Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Finis the villian

NAME: Finis the villian
FACTION: The black sun
RANK: no idea
AGE: 30
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5 ft
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Black
SKIN: White


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ Inteligance: Finis is extremly inteligant , and can easily stratagize his way out of any situation.
+ Gunslinger : Finis is highly skilled with light blasters due to the fact that he needed to use one all his life
+ Persuasive: If there was a piece of worthless junk on the ground most likely Finis could make a good cause
+/- Sinister/ greedy: Finis is considered to be one of the most evil and heartless beings out their. killing with no remorse just to gain power. But, this greed and ambition can also cause deals of trouble if Finis bites off more then he can chew.
+/- Aggressive: Finis takes what he wants no matter the cost.
- not impressive in a physical fight
- besides using a blaster finis has very little combat training
- drug attic: any spice , alcohol, or illegal substance is drastically needed in order for him to function in everyday life
APPEARANCE: short, thin , with brown eyes, and black hair

BIOGRAPHY: Finis's family had always been karking criminals through out their lives. Unlike other's, finis wanted to corrupt ,and control planets. Finis currently lives in a luscious estate that is inherited by his family of spice dealers. This would be his base of operation, his seat to corrupt and control his soon to be planet, Nal Hutta. This ludicrous villain has expanded his enterprise, not only to spice, or deathsticks. But now to small arms, and mercenaries. Finis may work for the black sun, but for how long? This crime lord has a vast network of spies throughout Nal Hutta in order to keep the planet closer within his grip. While at the moment he only has control over a small portion of the planet. Eventually, he aims to control more of his godforsaken home planet. Finis is considered a robber baron , and therefore supports capitalism. Overall, if any being intends on messing with this crime lord they had better be prepared, or risk being fed to his akk dogs! Not many can outsmart this master of crime!

SHIP: Kirtok class Attack Ship

Items: Estate in Nal hutta, e-11 blaster, Fine cloths , ownership to many companies ( will post these companies when applicable)

Pets: 2 Akk dog's ( Marty, and Winston very furcious)

KILLS: Mainly employees that need to be disciplined

BOUNTIES COLLECTED: Finis gives the bounties


ROLE-PLAYS: none yet
[member="Ragnar Ordo"]

*puts you in the car seat buckles you in then drives off to the horde* You will love it there, there's cute anime girls, genocide, giant brains in jars. Trust me you'll love it
[member="Ragnar Ordo"] Really you can be whatever you want, I can always use mercs and stuff but if the horde and mandos ever fight again it would be best if you side with them. But yeah you can be a part time member

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