Leea patiently spoke with the droid; they seemed understanding enough and indeed was quite helpful. From it, the seeker learned the frequency for any emergency communication. She hoped it wouldn't be necessary,
Though if I get into a tough spot, I can always try to reach Talohn.
Perhaps more important than the security of comm, the droid explained the goal of this training; supplied her with a rebreather and climbing equipment, and further still advised her as to where a beginning location may be found. The retired soldier was accustomed to carrying a decent pack and she found the tools an easy burden to bear.
This additional weight was soon put to use as the path indicated led towards a small cliff face and rough land. Pulling a pair of climb claws from the pack and began the ascent. "Not the first time I've had to do this. I'm surprised, I would expect the challenges to be more difficult." She spoke to herself to keep breathing.
"I guess this might be harder for someone who hasn't been fighting most of their life. Wonder what Jedi do when they aren't.... well being Jedi..." The craggy wall buckled for a moment and Leea froze, preparing herself for a drop. It never arrived, rather several rocks had shifted and loose soil and bits of stone sent falling. But nothing more than that, fortunately. Leea decided not to waste any more time on this particular section and swung sideways in a jilted motion. Clasping onto the wall beside the loosened portion, the initiate began climbing with adrenaline pumping through her veins. The last few seconds were perhaps the most difficult, Leea could feel her body beginning to wind back down.
Finally cresting the sheer cliff face, she rolled a few meters from edge. She lay still for a moment, her back complained about some sharp implement in the pack poking through the cloth of her shirt. Leea allowed the backlash from the little exertion to subside a bit before she picked herself up. Winded yet recovering, she tossed the claws into the backpack and continued the trek. It seemed the wall had been the difficult part though, as she soon found the small clearing with a rocky overhang as the droid had directed.
"Well, here we are. Time to find the first clue." So Leea began a thorough search of the area. She started with a small crumbling standing stone that stood opposite the overhang, seemingly defying the greater boulder to crush it. Seeing nothing on it or near it, the near-human dropped her pack next to it and began exploring the area. She examined the rocks that appeared most out of the ordinary, then the pathways as if there might be a sign based on previous travellers, and even the larger mountain further inland.
It took quite some time before the Mirialan exhausted all of her options and decided that there were no clues. Indeed the only thing of interest was the carving in the middle of the clearing, to obvious an answer for her when she had started. "What am I missing?" Pacing to and fro, she exclaimed, "There's nothing here that I've not already found. Two nests in the rocks. The holes I imagine were foundations or something. This scratching in the earth. I guess this is the most recent addition. Maybe that's it?"
The Mirialan realized she had to open herself to the Force. This was not a simple task of using survival skills and the physical senses to locate hidden caches. This was not a measure of mind or body, at least not primarily, it was a test of the Force.
Not really a test or measure, but an attempt to teach. Leea corrected herself.
Though she understood what was necessary, it was the actualization of that concept that stumped her. Finding a spot of tough grass she fell to her knees and focused on the Force. The calm serenity that she often felt when meditating enveloped her. In that moment the worries of life came at her, demanding attention and attempting with all the power of a star cruiser to drag her out of the trance. Battle, friends, responsibilities, even her own mind felt like it was vanishing as she patiently pushed away from the world. As she reached the point of tranquillity, that point where she began to feel the Force within herself and could begin to recognize its trickling influence in her past and future, Leea tried to turn her sense outwards. It was like trying to turn her mind inside out, or so it seemed. It was as if her concerns were just waiting for the opportunity and they flooded her in a flash. She had to start over. And so she did, over and over. As long as it would take.
Jacen Voidstalker
Serya Talith
Matsu Ike
Jend-Ro Quill
Light Rises
Talohn Atar