that ill befits the rest of your doomed brethren. Surely, you feel it too," he remarked.

The Dark Side was practically screaming at him, as if the Force was on fire around them as bloody battle raged on in the dark planet. Temerant had fought in wars before, even in worlds where the dark side was strong. But this... This was the end of an era. No matter what he thought of them and their ways, the Maw had left an indelible mark in the Galaxy. One it might, perhaps, never fully recover from. One that called for retribution.

War was upon them. Death was inevitable, as far as he was concerned. But only time would tell if their motto finally rang true.

"And I know plenty about weakness and failure. But if you think that makes me weak, then you are foolish. That, or too arrogant to see the forest for the trees," he concluded. Just a couple steps more... "Perhaps when you reflect upon this moment you will take the chance to learn from it. Or perhaps you'll simply look back upon it with shame. Because you have already failed... You just don't know it yet."

As he concluded his little lecture, he tapped a button in his suit's left glove, setting off one of the stun grenades he'd positioned in the room whilst she was recovering from the force push, the device close enough that it would hit her almost in full. A non-lethal option, but one that would deter her long enough for him to reach his objective and escape with Project Jareth.

As soon as it went off, he made a break for it, turning off his lightsaber and enhancing his speed well past its natural limits. He passed the large doors that divided the front of the ship from the main cargo compartment before he had exhaled his second breath, angling his body to push the 'close' button mid-race, his off-hand producing his blaster to shoot as the thick doors locked into place, blasting the control panel. Because as everyone in the galaxy knew, blasting a door's control panel almost inequivocably guaranteed it wouldn't open through traditional means. Something he often wondered about, but alas, it worked to his advantage.

The doors wouldn't hold her back long, however. She had lightsabers, and she wouldn't be out all that long. She was strong. If they fought again, one of them would not make it out of that freighter. Speaking of which...

"Master... Is it prudent to leave her alive?" the droid questioned.

"Her world is crumbling around her. And I gain nothing from her death. It is not part of the mission," he growled as he raced following his visor's instructions. "Fulfilling it is all that matters right now. And given how hard it was to even get here, I'm not expecting a smooth departure. The more time I waste, the more likely I die in this blasted rock."

"Yes, well, you would gain not having a powerful Maw Sith Lord potentially holding a grudge and coming after you," the droid chimed in. "Not to mention I've seen you kill for much poorer reasons."

"She doesn't know who I am. So long as I grab the bloody thing and get out it shan't be an issue," he argued, even as he shot at a couple of droids in his way, his helmet's HUD showing him where to hit to disable those particular models. "And besides, I can practically feel the Dark Side demanding I kill her."

"And... That is a bad thing?" the droid asked, perplexed.

"The Bogan is a tool to be controlled, not the other way around. If I give into my bloodlust now, I will be submitting to it," he explained as he arrived at the cargo hold, using his specialized scomp link to slice the door open. "And I submit to no one and nothing. Not even the Force," he concluded as the door opened.

He stepped inside to follow the signature... to eventually find a small container, cube-like in structure, which fitted inside his hand. The man then turned to leave...

"Wait, you're not going to open it?" X3 asked.

"It could be trapped, and explode in my face," the man noted.

"It could be trapped, and explode in our ship," the droid countered. "And the scanner's readings suggest it is safe. Just use the scomp link," the droid remarked. "I can handle it remotely. If there's anything that might go boom, I will know before it is too late. Besides, aren't you curious?"

Temerant paused... Then introduced the scomp link into the lock's slot. X3 must've deemed it safe, for it opened with a satisfying click after a few moments. Then he opened it.

"..." The man simply stared down at it

"...Holy chit," the droid gasped. "Is that what I think it is?"

Temerant closed it back up. "I need to get out of here. Now."

Amanda braska

Forbidden district outskirts, Exegol​
Eliminate the maw​
Tag: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor
Equipment: lightsabers, boots

Amanda had been a blur on the battlefield all most of her enemies saw where her lightsabers blades spinning due to her using force speed in combination with her echani martial arts in combination with forms ataru, juyo, and niman fighting styles in tandom although difficult. Amanda was pulling it off both of her hearts where beating hard and fast in her chest as she stood her ground the young master smiled at her enemies her echani blood loving the thrill of being in the midst of combat even if she was a Jedi she wasn't going to deny it. Even if she was here to destroy the maw and help make the galaxy a safer place. Or at least that was the ideal they tried to tell everyone Amanda strapped up her boots and grabbed her lightsabers and made quick work of a large swath of maw troops and sith.

The young master kept her head level and her bloods want for combat in check losing ones head in any combat could mean death but she kept herself out of the meld she didn't need to let the other Jedi feel how she felt it would mess up what they where trying to do. As she made her way down the street her lightsabers deflecting blaster shots from maw troopers directly back at them as coms around caltin from fallen maw troops would call for back up a few streets down from his position. Calling for any and all nearby sith Lords to help take down this lone Jedi. Before the coms whent silent Amanda stood there catching her breath her lightsabers in her hands as the street she was on was covered in dead maw bodies along with a few city blocks behind her. She could sense Darksider presences on their way to her location she recentered herself using her breaths to regain stamina as she waited. For whoever came a lone Jedi master would make for an easy target in the mess of a battlefield.
ɴᴀɢᴀɪ ᴅᴜᴇʟɪsᴛ


The Sith Apprentice seemed determined to try and get into Jand's mind, verbally.

It was an interesting tactic, but not one that Jand was particularly gullible to, as he had heard much worse. When Malum Marr told the Padawan to submit to his betters, that was when the Nagai decided it was time to disregard his Jedi sensibilities; especially with the insult that Jand would willingly forfeit his freedom to another, in subservience.

The cart seemed to work somewhat, which Jand used to his advantage to move.

Malum Marr continued to shout, verbally attacking.

Then Jand had closed the distance and the pair engaged in lightsaber combat.

"I could believe you are a noble," Jand muttered, as he clashed against the defensive Sith. "You sound pompous and self-righteous enough."

Malum lashed out with elbow.

Jand took the hit to his face... and at the same time swept both his lightsabers in opposing sweeps aimed to bisect the Sith's midsection from both left and right. If the opponent was going to waste time trying to break a nose, then the Padawan would strike for kills all day, every day. Yet, even as the crunch of cartilage and blood began to flow, Jand became very aware of--


--and across the way, beyond Jand's immediate fight, he witnessed Starfall unleash on Corazona in a lethal display of brutality. There was also a bright beam of light that sliced through the atmosphere some distance away, as a flow of the light side could be felt, and Jand knew that meant the cleansing weapon had been activated.

There was no more time.

Goading Jand about his confidence wouldn't work, not when a promise had been made to a Jedi Master, which superseded the opinion of a Sith Apprentice. Corazona had just taken a deadly hit. It had to be now.

"Agent, new target," Jand called, as he hoped to get Dominik Borra Dominik Borra 's attention, and hopped back and disengaged. "Keep his highness busy - I need to engage Starfall."

Without waiting for a pithy comment from Malum Marr, Jand channeled the Force through his body and flipped through the air, his distance incredibly far with the combination of natural dexterity and assistance. Jand had no doubt the Agent would keep his back covered, though the arrival of Marr's guard could pose other problems. Still, as the Padawan's boots slushed down into the mud, he rolled and jumped toward Starfall and Corazona--


--and with a shout, Jand aimed a crash-tackle into the monster and tried to use his weight and momentum to separate the two. Corazona had been in a position to stab Starfall through the chest, but the risk had been too great, especially with the dark sider so close and with hands on the blonde Padawan.

Jand rolled and slid to his feet, as he brought his lightsaber blades up and pointed them at Starfall.

"You face me now," the Padawan said with a growl, cold stare on the dark sider. "And my powers have doubled since we last fought."

With teeth gritted, Jand kicked up a splash of mud, and launched at Starfall, blue blades whirling and crackling through the rain...

{Stay back, Cora - she will not hurt you anymore.}


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