Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Finders Keepers

"Moridin" she repeated, the venom in her voice unmistakable.

"Bandit, get this ship ready for departure." the droid wheeled away and Mia holstered her blaster. Mia stared at the floor for a few moments, her eyes boring into the coin at her feet, unable to speak until the hum of the engine stirred her from her thoughts.

She picked up the coin from the floor. "I'll deliver your message, though I promise you, next time I see you I'm going to kill you and take that bloody sword back." There was only one way to kill a Sith like Moridin and that was to train bloody hard, and to find herself a force user willing to help train her. Once he was off the boarding ramp Mia retreated up it not taking her eyes off him as it raised and blocked him from her sight.

The rebuilder was not going to like this. She looked down at the Letetium in her hand and felt nothing but disgust, She had, despite it all come off better than she had with the sword, yet she felt like she had filed in everything that mattered.
Moridin laughed as the girl receded back into her ship and took off. The rain pelted him him and he quickly became soaked. The Sith didn't care of course, this little adventure had actually become far more fruitful than he originally expected. He had recovered his sword, and he had irked the Mandalorians even more than before.

The soldiers were now his primary enemies, they wanted to kill him with several of them actively hunting him. It was all according to plan of course, he wanted the Mandalorians riled up. He wanted them to come after him and everyone else, he wanted them to kill and slaughter their enemies. He hoped that none of them would be too idiotic enough to actually come after him, he would hate to put them down.

Softly Moridin began to whistle and walk away from the landing pad. The next few weeks would be interesting.

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