Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Finer Things


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Tai Fa"] seemed to hesitate for a moment before he spoke. No doubt he was trying to figure out what to say. Sometimes words didn't come so easily. She had times like that herself.

Taking another sip of her tea, she thought about just what types of ships she could be after. The Commenori stay home. That is our philosophy. We are not a warring people, yet defending ourselves is key. There are no plans for pre-emptive strikes on anyone, nor would we use military means to govern another planet. Diplomacy is key. Which brings me to a personal request. I have one diplomatic vessel, but two are needed. Do you have any that could be made available?" Veiere had lost his on Voss, as well as his pilot. And as the future King of Commenor, he needed another one.
[member="Lady Kay"]

Now this was something Tai was more comfortable with.

Whilst Humbarine was more than able to provide Commenor with what it needed in terms of military prowess, there was a subtle difference between civilian-grade diplomatic ships and the large behemoths that clouded the sky and rained hellfire upon worlds and other ships. As a Sith he had no issue with it, but as a gentlebeing he saw it as a waste of resources.

Besides arming someone other than himself always put him in a mood, but sadly these days he was a neutral entity. Money must be made and by supplying Commenor with portions of its Navy, their ties would strengthen even more.

"Oh, yes, this is something that could certainly be done." Tai responded after a moment of thought and then a nod. "What requirements do you have for this ship? We can certainly make something brilliant."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay smiled as [member="Tai Fa"] had agreed to work on a vessel for her, and one that was far more personal to her than something for Commenor's navy. She sipped her tea, tilting her head to the side a bit as she thought of the different specifications for Veiere's ship that he would both require and appreciate. It might of been wiser for her to get his input on the matter, but she wanted it to be a surprise, one of her wedding gifts for him.

"Well, I would want something not too imposing in appearance. It should be heavily shielded as at times he will jump into the start of a war in order to try to have it end diplomatically. It will also need to be quick, maneuverable, plus have ample space for supplies and living quarters for long flights. Any other add ons, I'm sure that we could approach you with them when the time comes. This is a surprise for my husband-to-be. So I hope that you can understand the reason for my lack of specifics."
[member="Lady Kay"]

A soft inclination of the head followed in a sign of understanding.

"Of course, your Highness, I understand completely." The Thirriken responded with a knowing smile, before pondering the specifications that she requested already. It was doable, of course. They would have to make some trade-offs here and there, it would probably not be as heavily-armed as most ships could be?

But that wasn't truly necessary for a diplomatic vehicle either.

In fact it would probably be prudent to not have any weapon emplacements at all. After all, a military-grade ship tracked consequences, whilst even the most aggressive regime thought twice about assaulting a diplomatic civilian ship.

"How large would you like it to be?" A frigate would presumably be a bit too large for such a thing.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay tilted her head to the side a bit as she pondered on the size of the vessel. Her eyes were drawn up to the ceiling at times, as though the answers were written on it. They weren't, however. But in her mind she was trying to imagine it. She had her own ship, The Free Lady. It was a modified YT-1300 freighter and served her well enough. Maybe something similar would do.

"My own ship is a modified freighter. It's been well enough for me. But I must admit that I'm not well versed in the many types of ships out there. It's like another language to me." She was the same when it came to various weapons as well.

[member="Tai Fa"]
[member="Lady Kay"]

In his mind a corvette would be the best thing.

But then again, there was also something to be said about propriety. Perhaps it wouldn't be proper to give the finer and greater ship to the consort of the Queen, instead of the Queen herself. It could raise eyebrows and make positions more complicated to uphold. That was the issue with politics and nobility.

There were always complications.

"I will see if I can have my people draw up some plans, your Highness." Tai finally responded. "With that being said, I think we have made good work towards a common framework between our two nations."

The smallest of shrugs followed soon after.

"Unless something escapes me, I think we can conclude this meeting for now. Unless you have something else we need to discuss?"


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
"That would be lovely, Lord Fa, thank you." She hoped that the ship would be ready in time for her wedding celebration. But truth be told, she didn't know how long it would take. Perhaps if she had a holo-image of it, then that'd be enough for when she'd let her husband-to-be know of her gift for him.

Kay finished her tea and set it aside as she got to her feet, bowing her head to [member="Tai Fa"] . "I believe that we can have an agreement drafted up. I'll send it to you once it's finished to see if any changes need to be made. But I'm very happy for your generosity and the extension of friendship and business between our worlds. Would you like me to see you out, Lord Fa?"

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