Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Finally Back


Insert Hilarious Title Here
Well, the past few days have kept me pretty busy, but I have finally managed to get back online.

I apologize for the sudden absence, but I will get back to everyone's posts today; same with my alts.


Insert Hilarious Title Here
I know, right?
I'm just garbage. My shame levels have risen to the point where my real life has collapsed around my ears.
[member="Julius Octavian"]
[member="Nyx"], you should probably consider extreme measures at this point, like quitting your job and possibly applying for food and rental assistance so you can commit to the community.


Insert Hilarious Title Here
You're right! Everything I have worked up to at this point in my life is useless!
I might as well just lock myself into my room with my computer and a lifetime supply of Monster.
[member="Julius Octavian"]


Insert Hilarious Title Here
How could I have forgotten?! The two best substances on this planet!
My roommate can handle rent, I have priorities, dammit!
[member="Julius Octavian"]

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