Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Firenne Van-Derveld

[member="Judah Lesan"] Secretly? Everyone? Get yer hands of my genes :p

[member="Marek Starchaser"] *glares* Remind me again who are you.

[member="Judah Lesan Jr."] No

(Disclaimer: All Van Dervelds are currently human. This is all in good fun. Nobody get any funny ideas.)
Curupira Hawk said:
That makes perfect sense, [member="Judah Lesan"]. Hope you've learned your lesson since then.
Well considering I let Vega talk me into going to Dathomir with him just so he could fall back to the Sith and be the only Jedi there surrounded by three Van-Dervelds (though Vega had pretty much skewered Cat)... I learned it is best to stay away unless you want to have a short life...

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