Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Fire Lotus Cup

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[font='Georgia] Syndicate: Fire Lotus Cup [/font]​

What we'll be doing
As some of you may or may not know. Syndicate will be doing it up for the event. We'll be running gambling and betting for the events and taking a cut of every bet placed as well as offering lavish prizes and loot boxes for those who participate. It'll be a bar type thread where everyone can place their bets and socialize with everyone. But it'll be our jobs to make sure nothing too crazy happens and maintain peace. We want to walk away from this having made money, since ICly our organization is hurting for cash at the moment. Feel free to participate in the events but Blonde will strictly be watching the events on site and tending to the gambling.

Additional Ideas
So there's other stuff that we could be doing for the Fire Lotus Cup. I think personally we should have an underground Shockboxing tournament, but that's just me. Feel free to enter any other ideas or thoughts you may have and we'll see if we can make it happen.
Maybe we can connect to the Pod Racer event, and sell the racers some tech under the table. Illegal items that will give them an edge, and if they pay us, we could have operatives sabotage specific pods or racers.

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