Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Finding Noriko

Just like Kana had promised herself she too left the temple at every turn possible. In this case it was important business. With the order in turmoil and with so many losses there were just as many padawans out there with nowhere to go. Some of them turned to the dark side and others simply turned off-grid. Needless to say any action to get the lost herd back would be worth it.

In this case Kana had been tasked with finding one ‘[member="Noriko Ike"]’. Judging by the picture on her datapad there was the chance that this meeting would be interesting to say the least as the info told of tattoos and piercings. Kana lowered her datapad, there was a distinct lack of either of those around here. Maybe this mission wouldn’t prove too hard after all.

She could always ask the locals for help but just this once it would probably be a good idea for Kana to sense her way there and she did just that. Letting the force quite literally guide her Kana made her way through town until she eventually found herself standing in front of the town square. All around her there were shops of all kinds. Electronics and Hardware stores, even Tattoo and piercing parlors.

She held her pad at shoulder height as she tried to compare the image on it with everyone around her. It must have looked rather silly to the others. A quiet woman in the middle of a square just spinning around and eyeballing everyone without saying a word. But it was worth it, before Kana knew she saw her. A tattooed girl, pierced with a partially shaved head. Kana lowered her pad for a second before quickly raising it again for good measure. There was no doubt about it, this must have been the ‘Noriko Ike’ that she had been sent to find.

Kana slowly made her way towards the girl and got rid of the datapad. This was without doubt going to be a really, really embarrassing moment for Kana. To just speak to a stranger as if it was nothing. She wondered if this was what Shaw had felt like when he had found her on Alderaan.

“Excuse me.” Kana tried to get the girl’s attention. “I'm looking for a Noriko Ike, you wouldn't happen to know her would you?”

Who just asks something like that? She could just as well have outright asked if she was a jedi. Kana sighed internally, what a mess.
[member="Kana Truden"]

TAL-05 looked up with a whirring sound as the remote for communications and scouting observed its master. An easy to get remote here on the planet that would allow Noriko who was sitting there getting another ring in her nose. The darker skinned atrisian hadn't been like this when she was on Tython she had had the hair sure but the tattoo's and piercings had come after Empress Teta when she had no master. For now the training remote observed her look up brushing a bang on her right side going over her eyes. The left side of her head shaven with it long in the back then a tattoo going down the back of her neck from the ear to her spin and into the robes. "Why are you looking for her? She hasn't been needed or thought about by jedi since her master disappeared."
“Jedi, huh? Well, I guess my cover has been blown.” Kana straightened the cuffs of her jumpsuit. “I’ll get down to it then. I looking for her because we want to offer her a place in our order again.”

Kana gave the young woman the most serious look that she could muster. She never were one for these things but there had to be at least some form of professionalism when it came to order business. It would be expected of a knight after all.

“The choice to stay or go would hers to make, of course, I am merely here to deliver the message.” Kana raised her eyebrows and tilted her head in a nod. “The Republic has recently started a recovery effort and needless to say we could use all the hands we can get.

There are a few knights available, me included, who are more than willing to take her on as a student.”

[member="Noriko Ike"]
[member="Kana Truden"]

The remote watched the reaction, more interest on his masters face then he thought would be there or needed. The sound when she finally spoke bringing its attention around. "She never left, merely didn't go to Ossus. Tython was a home and then everyone, everything on it was taken away to... Well there was never an actual reason except because they could.... and the only ones who really wonder about the Ike family are jedi. Wanting to find the secrets Matsu walked away with or at least where she put some of the more dangerous things." The woman was smiling now and rose up standing at her full height but she was still short.

The remote was watching though and had a small look at Noriko as she stood there cocking a hip to the side. "Or perhaps you are here for her old master? For Vulpesen who fought and bled for the jedi then watched as his work was villianized and judged as evil but ones doing far worse or using the darkside were praised. Were lifted up on shoulders simply because their friendships and noses were browner then the robes jedi wear." A raised eyebrow brought her for a quick wink and licking her lips to show a tongue piercing with a mini crystal on it that vibrated with the force. "Looking at it now I can see why he disappeared choosing somethign else then selling himself."

"That you want a jedi to come back means either the Ike's are looked on well again or desperate... Since the Grandmaster is not here demanding I tell her where my cousin hid her secrets. I am guessing the third option of you want to have students who believe in the cause more then just the power. Who won't turn to the darkside easily and knows how to fight the sith. The other options are just there for shoow." Now the remote chirped as Noriko flicked her one ring and raised an eyebrow speaking. "So are you going to be my master if I go and stay on Ossus forfeiting my ship for a room and bed since padawans are almost confined to the world?"
Kana nodded as the woman went on with her her story. It was understandable that she was disillusioned like this. To lose a home was a familiar feeling, at least to this knight. Kana couldn’t speak much for the girl’s master though since Kana hadn’t really really spent all that much time with hers.

Still, Kana found her cocky attitude worrisome but that was something that could be changed or turned into a positive. Personally for Kana it had felt that it was a subtle transition. While not entirely the same as this girl Kana had still managed to grow up immensely over the course of just a few months at the temple. Maybe not by much, she still did stupid mischief like ‘borrowing’ ships. [member="Corvus Raaf"] should know, Kana ‘borrowed’ her ship for this trip after all, again.

“I assure you that I am neither here to force you into anything nor debate whether the actions and experiments of Master Vulpesen are to be deemed evil or not.” Kana brushed the concern aside with a sweeping hand motion. “I am simply here to find you and if possible - or desired - bring you back as my padawan.”

Then Kana remembered the mention of a ship.

“As for your ship I don’t think there is any need to worry.” Kana nodded calmly. “There has been recent padawans who were allowed to keep their ships after coming to Ossus.”

Kana was of course referring to [member="VlPER"] who was allowed to keep the Quasar Light while still a padawan. He was a knight now of course but he was a good tell of what rules needed to be changed. Oh yes, Kana herself would very much like to buy her own ship but with the rules being what they were and her income being what it was there had been little chance for that.

“If you travel to Ossus with me - as my Padawan - then I can see about making room in the hangars for your ship. Provided we’re not talking something in the style of a Star Destroyer.”

A quick joke to lighten the mood.

“If I take you under as my padawan you’ll be treated with freedom if that is what you want. As long as you’re clear about where you are going and why as well as with whom. I would not and will not send a Padawan off alone without the help of at least one other person to keep a track of them and cover their back.”

Especially not since the ‘incident’ before Rhen Var and particularly not after Kana’s trip to Faustin with Bellalika. It was simply far too dangerous.

[member="Noriko Ike"]
[member="Kana Truden"]

"You make a lot of promises but in the end what can you really do?" The remote was looking at her now as it turned to scan the woman who was with it and its master. Her grey eyes were curious while it heard its master continue on. "Ossus is not.... Interesting there a so many temples and so many places that the jedi built throughout the Republics space and yet you confine yourself to a single place. What about the mountains of Arkania where the temple is snow swept and used to teach Tapas? What about the temple rebuilt on Cularin? Or the converted temple on Dxun to teach beast training? The jungles of Mimban and the temples there"

"So many worlds touched by the jedi and forgotten about, so many worlds people bled trying to construct centers of learning that have been deemed... No longer wanted. Even on worlds like Rhen Var where the temple was abandoned and left to be over taken by cultists, the worlds of the Deep Core that holds mysteries the jedi have ignored and allowed other things to move in." The remote heard a small huff asit turned back to see its master cross her arms and holding in her hand now the saberstaff. "Or far flung off in the Unknown regions only being wanted when the council threatened a darkside artifact and using it against my family."

That had made her annoyed and possibly her talking with Vulpesen about it had helped influence him... The remote had the meeting between them recorded as well as it flew over her shoulder and chirped before it was moving after Noriko. "I see no reason not to come back with you, the offer of a master, the offer of being a jedi is a welcomed one but I see no value in Ossus. The council is gone dissolved to make it easier for one to have no one question, the vaults are empty, cleared so only one can have the jedi's works and the halls of the temples are either crowded or bare to keep control. I prefer my freedom here in the galaxy."

The remote kept going and floating while its master was going of towards the nature preserve. "I prefer master to actually use what we built and that is why.... That is how I have been surviving. Temples and outposts forgotten, left behind full of food with enclosed systems for water and power, fuel for ships and comfy beds. Might not be the best but for the jedi who remember it is a welcomed time. I doubt many others remember why my cousin was considered dangerous and had to be hunted. It matters little she holds no grudges which is why many jedi in those temples, many jedi who still know her leave her be." The remote was looking at the trees and the large area.

"So if I come with you we aren't going to Ossus, I'd rather and I'd prefer we use one of the many temples that aren't crowded. Who knows maybe much like others you could have credit given for 'recovering' a jedi temple and be praised. I'll remember it easily enough." The remote floated up looking down and around, the ship its master used was on the other end of the nature preserve and she was going towards it while also getting into the thicker trees. Going back over its masters shoulder she was going around and looking at the thick trees. "So what do you say to that?" Even the remote could feel the humor in her voice while there was the saber staff in her hand.
Kana could see the sentiment in that Ossus wasn’t particularly interesting. She had after all spent way too much time in that place for it to become just like any other home. A really cramped home feeling much like the same old. Really, Kana hadn’t intended for Noriko to spend too much time on Ossus as she had. There were things to be seen out there, even for Padawans.

As the girl told of how she had gotten around the galaxy Kana simply nodded in approval. The girl was clever, maybe a bit too proud of herself but considering what she had gone through to survive it was more admirable and understandable than anything else.

Kana arched her eyebrows at the mention of Rhen Var and gave her saber hilt a glance. It had after all been built there, just like it had been for most of the people she knew. To see the girl be this knowledgeable about jedi history was certainly good and Kana found herself torn at the girl’s counter-offer.

Whereas Kana could understand the will not to be bound to Ossus it was still Ossus and as such it was the Jedi’s home, Kana’s home. Then again, to travel the galaxy wouldn’t be such a bad idea, would it? Kana covered her mouth with her hand as she thought on it. The other places were made by and for jedi and would probably have all the things they needed. What was on Ossus would probably still be in these places as well as potentially other things that weren’t available on Ossus.

“This is... “ Kana couldn’t really find the words for what she was thinking. “It’s a good idea in theory, but what about keeping track of you? You will undoubtedly move around a lot and I will have other Order business that I’d need to attend to.”

[member="Noriko Ike"]
[member="Kana Truden"]

The remote watched its masters face while she thought about it and standing there for a moment before she moved. "Well if you need to find me that is easy enough. Contact my ship and I'll be in it, Oh Five here is linked and can get me the message." There was a smile on its masters face and the remote chirped in agreement while it saw Noriko keep walking and finding one of the mine entrances. The jedi had come here and found plenty of things when investigating the woods and area. One had been the mine and Noriko started going in as she spoke for Kana. "Have you ever went down here? The phrik mines are a place to get some nice materials for equipment. I have been gathering what scraps I could for it."
The girl entered the cave yet Kana hesitated for a second. Now ships were cramped for the right reasons. Things like traveling and getting to places, also probably something aerodynamics. However, caves on the other hand they were cramped for all the wrong reasons. Spiders, bad memories and bad air. No, last time Kana was in a cave there were certainly bad memories to be had.

But then it dawned on her, “a jedi does not cling to the past”. Other jedi had tried and none of them had exactly gained from it. She sighed as she clenched her fist for a second before quickly letting the tension go.

“Here goes.” Kana whispered to herself as she entered the cave with [member="Noriko Ike"]. “So this thing they mine here. Anything I should know about it?”

Kana didn't even try to hide the fact that she had no idea what the girl was talking about.
[member="Kana Truden"]

emote switched to low light vision, taking in the cave while Noriko walked and spoke. "They mine phrik here and well it is strong, great against sabers for protection and when used right makes good armor. Very lightweight and durable... never know what it might be used for." The remote watched her keep going into the mine and she was grabbing some of the ore from a cart while getting deeper. Enough for some armor it was calculating would be enough given her size and that would be well worth it. All it really came down to was what her new master wanted to do as the remotre illuminated a corner of the cave and Noriko kept speaking. "Have you encountered phrik armor yet?"
"Not yet, no." Kana praticed her force sensing. There didn't seem to be any spiders here. Good. For the spiders. "So just to set things straight. This metal can resist ligtsabers?"

Kana was probably broadcasting her combat inexperience for all to see. Not that it was anything she took shame in, but it would linger in the way she talked and walked. So far the only battle where death was an option was on Rhen Var with the strange creatures and the spiders. If inner conflicts counted though, then perhaps 'every single day' was a bit too close to the truth than Kana wanted to admit.

"How come this cave hasn't been all but stripped clean at this point?"

Unless of course it had, Kana really had no idea.

[member="Noriko Ike"]
[member="Kana Truden"]

The remote kept watching and scanning the ore while its master spoke. "Because much like temples, bases and equipment it has been ignored and neglected. Only those who actually look at the past or in some cases the last recent months remember all the things we had." The remote chirped and moved coming to her hand while Noriko it watched started getting some of the ore for herself in a large container. "Getting enough of it for armor will make you a decent suit of armor and when used with the right equipment can turn it all into something good to wear for combat against the sith."
"Well, us jedi never cling to the past." Kana let the joke slip with a hint of nervosity. "So what kind of armor are we talking here?"

This 'phrik' metal sounded kind of cool. While the uses for it certainly were beneficial there was the worry that Kana would end up having to strap on some clunky metal heap that would hinder her movement. That was what she was all about after all, movement and grace took more focus for her than strength and domination. The armor that Kana would put on would have to adjust to that.

"I mean, I quite like the way my jumpsuit allows me to move so freely. It's the main reason why I wear it instead of a robe."

[ [member="Noriko Ike"] ]
[member="Kana Truden"]

"Phrik is very lightweight, when used in most armors thinner plates serve well enough. A thing container can even survive a planet exploding around it the metal can be that strong. You just have to have the want to practice in a suit but most have been able to make it into something useful." The remote noted a small smile while more of the ore was gathered and mining it for them became something easy to do, next would be the smelter to get it down into what they needed for making the armor later if she wanted any. The remote making notes of this and sending it to the datapad on the ship while Noriko spoke more. "You'd be protected against saber strike and able to take some hits but still have more weight then just a bodysuit."
It was a reasonable trade-off. Maybe a few more hours would have to be put into practice to get a feel for the armor but in the end it would most likely be worth it. There certainly were no doubts of that. Kana may be good in practice but seeing as her skills had never truly been put to the test there was no way for her to speak much for her chances. A bodysuit of this stuff could be a life saver.

“This is going to sound weird, a knight asking a padawan for help, but…” Kana took a deep breath. “I want this. Do you know how to do all this? I would certainly appreciate the help.”

It was best to be upfront about it. Having little experience with anything outside of the temple had it’s negatives.

“My experiences beside that of which I learned at the temple is… Limited.”

[member="Noriko Ike"]
[member="Kana Truden"]

The remote hovered looking at the master of its master as Noriko spoke more getting some of the ore. "Yeah I can help you, I know a few things about making armor and what I don't know I let the jedi designers who know make." The remote recorded and noted the small look at her. "Another thing forgotten, there was a large research division and design team who used junk to make equipment for the jedi. They arne't used anymore and like me drifted away to places no one pays attention to." The remote stayed with her as they came to another tunnel and going out of it exited the mine with the ore and her ship was there. The defender class with some of the other jedi who Noriko made use of. The remote joining others while it fluttered around beeping but watching its master. "This is my ship, there should be enough to make you some armor as well."
Well this was a bit of an inconvenience. The thought that they’d not only have to bring one ship with them but two had passed Kana completely. Then again, Noriko wasn’t going to Ossus like Kana. The deal was after all that Noriko would be free to roam the galaxy as long as Kana had constant updates of her whereabouts. It didn’t seem like too bad of an idea.

“I’ve been thinking about our arrangement, Noriko.” Kana walked next to her. “I have other padawans in need of my help on Ossus, but from what I’ve seen and heard I think you’d be more than capable of handling yourself out there.”

“So if you want it I would take you on as a Padawan, but only as long as we keep to the deal. You tell me where you are and what you’re doing and in return I will be here for you whenever you need my help or guidance.”

“What do you say?”

[ [member="Noriko Ike"] ]
[member="Kana Truden"]

The remote continued to look at it and linked to the ship, uploading what information it had while its masters image was updated adding the new tattoos and piercings to the image. Her master was there talking and now it was all about what they could do as it hovered back over and listened. "That works for me, I am going to be heading to Rhen Var, need to search and make sure the outpost there isn't infested again. Then going to the deep core, the planets there relied on jedi aid and information to help with their conditions. Without the jedi bringing in moisture farms and parts the desert worlds are thirsty, the supplies they provide going to unsavory ones who can get them the supplies. I'll be at the temple there for awhile checking on some other things. If you need me I'll be on the comlink." The remote made sure its masters master had the information, the numbers and codes to get ahold of her while it beeped.
“Rhen Var you say?” Kana retrieved the saber hilt from her belt and held it out for Noriko to see. “I actually built my saber there. If I think on it I can still feel the hellish cold weather on that planet.”

She clipped it to her belt again before retrieving the pad she had brought. The droid had filled it with updated information and Kana nodded as she went over the information. She had all the data necessary to keep up and Noriko’s approval. As far as Kana was concerned this could be a rather easy padawan to teach. She had the jedi code down already so thankfully she didn’t need to repeat that lesson again.

“So we get this to your ship, plan the armor and then… Do we start preparations to build it?”

[member="Noriko Ike"]
[member="Kana Truden"]

"Building it is easily, my cousin knows how best to work for armor and equipment." The remote watched her while she was going inside the ship and motioned with her hands for her master to come and join her. "There are always some good ideads for armor but it all comes down to how you want it to look, Rhen Var is easily navigated wearing a bodyglove and some face gear." The remote went into the the briefing room's display was there while the research team was working to input some new data. "Do you have any preferences."

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