Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Finding Kahlil

Xos considered the statement about the Silvers, placing a hand on the chin of his mask in thought. He had heard of them most certainly, plenty, the Order of the Silver Jedi was well known enough. Their teachings might indeed be more fitting for the boy then his own, though he did believe at the same time they may not be as deeply ingrained into the light side as he was, it might be acceptable enough. And as Kahlil said, this was to protect his family. Xos was powerful, and skilled, as was their Senior Combat Instructor. But they were not Jedi teachers, neither of them had ever welded a lightsaber. The techniques were far different for them.

He nodded simply, "I would agree with them then." he said softly, "The Jedi are more militant then we are, and while I'm sure I could teach you to be deeper in the force, they can teach you to begin using it much more quickly. I am...much too patient to try and rush things, apologies for that. My Senior Combat Instructor is far quicker to act, but even so, you were taught by Sith. The Jedi resemble them much more then we do."

There was a pause as he furthered his thought, he still felt there was more to teach him. The Jedi felt like they could be the right choice, but he didn't feel certain about it. They could teach him something at least. Certainly begin the teaching. But, as he thought, there was something he could teach him they probably couldn't, he raised his head, "But, whether you go with them or us. Or both. There is something I believe I could teach you, something that is more fitting for combat. There are a few powers we Baran Do are well known for, combatively in particular, Whirlwinds, and-" he stood up, turned and with a hand he reached into the air, from it shot forth a massive strike of white lightning reaching high into the air before he shut his fast, "Lightning."

There was no change in his emotion in those moments, not even an upsetting of his calm demeanor to one attempting to force the lightning out under his command. He turned back and sat down again, "I hear one of our members was forbidden from using a version of it a long time ago, when they joined the Jedi. Plo Koon I believe was his name. Bit of history for you. It's an old technique, but a very powerful one. And there is no need for the fury or pain the dark side relies on. I don't know what the Silver Jedi would say of it though, I have not met them."

[member="Kahlil Zambrano"]
It was shocking, to pun the least, when Kahlil saw [member="Xos"] fire lighting from his fingertips. The ex-Sith had for a long, long time used lightning as his main weapon of choice, frying hundreds, if not thousands, of soldiers, Jedi, and even civilians long before he turned eighteen and left the Sith. He was intimately familiar with the skill. Or at least, the Sith version of it.

He nodded slow at the Kel Dur's words, truly in awe at the display. Not a single bit of the Master's emotions changed in the process, where as Kahlil would have surely found himself in a rage if he tried to use his own version now. "I don't.. I don't think that would be a good skill for me. I've spent my life using the far more violent version that I don't think I could ever change it." Did he want to learn it? Of course. But he didn't trust himself.

"But, wind. That, if it's possible, is something I'd like to very much learn."
Xos nodded as he said it would not be the skill for him. That was his decision, and it was a fair one. He imagined it could be too easy to confuse which was necessary, since by effect, they had very similar results, it was more the methods that were different. But perhaps another time, when Kahlil had spent a long enough time attuning himself to the light, becoming used to going without the dark side that he'd used for so long.

But Kahlil did bring up learning wind, "Yes, I certainly believe that can be done. It does require more practice then typical telekinesis however, I imagine first, it would be best to learn that. But it is certainly a useful skill. Especially against those you do not wish to harm." he responded. He had personally used it on some before, with the express purpose of disorienting them and keeping them in the air without actually harming them. Of course he knew Zabre Drurin had used it much more aggressively, throwing enemies with it rather then just lifting and confusing them. But to Xos, it was an excellent skill that once learned was quick and useful.

[member="Kahlil Zambrano"]
"I've never been the best at telekinesis, but maybe that's a good thing for this." Kahlil muttered as he nodded to [member="Xos"] , getting back into the meditative position he had been in earlier. If he was going to learn, he needed to figure out how to use the Light after all. "Where do we start?" He patiently waited for the Master to begin the lesson, his hazel eyes focused on the Kel Dur's mask.
Kahlil returned to prepare for meditation, well that was good. He was at least quick to return to practicing. Xos sat down again, folding his legs and breathing in and out slowly, "Splendid. First I want you to focus again, same as how we began. The way the force flows through you, and the world around us." as he spoke his words would slow down a bit, calm, cool, moving through the air like a whisper but present.

"Now feel how it moves in the air around us, how the air is ever so much like the force itself. Curving and slipping through creaks and crevices. How without it, much of life would die, but with it, it can flourish. Your eyes may be open or closed, it matters not except for your own help." Xos explained, he held out his own hand, a light touch on the air from a distance as it slowly began to curve, demonstrating something Kahlil might be able to sense, or at least notice the way the wind moved, "Now guide it, gently, like a hand in the water to alter the current. Let it flow, and then guide it to circle all the way around, giving it a push as you go."

Xos was patient, it was why he had started out his own so small and slowly, to give Kahlil a good feel for it as he went along.

[member="Kahlil Zambrano"]
A deep breath was taken by the young man as he closed his eyes, settling into the meditation under [member="Xos"] 's guidance. Again he began to let his sense of self go, feeling the Force around him. With purpose, with a goal, it changed for Kahlil. Surrendering himself completely was still unnatural, but guiding the Force, that was something he could better understand.

The ex-Sith raised his hand, brushing his fingers through the air. It was a gentle nudge, something that felt so different from the brutal way the Sith bent the Force to their will. It felt.. Calming. Right. Behind the Kel Dor the air twisted and turned. The young man had always been gifted in the Force, in a way few others were. It showed in his skill in Sith Sorcery, an ability few Sith could replicate.

And now as a sphere of air became visible, churning calmly in the air despite it's rapid revolutions, his raw power showed. The sphere detonated after a moment, sending a gust of air that threatened to upset the ground around it as the tall grass waved wildly. Kahlil's own hair whipped around his face as he opened his eyes, blinking at what he had done.
Xos watched the sphere appear, that was quick, but even as he watched this occur, the thing exploded causing Xos to lean back slightly. Fortunately it had done no damage, but it was still a sign to just where Kahlil really was. In spite of Xos's understanding that was a good sign for his power, but not necessarily his control, Xos let out a bit of a chuckle. It reminded him of when he had once had no control over his visions, powerful, but not under his command in the way it was now. This was just a bit less disastrous for Kahlil, another good thing.

He coughed to reset himself and waved a hand, "That was good actually." ​his voice was light hearted, he clearly didn't seem disappointed in the result, "You made it work it was just...not finished. But it was also a first go, so it definitely went better then normal for that. Care to try again?"

[member="Kahlil Zambrano"]
"It felt.. Natural." He mumbled a response to [member="Xos"] in his bewilderment. His spells had been anything but natural, twisting the very nature of the Force into an ugly, destructive power to kill and maim. It was all Kahlil knew, and to feel the Force respond to him as a friend instead of a slave opened his eyes to just how wrong and cruel the Dark truly was. His gaze lowered to his hands that had summoned so many evil things, staring in disbelief.

That was the power his family had pushed him to master.

He slowly clenched a fist as he nodded to the Kel Dor Master, closing his eyes as he again reached out to brush his fingers through the air. There was more certainty to his actions and it showed, as each attempt got better and better. His natural aptitude to the Force shown as he seemed to begin picking up the skill in relatively fast time. He was always one of the best with the Force among his peers.
"That is good, it's how the force should feel, a part of you and the world around you. Not only another tool." He commented as Kahlil mentioned how it felt. Xos watched patiently, calmly watching as [member="Kahlil Zambrano"] once again call to the force. Once again the air moved, he grew quickly. It had barely taken any time at all to go from having only recently turned to the light, to actually applying it in the world around him. He had learned already to guide instead of conquer.

After a few times of this, Xos nodded clearly pleasantly pleased,"This has certainly gone very well, very quickly." he said simply, "I think it's quite clear that as bad as your past has been, you have pushed through it. Whether in yourself, or only through the people of it, it may still follow you. But at least you have shown that it has no true control over you. And that in spite of dropping the dark side, you still show plenty strength, and skill, but in the light."

Xos looked up for a moment, "Strange information, but it is actually not typical for someone ingrained in the dark side to be quick to be powerful or skilled in the light. The reverse isn't true for most. I think how quickly you picked up again, is a very good sign."

[member="Kahlil Zambrano"]
"It's.. It's like something I wish I had access to growing up. Where I was taught to control and command I wished there was another way. And now that I have it.." Kahlil mumbled out his response, smiling wide as he closed his eyes again, feeling the force around him like an old friend. A friend that had watched him fall but was always there to help him break the addiction and recover. He turned the smile to [member="Xos"] as his eyes opened.

"Thank you, Master, for this."
Xos considered the response, yes, commanding was what they taught. The Sith didn't feel the way the force truly was, not that he would brag of his own philosophy on it. But all to often he heard of others conquering the force, empowering themselves as if they could force their way through it, when all that was necessary was to let the force come through them. Just be patient.

"You are quite welcome." The Sage responded, "It is always a pleasure to help in any way I can."

[member="Kahlil Zambrano"]
Kahlil again lifted his hand, the small smile on his face as he let the air twirl around his hand, his arm, and through his hair. He was enjoying this newfound connection to the Force. All it took was thinking about it in a different angle. He lowered his arm after a moment, blinking to [member="Xos"] curiously. "So, what now?" The young man would just go back to his life as a spacer if Xos had nothing else, but he hoped there would be something more.
Xos chuckled at the response, it was amusing to watch when people learned new talents. Particularly like this. It felt like a clean happiness to him. Not the harsh joy of a battle, like Zabre had had. Or the cruel joy of sadism that some people possessed. Just a pure, pleasant joy. The man posed a question and Xos had to bring himself back from contemplating on the emotion.

"Well, it is up to you. We could help teach you, the Baran Do, while most of us cannot see from your perspective, we know the force very well. And I do believe meditation is still one of the best ways to truly hone oneself to it, and it's something we practice very much. You would be free to leave of course, as all of our members are, though unless you can be considered officially a Sage, you would not be acting with any authority of the Baran Do." he answered, "And/or, you may seek out the Silver Jedi as you mentioned. They may too serve as a good way to strengthen you, and prepare you for what is to come. But know that our doors will be open either way."

[member="Kahlil Zambrano"]
"I will go to the Silvers. I have to. My family.. They need to be stopped. And I can help the Silvers do it." He nodded his head in confirmation of his plan, mostly to himself. [member="Xos"] had given him hope that even a Zambrano could touch the light, and not get burned. Kahlil lifted his gaze back to the alien, smiling warmly. "But, when I can finally enjoy peace.. I will come to the Baran Do to learn. If, of course, you would have me."
Another nod, that was reasonable. Help the Silvers, help himself, protection was important. The patience ways of the Baran Do would probably take to long to train him to where he needed to be in this kind of situation, more importantly their resources were not nearly as vast as the Silver Jedi, who were doubtless far larger and could help Kahlil far more when it came to war.

"Our doors will always be open to those of good intentions." Xos answered with a bow of his head as Kahlil mentioned willing to come to learn with them if they'd have them once he was able to properly enjoy peace, "And I shall most certainly wish you well on your quest. I have no doubt it will be difficult. But the force is strong, and the dark side has fallen before, no matter the strength of the individuals it takes hold off." he said preparing to stand up. It seemed his job here was about done for now. Perhaps one day they would be able to meet again. But perhaps for now, what was needed to be done was done, unless there was something more. And it made Xos feel rather joyful with the result, though he understood the gravity of Kahlil's situation.

[member="Kahlil Zambrano"]

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