Lizard-Bird Arms Dealer

Nar Shaddaa - Industrial Sector
Today was the big day. The event that would kick-start his career in the arms business like a rocket up the rear end. Okh-Verg had been preparing for today for weeks now, the hybird having spent day and night over the period brokering deals to get enough armaments to sell to make his own little slice of profit. All of this, of course, was kept immensely on the down low, as quiet as a bunch of semi-intelligent arms dealers and even more lacking in the mental department thugs could keep. Regardless, here they all were, shops or as close to that sort of set up they could in the little derelict section of the industrial sector. Various species armed with various armaments and, for the most part, despite most of these gutter runners being in the employ of various small-time crime bosses and the larger groups being there on behalf on one Hutt or another, things seemed to be going rather smoothly... For now.
Despite not being sponsored by one man or another and not accompanied by any guards of this own at all, Okh-Verg had everything planned out. Whilst not exactly having an arsenal as big as some of the other vendors at this unofficial and unsanctioned arms deal meetup, the Trandoshan-Fosh hybrid certainly brought a few buyers his way; if for nothing more than his extensive knowledge on many of the weapons on display, although his looks left more to be desired, though it did receive a few glances from one thug or another. He was different, that much was sure, perhaps that was simply part of the enticing bargain that might lure a customer over to his little corner, having been more so shoved out of the way for the bigger players in the game to take the space.
Someone was bound to notice the noise or the mass gathering in this usually quiet part of the sector. There was going to be a shakedown or something of the sort sooner or later, though it seemed to be covered by the mass of thugs maintaining security for their assigned bosses of the day. Okh-Verg, on the other hand? Close to his reach lay a single ACP Repeater, a weapon that he had 'borrowed' from his father all those years ago when he ran away from the shattered apartment he called home. If that wasn't enough, he could easily just grab something from his shipments.
This was going to be a walk in the park.
[member="Ar'ekk"] | [member="Koda Fett"]